A Case Study On "Unilever in India: Hindustan Lever's Project

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A case study on “Unilever in India:

Hindustan Lever’s Project

Shakti-Marketing FMCG to the Rural Consumer

Presented by:
Pongu Th (p20191)
Lohe Lokayia (20291)
Saira Sulfiker (p20255)
Amil Haseeb Ali (p20105)
Project Shakti by HUL.
HUL started project Shakti in 2001.
HUL created a social impact.
HUL created economic impact.
HUL created opportunities for under privileged women.
Project Shakti influenced in rural markets.
Challenges of Project Shakti
Competitors in Rural India.
Project to reach 5,00,000 Villages.
Cost of training has risen.
Government barriers different for every region.
Due to the early difficulties, women are dropping out.
Managing project Shakti in the long run
Select -> Train -> Motivate -> Evaluate -> Modify
No channel strategy remain effective over a long course
of time. Hence constant modification is necessary
Customer data on low income rural group is very limited.
So they designed a GPS and density mapping technology
to design its rural supply chain and sales network
They should map population density to build a flexible
supply chian
Motivation for Project Shakti
HLLs motivation for the Shakti initiative was - HULS
declining growths of profits in urban markets had identified the
need of exploring the untapped rural markets and wealth.

To financially empower rural women and create

livelihood opportunities for them.

TheCompany wants to enhance livelihoods of rural

Values Created by Shakti Project:

New opportunities
for rural women 15% of Rural Greater accessibility.
Social Value

Economic Value
Improve health and Turnover.
Increasing revenue.
hygiene. Introduction of low-
One to one endorsers

Bottom Line
Better platform to unit-price packs.
Annual income for with local influencers.
transform. Better reach to final
Enhancing around 12000
women. customers.
Promoting Improving the rate of
investment effectiveness and
advance technology.
opportunity. efficiency.
Social Impact:
 Women empowerment.
 Better source of income generation.
 Emergence and availability of quality products.
 Door to door delivery system.
 Sustainable livelihood for the rural women.
Benefits on the role of Business:
Keen insight to the untapped market.
Creating Brand Awareness in rural area.
Emphasis on analyzing the consumer behavior.
Gain consumer loyalty.
• Shakti should continue as it is providing HLL a distinct
competitive edge and increase HLL‟s profits and growth.
• Promote the concept through local opinion leaders in areas
where acceptability is low
• Use mobile trends, SMS and calls for awareness
• Establish a standardized training platform across different states
• Offer credit to the local entrepreneurs to increase sales of the
Organizing workshops to enhance the marketing abilities of the
Shakti Entrepreneurs.
In a diversified country like India, the critical path to
success would be reaching out to the grassroots consumers
and localizing products and sales techniques. This was done
successfully with Shakti Project.
Since Project Shakti started growing so big the current
structure needs to be adjusted. Focusing Shakti in selective
districts and prioritizing efforts in existing entrepreneurs
will generate higher revenues with minimal increase in

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