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Basics of Information Technology

Some Facts about

The first computer
ENIAC weighed more
than 27 tons and was
1800 square feet high.

Doug Engelbart invented the first

ever mouse in 1964 which was
made of wood.
There are more than 5000
computer viruses released every

The first 1GB hard disk drive

was announced in 1980
which weighed about 550
pounds, and had a price tag
of $40, 000.
Speed : Computers
are very fast. They
can execute basic
operations like
addition and
subtraction in a few
Accuracy :
Computers are
very accurate. If
data entered into
the computer and
the instructions
processing are
correct, the results
produced will be
Introduction to Basics of
Information Technology
Computer consist of devices to enter ,
store and process data and give the
desired result.
o Data
It refers to the raw facts and figures that are processed by
the computer. It is processed in the computer
according to given set of instructions.
o Information
The processed data.
High storage
capacity: Computers
can store a huge
amount of
information in a
small physical space.
This information can
be retrieved instantly
when needed.
Diligence: Being a machine , a computer does not suffer from boredom, tiredness,
or lack of concentration .Even if millions of calculations are to be performed , it
will perform the last calculation with the same accuracy and speed as the first one .
Cannot take
Computers cannot
think. Computers
cannot take a
decision by
themselves. They
need to be given
instructions to
perform a task.
Not adaptable:
Computers are not adaptable.
They perform tasks in a given
sequence that cannot change
according to circumferences.
Aarush Malik
Manasvi Singh
Harshita Panday

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