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Why Awareness?

Self-awareness Self-defensive

Self-understanding Self-deception

Self-acceptance Self-rejection

Self-responsibility Self-irresponsibility

Growth Psychological Death
Psychological Growth
Means different things to different people.

For some people it means greater freedom to do what they want,

live as they want and pursue their interest.

Others seek to understand themselves better, better develop their

personal capacities, experience new things.
Psychological Growth
Self – awareness

 Being conscious of the unique quality of oneself and one’s experience.

 Being aware of one’s strengths and weaknesses.
 The difference of each person, clashes of ideas and opinions makes one
then become aware of his uniqueness and as how his individual
experiences shape his own attitudes and opinions.

Self – understanding

 The knowledge you have yourself.

 The ability to know or comprehend the things that are happening within
you and around you.
Self – acceptance

 Means saying “yes” to oneself, to take and receive yourself

with approbation, with approval.
 It is the attitude underlying the prayer; “God grant me the
patience to endure what I cannot change, courage to change
what I can and wisdom to know the difference.”
 It is not merely the passive folding of one’s hand but a very
positive affirmation of the human condition that we are not
perfect, we both have positive and negative traits.

Self – responsibility

 Refers to your obligation to do or take care of the gifts you

have which you are accountable for.
 Making sense, being productive.
Psychological Growth

 Individual person natures psychologically.

 Individual is filled with well-being and a sense of freedom wherein
positive feelings predominate.
 There’s willingness to acquire new skills, like a child learning how to
walk, dares to take a few steps, gradually acquiring more and more
confidence and moving even farther and farther. New skills arouse
new demands and expectations, which in turn acquire more skills.
Then, growth takes place.
Psychological Death
Occurs when the person begins to accept their death

To withdraw from others psychologically.

Less interested in normal activities, world events and social

Psychological Death
Self – defensive

 Inability to confront reality: sour grape, sweet lemon. He use this

defensive to prop up an insecure ego, to guard off further anxiety
which covers from self-confrontation.

Self – deception

 Deceiving oneself; perceives reality in his own peculiar way.

 Wants to think what he (wants to think) can imagine.
Self – rejection

 Distortion of reality
 Rejection of the true self
 Saying NO to oneself

Self – irresponsibility

 Since this person doesn’t want to face obligations, he tends to be overly

submissive or if not tends to withdraw and live of his own.

Self – insecurity

 All doors are closed neither for self-discovery nor for interpersonal
 Full of anxiety and fears.
Psychological Death

 Has intense conflict aroused in him. People choose the DEATH PATH
because it is very easy and pleasurable. To confront one’s self takes a
lot of risking and a very long process, which are experienced if the
person decides to choose the GROWTH PATH.
My Personal Inventory
I am…

Instruction: List down your strengths, weaknesses, social and physical

appearance on the space provided.

Strengths Weaknesses

Social Appearance

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