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Vocabulary for
Drama and Theater
• From the Greek word meaning
“to do” or “to perform”.
All the world’s a stage, and
all the men and women
merely players: they have
their exits and their
entrances; and one man in
his time plays many parts,
• defined as a building where plays
are performed or movies are shown,
or refers to performances of plays, or
to a career of performing in plays.
Types of Theatre

Thrust stage Proscenium

1. Characters
A character is a person, animal,
being, creature, or thing in a story.
Writers use characters to
perform the actions and speak
dialogue, moving the story along a
plot line.
Types of Characters
 Static character  Dynamic
Jafar-Aladin character
Jafar remained the villain in the Aladin goes from a poor
entire story and ended up being
punished for his lack of
thief that lies, to an honest
development. royal husband of Jasmine.
2. Plot
- is the organized pattern or
sequence of events that make
up a story.
Every plot is made up of a
series of incidents that are
related to one another.
The plot diagram is an organizational tool
focusing on a pyramid or triangular shape,
which is used to map the events in a story.
This mapping of plot structure allows
readers and writers to visualize the key
features of stories.
Plot Devices

1. In Medias Res
2. Flashback
3. Foreshadowing
Elements of Drama
1. play- is an example of dramatic literature
written to be performed.
2. Playwright -A writer who writes play.
3. Act- is the major division in the action of a
4. One Act play- a play about a single incident
and set in a single location.
5. Scene- this signals change in location
or the entrance of a new character.
6. Stage Directions – instructions on
how the play is to be acted out.
7. Dialogue- the direct conversations of
the characters.
Verbal Irony- states the
difference between what is
said and what is true.
Dramatic Irony – the
difference between
what the character
believes to be true and
what the reader or
audience knows to be
true. .

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