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Effects of Social Media on the

Academic Performance of
Information Communication
Technology Students in Calasiao
Comprehensive National High

Carlos John Vincent C. Eugenio

Jessa Mae C. Manlincon

Denmark M. Molina

Jonathan D. Samson

Kenneth P. Santos

Thalia T. Abulencia

Social media today consists of thousand of social media platform, all serving the same- but

Slight different purpose. Of course, some social media platform are more popular than other, but even

The smaller ones get used by a portion of the population because each one caters to a very different type

Of a person. The purpose of this research study is to examine the influence of Social Media and Academic

Performance of students in ICT. This aims to explain the importance of the proper usage of Social media

Provide opportunities for connecting with friends, classmates, and people shared interest, but social media

Has a lot positive effects and also it contains negative effects

Background of the Study

Social networking like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram diverting students from their studies Students

spend more time on social media rather than socialize. They lost their privacy and safety, social media

provides opportunities for connecting with friends, classmate, and people shared interest The usage of

social media is caused by the interaction it brings to us. And the effects is either good or bad. And

depends on how we use social media the present situation in communicating with other person near or

from the other side of the world is now easy. It makes the world a smaller place, and makes the

communication convenient, but other people overuse it Learn the proper use of social media, and have

a self-discipline
Statement of the Problem
The main object of this study was to determine the Effects of social media on the
academic performance to Information and Communication Technology students’.
Specifically the research of qualitative study aimed to answer the following question:

1. What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of the

A. Age
B. Sex
C. Civil Status
D. Educational Attainment

2. What is social media of the respondents?

A. Leisure time
B. For academic purposes
C. For communicate each other
3. What is the effect of Social Media to the academic
performance of ICT?
A. Purblind
B. They effect dejection
C. Addiction

4.What is frequency of using media ICT?

A. Facebook
B. Instagram
C. Twitter
Conceptual Framework

Independent variables Process

1. What is social media

of the respondent?
Demographic profile Descriptive Leisure time
For academic purpose
of respondents Quantitative thru For communicate each
Questionaire- other
Age 2. What is the effect of
Checklist and Social Media to the
Sex + Academic Performance
Simple of the ICT?
Civil Status
Educational Sampling Data They effect dejection
Attainment Gathering 3. What is the
frequency of using
media to ICT?
Review of Related Literature

Today, social media is a term that everyone knows. Even the most remote
areas of the world have at least heard of Facebook and Twitter, and are
probably using them on a regular basis. But it wasn’t always the way. Social
media, in its present form, has been around a relatively short term and even
though you probably can’t imagine living without it now, except for the last few
decades, everyone did. Of course, how you define social media can determine
where you actually start the history of the medium. For example: some people
define communication by letters via the postal service as social media, but
most people define it as the ability to use the internet to share and
communicate instantly with others, even across great distances.

 Quantitative Research Design

 Sources of Data

 Sampling Procedure

 Locale population

 Validity Reliability
Social Media Today

Social media today consist of thousands of social media platforms, all

serving the same – but slightly different purpose. Of course, some social
media platforms are more popular than others, but even the smaller ones get
used by a portion of the population because each one caters to a very different
type of person.
For example: Instagram caters to the kind of person that communicate
through photographs best, and other platforms such as Twitter are perfect for
those who communicate in short bursts of information. As mentioned,
businesses are using social media to promote their products and services in a
brand new way and so each form of social media serves a purpose that the
others available may not.

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