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English Proficiency Test (EPT)

Bureau of Education Assessment
Education Assessment Division
• Testing Center
Requirements & Testing
• Registration of Examinees
• Test Administration
• Securing the Network for
the Online Platform
• World Health
Organization (WHO)

GUIDELINES ON • EO 112: Omnibus

Guidelines on the
Implementation of
HOLDING WORK- Community Quarantine
• DepEd Order No. 14

RELATED EVENTS s.2020: Guidelines on

the Required Health
Standards in Basic
Education Offices and
Key Seek advice/clearance from local health
considerations authorities if it's safe to hold the test in the
prospective venue.
in choosing a
testing Secure communication lines with local health
authorities before, during and after the test.
Preorder health supplies and materials, including
As per World health organization (WHO) alcohols, sanitizers, disposable masks, etc.
guidelines on holding work-related events
Key Develop and agree on a response plan in case
considerations someone becomes ill or shows symptoms of
in choosing a 1. Identify an isolation area.
testing 2. Have a transportation plan from the testing
center to a health facility.
center* 3. Know quarantine procedures in case someone
tests positive during or just after the testing day.
As per World health organization (WHO)
guidelines on holding work-related events
PERMITTED TO ◦ Any person below 21 years old and those who
GO OUTSIDE, are 60 and above
THUS NOT ◦ Those with comorbidities, immunodeficiency
ALLOWED TO or other health risks
TAKE THE ◦ Pregnant
as per EO 112: Omnibus guidelines on the
implementation of community quarantine
Health Protocol of SDO Sultan Kudarat
-All personnel and visitor’s shall be
subjected to temperature check prior to
entering the premises.

37.4°C 37.6°C
or lower or greater
Those who will have a temperature reading
of :

- Cannot enter the premises.

- For evaluation and referral to Barangay 37.6°C or

Health Response Team/ nearby Health greater
Care Facility.
Those who will have a temperature
reading of :
◦ 37. 4°C or

Submit the duly signed and pre-

accomplished Health Declaration Form
to the Triage.
Health Declaration Form will be
evaluated and if all response is “NO”

they can enter the premises and proceed

to the holding area/registration.
If there’s any “YES” in
response, needs further
evaluation and assessment.

Refer to a Barangay
Health Response Team or
Health Care Facility.
Those who will have a temperature
reading of :
Rest in isolated area outside the school
entrance gate for 5 minutes and recheck
◦ 37. 5°C the temperature .

If temperature reading is still

37.5°C, needs further assessment.
May refer to the nearest health
care facility .
EPT Examination Day Walk-Thru

Testing Center Requirements
1. It can be in the Division Office or a testing center for student examinations. Location
should be under General Community Quarantine, not ECQ.
2. For large divisions, a testing center per district may be allowed provided it has
passed all the technical/system specifications for conducting the test. (strong/stable
internet connection, at least 20 desktop computers and 1 buffer, no power
interruption, etc.)
1 Testing rooms should only accommodate 15-20 examinees, 1 room examiner and 1
IT Officer/Coordinator.
4. For testing center which needs to conduct multiple sessions, a holding area must be
provided for teacher-applicants. It should be spacious enough to ensure social
distancing is enforced.
5. Examinees and testing staff should submit themselves to precautionary measures
such as temperature check, wearing of masks, sanitizing etc.
6. Testing room should be disinfected after every session.
Testing Staff
1. Division Testing Coordinator (DTC)
2. Room Supervisor/s (if applicable- 5 testing rooms and above)
3. Room Examiners
14. IT Officer/IT Coordinator
5. Nurse or Medical Officer
6. Security personnel
7. Support staff (limit the number - as needed only)
Responsibilities of the DTC
• Attend the orientation conducted by BEA
• Provide the following to BEA:
 List of Testing Centers
 Assessment Plan (proposed testing date/s, number of sessions,
 Masterlist of Examinees
 Accomplished User Registration Form for the enrolment of the
examinees in the online platform
• Provide the list of examinees per testing room and attendance sheet
for the Room Examiner
Responsibilities of the DTC
• Upload the accomplished user registration form in the online platform
• Ensure that the testing centers are issued with clearance from the
local health office
• Make sure that all health and safety protocols are properly observed
• Oversee the test administration and report any untoward incidents to
• Ensure that the confidential test materials are kept in a secure place at
all times
Responsibilities of the Room
• Oversee the test administration in all the testing rooms
• Make sure that the room examiners have all the necessary materials
before the start of the testing session
• Account the forms from the Room Examiners to be submitted to the
• Report to the DTC any untoward incident
Responsibilities of the Room

Attend the orientation conducted by the Division/DepEd-BEA
• Coordinate closely with the DTC for assessment plans and materials
• Set up the testing room according to the testing center requirements
• Protect the security of the test materials, including forms and log in
details of the examinees
• Conduct assessment session according to the script and instructions in
the Room Examiner’s handbook
• Accomplish forms as prescribed in the handbook
Responsibilities of the IT Coordinator
• Conduct initial and final inspection of the testing rooms prior to the
testing day
• Certify that the computer units in the testing room are working and
have passed the requirements set by BEA
• Assist the Room Examiner in troubleshooting of the computer units
during the conduct of the test
Responsibilities of the Nurse/ Medical
• Check the validity of the health clearance/certificate of the examinees
and testing staff
• Make sure that all necessary health supplies and materials are readily
1 available
• Ensure that health and safety measures are strictly observed at all
times on the testing day
• Initiate execution of response plan in case of emergency
Responsibilities of the Support Staff
• Maintain security and safety in the testing center
• Record the time of log in and out of the testing staff and examinees,
including their temperature log for health and safety reasons
• Disinfect the testing rooms, holding area and frequently touched
1 surfaces and objects before and after the testing sessions

• Make sure that all signages on health and safety measures, way to the
testing room, holding area and comfort rooms are posted
• Put health supplies and materials in their appropriate places within
the testing center

The Room Examiner has the primary responsibility in administering the

computer-based EPT. Thus, the Schools Division Superintendent (SDS)
must select a qualified room examiner based on the following criteria:

1 S/he must be an Education Program Supervisor or a Public Schools

District Supervisor.
 S/he has a prior experience in conducting national tests for students
and teachers.
 S/he has basic computer literacy skills.
Registration of
• The registration of EPT examinees is a
function of the Division Testing
Coordinator (DTC) Account in the
online platform.
• “Upload users” tool must be used to
register bulk users.
Steps on Uploading Users
(for the Division Testing Coordinator)
Step 1:
Provide the needed information in the template (User Registration
Form.csv) provided by BEA.

Required Information:
username – refers to the log-in ID of examinees
password – refers to the log-in password
firstname – refers to the first name of the examinee
lastname – refers to the last name of the examinee
email – refers to the examinee’s personal e-mail address
cohort1 – refers to the assigned Division Code, e.g. A01, M01, B02,

Additional Instructions:
• Make sure that all information are accurate to avoid log-in errors during the actual
• Replace Ñ and ñ with N and n to avoid misspelled names.
• Check if there are duplicate usernames or e-mail addresses to avoid registration errors.
Step 2:
Go to using your

Step 3:
Click on “Log in” and input your username and
password, then press enter or click on “Log in”.
Step 4:
Click on “Site administration” on the menu.
Step 5:
Click on “Users” tab.
Step 6:
Click on “Upload users” from the options under Accounts.
Step 7:
Return to your browser and click on “Choose a file…”
Step 8:
Click1 on “Choose File” and find and select the csv file of
users. Then, click2 “Upload this file”.

Step 9:
Click on “Upload users”. A summary will be shown. Go to the list of Settings and
change1 the “Force password change” to “All”. Then, click2 “Upload users”.

After uploading the users, a summary users created will be shown. Click on

“Continue” to finish.
Important Notes:

• Create log-in stubs (use the template provided) for the

examinees. These log-in stubs should only be provided
to the examinees during their testing session.

• Examinees will be asked to change their password when

they log-on to BEA Platform. They must change their
password first to continue with the next instructions of
the Room Examiner.
Test Administration
• The Division Testing Coordinator,
Room Examiner and the IT Officer
will perform an important role in the
test administration of computer-based
• It is important to follow the steps and
guidelines to ensure a standardized
test administration.
Preparation of the Division Testing Coordinator
1. Prepare the following:
• Log-in stubs
• Form 1 – List of Testing Centers
2. Prepare attendance sheets for the Room Examiner.
3. Ensure that the testing center has a waiting area to accommodate
the examinees. Strict implementation of social distancing must
be enforced.
4. Inform the examinees that they should wear a face mask all the
5. Ensure that temperature checking and sanitation will be done
before entry to the testing center.
Preparation of the Testing Center and Examinees
6. Only the registered examinees should enter the testing center and take
the test. Walk-in examinees are not allowed.
7. Limit the number of examinees who will go to the testing center.
Note: If there are only 20 computers in the testing center, there can be
2 batches of examinees per testing day. Instruct the examinees to
arrive at the testing center 30 minutes before their scheduled time of
8. Orient and inform the examinees that they need to present their PRC
ID once their name is called prior to their entry in the testing room.
9. Ensure that the testing room will be disinfected every after the
System Preparation
(for the IT Officer)
1. Set up the Safe Exam Browser (SEB) before the
examination day.
2. Inspect if all computers that will be used for testing are
connected to the internet.
3. Prepare all the computer units for the examination by
opening the Safe Exam Browser (SEB).
Setting Up the Safe Exam Browser
1. Download the Safe Exam Browser Installer in this link:
Setting Up the Safe Exam Browser
2. Install the SEB to all computer units to be used in the
Setting Up the Safe Exam Browser
3. Open the “SEB Configure Tool” application.
Setting Up the Safe Exam Browser
4a. In General Settings, change the Start URL to
Setting Up the Safe Exam Browser
4b. In Browser Settings, select “get generally blocked”
under “Links requesting to be opened in a new browser
Setting Up the Safe Exam Browser
5. Click on File then select “Save Settings” or press Ctrl+S to
save the changes.
System Check
• This checklist should be
attached to the computer
units that will be used
during the test, including
the buffer.

• This is to be accomplished
by the IT Coordinator of
the School or IT Officer.
Opening the Safe Exam Browser (SEB)
• The SEB must be
opened for the
examinees to take the
• When SEB is open,
all shortcut keys such
as Alt+Tab, Print
Screen, Windows
Key, etc. will be
disabled. Browsing of
other sites within
SEB is also disabled.
Test Administration
(for the Room Examiner)
1. Inspect the seating arrangement before instructing the examinees to enter
the Testing Room. Make sure that they will be seated at least one meter
apart. Check if the label of the computer units, including the buffer is
attached properly.
2. Call the examinees one by one and verify their identity through their valid
ID before allowing them to go inside the testing room.
3. Once everybody has entered the testing room, instruct the examinees to put
their mobile phones on silent mode and place it inside their bag. Ask them
to leave their bags in front or at the back of the testing room.
4. Allow them to go to the comfort room or attend to other personal stuff for 5
5. Once they are seated, begin with the orientation.
Test Administration (Cont.)

Orientation of the Examinees

1. Read:
Good morning, everybody. I am (state your name) . There are some points you should remember to
follow while taking the test. I shall read each one.
2. Read the following slowly and clearly:
a. You are not allowed to leave the room once the test has started.
b. Do not click anything on the screen of your computer until you are told to do so.
c. Questions on the directions or on any test item will not be entertained once the test has started.
d. Select your answer from the given choices that corresponds to your answer. You can return to the
test items WITHIN THE SUB-TEST and change your answer if there is still time and if you haven’t
submitted your answers.
e. Read and answer each question as fast as you can so that you can finish the test within the allotted
time. Once you have clicked “START ATTEMPT”, the timer runs automatically.
f. Work quietly and mind only your own work. Each of you has a unique set of test; thus, you may
finish at different time depending on your own pace.
g. Do not use any references or electronic devices inside the Testing Room.
Test Administration (Cont.)

3. Distribute the log-in stubs of the examinees. Make sure that the correct log-in stubs are given
to the examinees. Say:
Everybody, look at your log-in stubs. (Pause). Check if your name, username and password are
printed. If you notice that the stub is not yours, raise your hand and I will replace it.

4. Changing password. Say:

On your screen, click on Log-in. Type in your user name and password EXACTLY AS IT IS on
your the log-in stub. (Pause). You will be asked to change your password. Create your own password
to secure your account. To do this, type your current password, the one indicated in your log-in stub.
Next, type in your new password. Your new password should have at least 1 uppercase letter, 1
lowercase letter, 1 special character and 1 digit. Retype it in the box below and then click Save
Changes. You don’t need to remember your new password because you can only access and attempt
answering the test today.

5. Accessing the EPT. Say:

Click on My courses on the left of your screen, then click on EPT. Do not click or open anything
yet after accessing the test.
Test Administration (Cont.)

4. Changing password.
Examinees’ screen should appear as this:
Test Administration (Cont.)

5. Accessing the EPT. Say:

Next is accessing the test. On the left of your screen, click on My Courses then click on EPT. Do
not click or open anything yet after accessing the test.

Examinees’ screen should appear as this:

Test Administration
6. Reading the General Instructions and Answering the Descriptive Questionnaires. Say:

• In the Descriptive Questionnaire, the examinees need to provide some basic information such
as Region, Division Office, Name of Testing Center (or this school), Gender, Birthday, Age,
Civil Status, and Field/Area of Specialization.

• Instruct them to not leave any item blank.

Test Administration
Test Proper
• The time limit for each subtest is as follow: 15 minutes for English Structure,
25 minutes for Written Expression, and 50 minutes for Reading
• Examinees will start working on their own after reading the script.
• The Quiz Navigation Portion will allow the examinees to monitor their own
pace as they take the test. They can see the time left, preview items before
answering them and see which items are answered and unanswered.
• Stress that examinees should not answer two subtests simultaneously. They
should finish one subtest before proceeding to the next to avoid decrease in the
time limit.
Test Administration
Test Proper
• Allow examinees who finish ahead of time to leave the testing room.
• Instruct them to log out their account.
• Get the log-in stub from the examinees.
• Have them sign in the attendance sheet where they will log the time they finish
the test.
• Inform them that the results of the test will be given to the division office.
Forms & Software:
For submission of Forms and Requests:
Monitoring and Evaluation
Room Examiners:
Prepared by:
Jerreld M. Romulo
Aprille Rose D.S. Bacala

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