Atikah Safirah-The Use of Code-Switching

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(A Qualitative Research at Seventh Grade of SMP Paramarta Unggulan-Ciputat )
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Table of Contents
01 02
Introduction Theoretical Framework
Background, identification, Definition of sociolinguistics, 05
limitation, question, and bilingualism, and code-switching Conclusion and
objective of the study.
Conclusion and suggestion of
03 04 the research
Research Methods Findings and Discussion
Place & time of the research, Analysis of observation, types and
research design, and data functions of code-switching,
analysis technique. interview, and discussion
01 Introduction
Background of the Study

Identifications of the Problem

Limitation of the Problem

Questions of the Study

Objectives of the Study

Background of the Study ...
● Nababan in Sumarsono (2011) stated that the habit of using two languages in interaction
to others is called bilingualism. It was experienced by me in Junior High School. I had
two English teachers, namely the primary English teacher and the PUB teacher.

● The teachers used the first language (L1) in the process of learning a second language
(L2). The process of changing of first language to second language is called as CODE-

● Yendra (2016) stated that code-switching is a symptom of a shift in language use which
is influenced by situations and occurs between languages and its variations in one
... Background of the Study
● Even though the two teachers did the languages transfer from the first language to the
second language, I found it easier to understand the material taught by the PUB teacher
than the English teacher. Code-switching which is implemented by PUB teacher makes
me enjoy the lesson, so I can accept the input submitted by the PUB teacher.

● The code-switching phenomenon is also experienced by English teachers at SMP

Paramarta Unggulan-Ciputat.
Identifications of the Problem

Teachers use foreign

language more than the Teachers do not pay
first language when attention to their students
teaching English. whether the students Teachers are not aware
understand or not what that code-switching can
teachers saying about. affect students’ social &

Students are less

responsive in learning
English. The vocabulary that
students have is limited.
Limitation of the Problem

The types of code-switching

The functions of code-switching
Questions of the Study

What are the types of code-switching

01 applied by English teachers on English

What are the functions of code-switching

02 used as a strategy on English learning?

How code-switching is applied on learning

03 English in superior class and regular class?
Objectives of the Study

To find out the TYPES of code-switching used by English teacher on

learning English.

To find out the FUNCTIONS of code-switching used by English teacher

on learning English.

To COMPARE the use of code-switching in the superior and regular class.

02 Theoretical




Previous Related Study


“Sociolinguistics is concerned with

lmes (2013) the relationship between
language and the context in
which it is used”

Sociolinguistics is the study of such cultural

discourses and dialects, which observe the Adi
relation among linguistic variation and social (2018)
systems, as well as the discourse analysis, which
take a look at the structure of texts and
Tucanoan People
Hans Vogt is the first person whom introduced the term of
Code-Switching in his article

Wardhaugh (2015) Hoffman (1991)

When two or more people Code-switching as the language
communicate with each other development process which
in speech, we can call the occurs in bilingual person and
system they use a code. they are to use two languages

Unsiah & Yuliati (2018)

Code-switching is a transition in the use of two or more
languages, several variations of one language, or several
styles of a variety of languages
Types of Code-Switching

Situational Tag-Switching

Metaphorical Inter-sentential Switching

Intra-sentential Switching
Reasons of Code-Switching

The presence
of the third
Interlocutor speakers

Generating a
sense of
Topic Prestigious
Functions of Code-Switching ...

This function is as direct
quotations or as reportable speech
by using its original language. Addressee Specification
To direct the message to one of
many potential addressees.

The code switch serves to mark an
interjection or sentence filler.
Functions of Code-Switching ...

Code-switching occurs when a
message in one code is restate
within the different code. Message Qualification
This function is qualifying
constructions like sentence and
verb enhances or predicates
following a linking verb.

Personalization or Objectification
A statement reflects personal opinion or
knowledge; whether it refers to specific instances
authority of generally known fact could occur in
this function.
Code-switching is performed
unconciously during English
learning process. The teachers
do not aware as to whether the
functions or outcomes of the
Code- code-switching. Nevertheless,
many researchers agree that
Switching in the alternation between the first
and the second language in
Learning teaching EFL gives many
benefits on learning process.
The concept of avoiding the first
language in the teaching of EFL does
not work due to inadequate
classroom resources, teachers’
limited English abilities, teaching
methods, students’ low levels of
English competence, motivation and

Nguyen, Grainger, and Carey (2016)

Previous Related Study

Nur Maria Ulfah (2014)
Her research title is “The Use of Code-Switching by English
Teachers in Foreign Language Classroom (A Descriptive Study
at SMAN 1 PANGSID)”. She discussed about the types, the
factors, and the functions of code-switching.
N. M. N. Ismail Azlan & S. Narasuman (2013)
Their research title is “The Role of Code-Switching as a
Communicative Tool in an ESL Teacher Education Classroom”.
They found that all 3 types of code-switching were used for
classroom interaction. Besides, the interviewees often code-
switched due to lack of register and mood.

Muhammad Adna (2016)
His research title is “Code Switching as English Teaching Strategy
(A Descriptive Study at XII Grade of Multimedia Class of SMK
Izzatul Islam - Bogor)”. His study focuses on the types of code-
switching which are frequently used and the main functions of using
03 Research

Place and Time of the Research

Research Design

Subject of the Research

Te c h n i q u e o f D a t a A n a l y s i s
Place and Time of the Research

15 Sept 2020 1 Oct 2020

18 Sept – 6 – 16 Oct
1 Oct 2020 2020

First Interview Second Interview

The researcher used The selected subject is
purposive sample. In Observation Mrs. Citra Novaria. She Questionnaire
that time, the researcher The observation was has been teaching English The questionnaire was
interviewed three conducted in class for about 5 years. distributed by homeroom
English teachers. 7-SE1 (Superior Class) teacher. It was filled out
and 7-E2 (Regular Class). by 50 students from two
different classes.
SMP Paramarta Unggulan - Ciputat
Gg. Sawo, Sawah Lama, Kec. Ciputat, Kota
Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15413
Research Design
The researcher applied mixed methods in analyzing the use of code-switching that
used by the teacher. She used qualitative data analysis techniques and numbers in
presenting the percentage of code-switching usage.

Data Analysis Technique

Data preparation & Categorizing &
1 organization 4 Theming

2 Initial Immersion 5 Interpretation

3 Coding
04 Findings
& Discussion
Ty p e s o f C o d e - s w i t c h i n g

Functions of Code-switching

Types of Code-Switching
Class 7-SE1 (Superior Class)





10 Tag Switching 3 times
Inter-sentential 72 times
Tag Switching Inter-sentential Intra-sentential
Switching Switching Intra-sentential 50 times
Meet 1 Meet 2
Types of Code-Switching
Class 7-E2 (Regular Class)




Tag Switching 4 times
Inter-sentential 78 times
Tag Switching Inter-sentential Intra-sentential
Switching Switching Intra-sentential 68 times
Meet 1 Meet 2
Examples of Tag-Switching

 “Nah, what does she say?”

This sentence was categorized as tag switching, because the word “Nah” is the tag of
Bahasa. The teacher inserted short expression (tag) in the first sentence, but she spoke
in English to continue the sentence.

 “Yes, kapankah mereka belajar IPS?”

The sentence was categorized as tag switching, because the word ‘Yes’ is the tag word
in English. The short expression is showed in the beginning of sentence and it was
followed the word in Bahasa. The word in Bahasa asked about the day that the people
in the conversation learn Social studies.
Examples of Inter-sentential Switching

 “Ini waktunya sarapan. I have breakfast at six o’clock in the morning.

What does it mean?”
The first sentence was spoken in Bahasa and the next sentence was spoken in English.

 “Lina has breakfast at seven o’clock. Terus makan siangnya Lina tadi
jam berapa?”
There were two languages in different sentences. In other words, the language
changes entirely.
Examples of Intra-sentential Switching

 “I want to check the attendance atau kehadiran atau hadir, kalau Miss
panggil nama kalian.”
Because, a whole sentence consists of two languages. The first part was spoken in
English, then the next part was spoken in Bahasa.

 “Kita belajar Bahasa Inggris jam setengah sembilan or we can say half
past eight or eight thirty.”
There were two languages in the one sentence. The teacher use Bahasa and she
continued it with English in one utterances.
Functions of Code-Switching
Class 7-SE1 and 7-E2
7-SE1 7-E2
Quo 9%
5% AS 52%
0% Intj 29%
n n s n s
e ct
tat at tio tio at bj
u o i fic j e c
ra l ifi
r O Rei 52%
Q ec ter ei u a n
p In R
S Q so
e e
a ge P er MQ 38%
e ss ss
dr M
Pers or Obj 21%
Examples of Functions of Code-Switching

Teacher : Jadi kalau kita menanyakan jam kita bisa mengucapkan “What time is it?”
: It’s ten o’clock.

Addressee Specification
Students : It’s seven p.m.
Teacher : It’s seven p., Kiran ya?
Students : Shafa, Miss.
Examples of Functions of Code-Switching

Students : It is seven o’clock in the evening.
Teacher : In the evening. Evening. Ucapkan!
Students : Evening.

Teacher : ... Have a look at this picture! Perhatikan gambar yang ini!
The long hand points at number?
Students : Dua... Dua...
Examples of Functions of Code-Switching

Message Qualification
Teacher : The first sentence, dari dialog yang ini bisa kita simpulkan bahwa
Lina has breakfast at seven o’clock. Lina sarapan jam ...?
Students : Tujuh pagi.

Personalization or Objectification
Students : Saya setiap hari sarapan jam enam pagi.
Teacher : Ya. Aku sarapan jam enam pagi. Jadi, kalau kita mau bilang aku sarapan itu
ngga bisa langsung ‘I breakfast’, tapi harus ada kata kerjanya. Bisa kita
pakai ‘eat’ atau ‘have’. Jadi tidak bisa ya langsung ‘I breakfast at six
o’clock in the morning’, kita harus gunakan ‘have’. I have breakfast at six
o’clock in the morning...
Based on the interview results, the use of code-switching
helps the teacher to provide understanding to students.
Thus, students become more active in responding to what the
teacher said.

According to her, sometimes if she spoke too much English,

the students did not understand and did not respond to

The teacher explained that code-switching was used to help

students understand what the teacher was saying about.
o The findings above indicate that English teacher uses all types of code-
switching in the superior class and the regular class.
o The code-switching types are tag-switching, inter-sentential switching, and
intra-sentential switching.
o Code-switching is more common in class 7-E2 than in class 7-SE1.
o The difference in intensity of using code-switching in the two classes is
influenced by the students’ experience in learning English.

o 16 out of 25 students in class 7-SE1 have taken English

courses (3 person still active).
o 10 out of 25 students in class 7-E2 have taken English courses
(2 person still active).
o In class 7-E2 (Regular Class), 5 out of 25 students claimed that they had not
learned English in elementary school.
o In class 7-SE1 (Superior Class), all of 25 students claimed that they learned
English in elementary school.
o The teacher applied all the functions of code-switching, namely quotation,
addressee specification, interjections, reiterations, message qualification, and
objectification as the strategy to help students understanding the English
05 Conclusion
& Suggestion

Conclusion of the Research

Code-switching is more than just a phenomenon, but it can be used as a strategy to
help the students in learning English. The teacher mostly employed code-switching in
the regular class than in the superior class. Furthermore, the researcher concludes its
application is different, both in types and functions. It is because the teacher realizes
that there are differences in students’ capabilities, especially their classes are
determined based on scores.
The English teachers should aware on students’ backgrounds or capabilities in order
to limit their code-switching utterances. Besides, the teachers give the students time to
think and chance to deliver their opinions, even they use code-switching.
Thank You
I would be happy to answer your question ... @at_safirah Atikah Safirah Tumanggor

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