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‘Give the customers what they want.

But that’s not my approach. Our job is to figure out what they’re going to want before they
do … People don’t know what they want until you show it to them.

Steve Jobs
Motivation process
Motivational Conflicts

Approach – Approach Conflict

Approach – Avoidance Conflict

Avoidance – Avoidance Conflict

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
What is Personality ????

Represents inner psychological characteristics


Freudian theory:

• The Id is the “warehouse” of primitive drives and pleasures; immediate gratification.

• The superego drives the individual to fulfill their needs in a socially acceptable function.

• Ego is the internal monitor that balances the needs of the id and the superego.

Neo-Freudian theory - social relationships are fundamental to personality

Classified as to how they interact with others –

o Compliant
o Aggressive
o Detached

Trait theory relies on Measurement of personality


Consumer Innovativeness The degree to which an individual makes innovation decisions independently of
the communicated experience of others’

Dogmatism One’s degree of rigidity

Consumer ethnocentrism View of things in which one’s own group is the centre of everything, and all
others are scaled with reference to it

Social character Inner direction (contemplation and inner values) to outer direction (looking to
others for guidance and direction)

Optimum stimulation level An ‘arousal seeking tendency’, where every consumer prefers a certain level of
Need for cognition The joy a consumer obtains from thinking

Abnormal consumer
personality traits
Consumer self-concept

Consumers will favour products and brands that are consistent with their self-concept

Components of
Actual self Ideal self
(the way we see (what we hope to
ourselves) become)

Real-social self Ideal-social self

(how we think others (how we would like others
see us). to see us become)
DOVE Campaign for Real Beauty
Brand personality

Personification of a brand

Brand is more than just your logo and slogan

A person’s level of involvement during message
Elaboration Likelihood Model
processing is critical in determining which route to
persuasion is likely to be effective.

Central and Peripheral Routes to Persuasion

Extended Limited
Problem Problem
Solving Solving

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