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“Manuel A. Zosa” Sculpture
“Father of Toledo City”


He is one of Congressman for six terms representing the 6 th

congressional district of Cebu, brilliant lawyer and seasoned
parliamentarian dedicated public servant, and a patriot, a loyal friend
and exemplary family man.

How it was made

▪ Marble stone was used in this sculpture. It’s a metamorphic rock

formed as a result of changes brought about in the structure of
sedimentary or igneous rocks by extreme pressure or heat. Marble
was used because it’s relatively soft and easy to work when first
quarried, it becomes extremely hard and dense with age. Marble
differs from one variety to another, usually because of colour,
texture, weathering, and chemical composition. Although famous for
its pure white surface.

“Manuel A. Zosa” Sculptor

▫ The structure was inspired by Greek sculptures ,whom

marbles were widely used to sculpture and the most typical
colour seen in Greek sculpture is actually an off-white.

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