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Identifying a Location

(page 65)
To get together (with sb) to
meet with sb socially or in
order to discuss sth:
We must get together for a
drink sometime.
Cafe (also Café) 
Café) /ˈkæfeɪ/ (n) a
place where you can buy
drinks and simple meals.
To hate 
hate /heɪt/ + V-ing (not
used in the progressive tenses)
to dislike sth very much
To take sth off to remove sth,
especially a piece of clothing
from your/sb’s body:
Ex: to take off your coat. He
took off my wet boots and
made me sit by the fire.
OPP  put on
Wet /wet/ (adj.) covered with
or containing liquid, especially
1. Wet clothes.
2. Wet grass.
3. You’ll get wet (= in the
rain) if you go out now.
Reservation (n)  /rezəˈveɪʃən/ 
an arrangement for a seat on
a plane or train, a room in a
hotel, etc. to be kept for you:
Ex: I’ll call the restaurant and
make a reservation.
A reservation for sth
To make a reservation.
To help (sb) (with sth) | To help
(sb) (in doing sth) to make it
easier or possible for sb to do sth
by doing sth for them or by
giving them sth that they need:
Ex: He always helps with the
housework. I need contacts that
could help in finding a job.
Cell phone /ˈselfəʊn/ 
/ˈselfəʊn/ =
Mobile phone
A cab 
cab /kæb/ = a taxi
Elevator /ˈeləveɪtə/= lift
It’s on the fifth floor, so we’d
better take the elevator.
Fare /feə/ (n) the money that
you pay to travel by bus,
plane, taxi, etc.:
Ex: bus / taxi fares.
Train / rail fares.
Change /tʃeɪndʒ/ (n) the
money that you get back when
you have paid for sth giving
more money than the amount
it costs:
Frozen /ˈfrəʊzən/ [usually
before noun] (of food) (adj.)
kept at a very low
temperature in order to
preserve it:
Ex: frozen peas
Section /ˈsekʃən/ (n) any of the
parts into which sth is
The library has a large
biology section.
Aisle /aɪl/ 
/aɪl/ (n) : a passage
between rows of seats in a
church, theatre, train, etc., or
between rows of shelves in a
Ex: an aisle seat (= in a plane).
Coffee and tea are in the next
Overdue /əʊvəˈdju/ (adj.) not
paid, done, returned, etc. by
the required or expected time:

Ex: an overdue payment / 

library book.
The rent is now overdue.
Fine /faɪn/ 
/faɪn/ (n) a sum of money
that must be paid as
punishment for breaking a
law or rule:
Ex: a parking fine.
To land /lænd/: to bring a
plane down to the ground in a
controlled way:
Ex: The pilot landed the plane
To connect /kəˈnekt/ (with sth) to
arrive just before another one
leaves so that passengers can
change from one to the other:
Ex: His flight to Amsterdam
connects with an afternoon flight
to New York. There’s a
connecting flight at noon.
Gate /ɡeɪt/ (n) a way out of an
airport through which
passengers go to get on their
Ex: BA flight 726 to Paris is
now boarding at gate 16.
Close /kləʊz/ (to sb/sth) | close
(together) near in space or
Ex: Our new house is close to
the school.
Exercise /ˈeksəsaɪz/ (n)
physical or mental activity
that you do to stay healthy or
become stronger:
Ex: Swimming is good
Sidewalk (n) = pavement
Delicious (adj.) having a very
pleasant taste or smell:
Ex: Who cooked this? It’s
To care (about sth) to feel that
sth is important and worth
worrying about:
Ex: She cares deeply about
environmental issues.
Bad – worse – The worst
Chúng ta nên get together
thảo luận về vấn đề đó.
Tôi hate việc bị chụp ảnh.
Anh ấy take off áo của anh
ấy ra.
Trời đang đổ mưa. Hãy coi
chừng bị Wet .
Tôi đã gọi nhà hàng và tạo 1
Reservation .
Anh ấy luôn help tôi trong
việc học Tiếng Anh.
Chúng ta phải bắt Elevator
để lên tầng 5 thôi.
Thưa ngài, đây là Change từ
món ăn.
Bạn có thể sử dụng những
con cá Frozen này.
Trong thư viện có 1 section
về văn học nước ngoài.
Sữa ở Aisle bên cạnh.
Tiền nhà đã Overdue 3
Người phi công đã landed
máy bay an toàn.
Chuyến bay tới Tokyo phải
connect với chuyến bay
Thái Lan. Đó là 1 chuyến
bay connecting.
Chuyến bay đi Nha Trang
đang ở Gate 15.
Nhà tôi Close nhà cô ấy.
Bơi lội là một Exercise tốt.
Cô ấy care sâu sắc về
những vấn đề môi trường.

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