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Identifying a Reason

(page 62)
Board  /bɔːd/ (n) a group of
people who have power to
make decisions and control a
company or other
Board meeting
To talk sth over (with sb) to
discuss sth thoroughly
(completely and with great
attention to detail), especially in
order to reach an agreement or
make a decision:
You’ll find it helpful to talk
things over with a friend.
Off /ɒf/ (adv) away from a
place; at a distance in space or
I must be off soon (= To
Tire /taɪə/ (A.E) = Tyre (B.E) (n)
a thick rubber ring that fits
around the edge of a wheel of a
car, bicycle, etc.:
To come on used in order to
tell sb to hurry or to try
Come on! We don’t have
much time. Come on! Try
once more.
To mind 
mind /maɪnd/: used to ask
for permission to do sth, or to
ask sb in a polite way to do
sth: Do you mind if I open the
To bother sb /ˈbɒðə/ (about / with
sth) to annoy, worry or upset sb;
to cause sb trouble or pain:
The thing that bothers me is … .
Elevator /ˈeləveɪtə/ (n) =
lift /lɪft/ 
Stairs /steəz/ [pl.] a set of steps
built between two floors inside
a building:
The children ran up / down
the stairs.
Uncomfortable /ʌnˈkʌmftəbəl/
(adj.) Unpleasant or difficult
to deal with
OPP  comfortable
Subway /ˈsʌbweɪ/ (n) an
underground railway / railroad
system in a city: the New York
subway. A subway station / train.
Heavy  /ˈhevi/ (adj.) more or
worse than usual in amount,
degree, etc.:
the noise of heavy traffic
Construction /kənˈstrʌkʃən/ (n)
the process or method of building
or making sth, especially roads,
buildings, bridges, etc.:
Road construction
Cafeteria /kæfəˈtɪəriə/ (n) a
restaurant where you choose
and pay for your meal at a
counter and carry it to a table.
Cafeterias are often found in
factories, colleges, hospitals,
To starve to suffer or die
because you do not have
enough food to eat; to make sb
suffer or die in this way:
Ex: The animals were left to
starve to death.
Informative (adj.) giving
useful information:
Ex: The talk was both
informative and entertaining.
Waste (of sth) the act of using
sth in a careless or
unnecessary way, causing it to
be lost or destroyed:
Ex: It seems such a waste to
throw good food away.
To cash a cheque / To check to
exchange a cheque / check for
the amount of money that it is
Account (n) an arrangement
that sb has with a bank, etc. to
keep money there, take some
out, etc.:
Ex: I don’t have a bank
account. To have an account
at / with a bank. To
open / close an account
Board giám đốc sẽ họp vào
chiều nay.
Talk bất kì điều lo lắng
over với bạn thân của bạn.
Anh ấy leo lên xe và lái Off .
Come on! Chúng ta không
có nhiều thời gian đâu.
Bạn có mind nếu tôi mở
cửa sổ không?
Bạn luôn bother me trong
khi tôi làm việc.
Những đứa trẻ đang chạy
lên, xuống Stairs .
Chiếc ghế này thật
Uncomfortable .
Cái hành lí này Heavy quá.
Construction sân bay mới.
Buổi nói chuyện thật vui và
Thật là một sự Waste thời
gian khi ngồi ở đây.
Tôi muốn tạo một Account
ngân hàng.

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