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Anti-Hazing Act of 2018

An Act Prohibiting Hazing and Regulating

Other Forms of Initiation Rites of
Fraternities, Sororities, and Other
Organizations, and Providing Penalties for
Violations Thereof, Amending for the
Purpose Republic Act No. 8049


act that results in physical or psychological suffering,
harm, or injury inflicted on a recruit, neophyte,
applicant, or member as part of an initiation rite or
practice made as a prerequisite for admission or a
requirement for continuing membership in a fraternity,
sorority, or organization.

Acts including but not limited to paddling, whipping,
beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the
weather, forced consumption of any food, liquor, beverage,
drug or other substance, or any other brutal treatment or
forced physical activity which is likely to adversely affect
the physical and psychological health.

Acts Prohibited
Recruits, Neophyte, Applicants or Members

One person alone or acting with others

This shall also include any activity, intentionally made or
otherwise, by one person alone or acting with others, that
tends to humiliate or embarrass, degrade, abuse, or
endanger, by requiring a recruit, neophyte, applicant, or
member to do menial, silly, or foolish tasks.
(b) Initiation or Initiation Rites refer to ceremonies, practices, rituals, or
other acts, weather formal or informal, that a person must perform or
take part in order to be accepted.

(c) Organization refers to an organized body of people which includes, but it is not limited to, any club,
association, group, fraternity, and sorority. This term shall include the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP),
the Philippine National Police (PNP), the Philippine Miltary Academy (PMA), the Philippine National Police
Academy (PNPA), and other similar uniformed service learning institutions.
R.A. 8049 v R.A. 11053

Regulates Prohibits

Republic Act 11053 or the Anti-Hazing Act of 2018 gives teeth to the
previous 1995 version of the law as it now outrightly prohibits and makes
hazing a criminal act while providing more substantial penalties for those
who will be proven guilty.
Sec. 4
Regulation of School-Based Initiation Rites
"(a) A written application to conduct "(b) The written application shall "(c) Such written application shall
initiation rites shall be made to the indicate the place and date of the further contain an undertaking that
proper authorities of the school not later initiation rites and the names of the no harm of any kind shall be
recruits, neophytes, or applicants to be
than seven (7) days prior to scheduled committed by anybody during the
initiated and the manner by which they
initiation date; initiation rites;
will conduct the initiation rites;

"(f) The application shall be under oath with a

"(d) The initiation rites shall not last "(g) The application shall be posted from the
"(e) The application shall contain the declaration that it has been posted in the
time of submission of the written notice to
more than three (3) days;
names of the incumbent officers of the official school bulletin board, the bulletin
the school authorities or head of
fraternity, sorority, or organization and any board of the office of the fraternity, sorority
organization and shall only be removed from
person or persons who will take charge in or organization, and two (2) other
its posting three (3) days after the conduct of
the conduct of the initiation rites; conspicuous places in the school or in the
the initiation rites.
premises of the organization;
Regulation for Community-Based Initiation Rites

"(a) A written application to conduct the same "(b) The written initiation shall indicate "(c) Such written application shall
shall be made to the punong barangay in the the place and date of the initiation rites further contain an undertaking that
barangay or municipal or city mayor in the and the names of the recruits,
municipality or city where the community-based no harm or any kind shall be
neophytes, or applicants to be initiated;
fraternity, sorority, or organization is based, not committed by anybody during the
later than seven (7) days prior to the schedules
initiation rites;
initiation date;

"(d) A medical certificate of the recruit, "(g) The application shall be under oath with a
"(e) The initiation rites shall not last more "(f) The application shall contain the names
neophyte, or applicant must be attached to declaration that it has been posted on the official "(h) The applicationofficers
shall be of
posted from the time
than three (3) days; of the incumbent the community-
the application to ensure fitness to bulletin board of the barangay hall or the of submission of the written notice to the punong
municipal or city hall where the community-based based fraternity, sorority, or organization and
undergo initiation when it involves barangay or municipal or city mayor and shall
fraternity, sorority or organization is based, and the any person or persons who will take charge
only be removed from its posting three (3) days
physical activity not failing under the
bulletin board of the office of the community- in the
after the conduct ofthe
conduct of initiation
definition of hazingas used in this Act; based fraternity, sorority or organization; and
Reclusion Perpetua
3 Million Pesos Fine

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