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Understanding the Human

Mind: The Big Picture

The mind is its own place
and in itself
can make a hell heaven
or a heaven of hell

John Milton
The basic function of the Human

The part of the mind that

figures out

Created by thinking -
evaluating whether the event of
our lives are positive or
Our desire allocated energy to
The Dynamic Relationship Between
Thinking, Feeling and Wanting


The Logic of Egocentric
The Logic of
Egocentric Submission
Emotional Intelligence and Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking: provides the link between:
  Brings intelligence to
bear upon our emotional
life enables us to take
command of our
emotions enables us to
make good judgments
provides us with a
satisfactory emotional life
Value Chain Analysis (VCA)

is a process where a firm identifies its primary

and support activities that add value to its final
product and then analyze these activities to
reduce costs or increase differentiation.
Value Chain Analysis (VCA)
Value chain takes a few more things into consideration, like
product design, research and development, and advertising.
One of the goals of value chain analysis is to ensure the
product is placed in the customers' hands as seamlessly as
M. Porter introduced the generic value chain model in 1985. Value
chain represents all the internal activities a firm engages in to
produce goods and services. VC is formed of primary activities that
add value to the final product directly and support activities that add
value indirectly.
Lawrence James A. Mosquera
MBA 1800

Critique Report
In knowing the information and concepts in each of the tools I can say that
minds are quite interesting in a way that each one of us has the concept and
perception on things and life that could affect our way of making decision
and making things on a right course or in a wrong ways. Understanding the
minds on how people perceive things on what they should want, need or
even feel over an action is a good thing for the business to know for them
to be able to keep on a right path of understanding the consumers needs and
wants. And even in understanding the people/employee who work for their
business, because a business should understand the internal and external
customer for them to be able to sustain and stand strong on the industries
Critique Report
Thus the knowledge that been taken from the value chain would implies
on things that a business should focus on; for them to eliminate the things/
processes that are not so beneficial on the production of a product/service.
Concept that been implies here are done and supplemented to know other
parts that has no direct participation on the production which are still
needed to give more value especially in the introductory phase of a certain
product in the market. These two can help widely on managing projects,
because on understanding behavior of minds and the paths of products in
chain could give much positive outcome, through the facts that we could
get/choose much better people and processes.

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