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Selected poems from selected authors:

William Blake
Centro Universitário FIBRA
Docente: Prof. Dra. Brena Moura
Discentes: Lorena Soares, Lucas Melo e Raicy Oliveira, Rebecca Rufino e Thatiara
Turma: LL07NA

Belém – PA
The author William Blake

The artist claimed to see, from an early age,

angels and other celestial figures around
him, which he reproduced in his work, both
in painting and in his illustrated poems. He
became a pioneer in English Romanticism,
in addition to acting in the fine arts and as a
printer, becoming also one of the main
engravers in England.
Main work
His first poems were published
in 1792 in the work entitled
Poetical Sketches. Some of his William Blake produced not
poetry, however, were released only the illustrations of his
from 1784 onwards, including work, but also that of his
“Song of Innocence and of companions. Among his
Experience”, “The Book of main works are illustrations
Thel” and “The Marriage of of classics such as "The
Heaven and Hell”, printed and Book of Job" in the Bible,
stamped by the artist himself "The Divine Comedy" by
in partnership with his wife, Dante Alighieri.
Catherine Boucher, whom he
literate and started in
typographic art.
First reading impressions
The Lamb

Little Lamb who made thee Little Lamb I’ll tell thee,
Dost thou know who made thee Little Lamb I’ll tell thee!
Gave thee life & bid thee feed. He is called by thy name,
By the stream & o’er the mead; For he calls himself a Lamb:
Gave thee clothing of delight, He is meek & he is mild,
Softest clothing wooly bright; He became a little child:
Gave thee such a tender voice, I a child & thou a lamb,
Making all the vales rejoice! We are called by his name.
Little Lamb who made thee Little Lamb God bless thee.
Dost thou know who made thee Little Lamb God bless thee.
The Tyger
Tyger, tyger, burning bright, What the hammer? What the chain?
In the forest of the night, In what furnace was thy brain?
What immortal hand or eye What the anvil? What dread grasp
Could frame thy fearful symmetry? Dared its deadly terrors clasp?

In what distant deeps or skies When the stars threw down their
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
And watered heaven with their
On what wings dare he aspire? tears,
What the hand dare seize the fire? Did He smile his work to see?
Did He who made the lamb make
And what shoulder, and what art, thee?
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
When thy heart began to beat, Tyger, tyger, burning bright,
What dread hand forged thy dread In the forest of the night,
feet? What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
Analysis of the poems

This article talks about the

characteristics of William Blake's
poems. Although they were written
centuries ago, they are still very
current in contemporary poetry. The
poems of The Tiger and The Lamb are
used as an example, demonstrating
how Blake portrays his world of
bipolarity; that is, exposing the
contrast, for example, between
experience and innocence or the voice
of Heaven and Hell.
According to Chiramel Paul, “The
Lamb” talks about the purity and
innocence, where both (the child and
the lamb) can be seen as the creation
of the God who became both child and
lamb”. The Lamb and The Tyger got
the same creator, just like “heaven”
and “hell”, just like two different
states of the human soul. The lamb
represents peace, the good side, while
the Tyger represents anger, the bad
Some bibliographic references
• NOGUEIRA, L. ; PININGA, T. J. C. . Atualidade de Willian Blake na Poesia
Contemporânea. In: XIII Congresso Internacional da ABRALIC, 2013, Campina
Grande - PB. ANAIS ABRALIC INTERNACIONAL. Campina Grande - PB: Editora
Realize, 2013. v. 1. p. 1-10.

• Kumar, Dharmender. "The Lamb by William Blake". Poem Analysis. Accessed 12 May 2021.

• Jose Chiramel Paul. Skinning “The Lamb” and “The Tyger” English Language and
Literature Studies. Vol. 5, No. 2; 2015 ISSN 1925-4768 E-ISSN 1925-4776.
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2014.

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