Zoren Bricks T. Lagmay

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What is Illegal logging?

•The harvesting procedure itself may be illegal, including using corrupt

means to gain access to forests; extraction without permission, or from
a protected species; or the extraction of timber in excess of agreed

• is the harvest, transportation, purchase or sale of timber in violation

of laws.

•Illegality may also occur during transport, such as illegal processing

and export; fraudulent declaration to customs; the avoidance of taxes
and other charges, and fraudulent certification.
What is the difference between Illegal logging and

Often, the words ‘Illegal logging’ and ‘deforestation’ are used

interchangeably. However, they refer to quite different things. When
talking about deforestation, we are talking the about the deforestation
of forest for any reason, be it legal or illegal. Usually it refers to clean
felling of forest to create new agricultural or plantation land.

Illegal logging on the other hand, usually refers to the selective felling
of rare and valuable trees for their wood. In a way, illegal loggers can
be thought of as a ‘tree poachers’. Regardless of the difference
between illegal logging and deforestation, they are both extremely
damaging to the environment, and need to be reduced as much as
What are the impacts?

The environmental effects of illegal logging include deforestation,

the loss of biodiversity and the emission of greenhouse gases. Illegal
logging has contributed to conflicts with indigenous and local
populations, violence, human rights and abuses, corruption, funding
of armed conflicts and the worsening of poverty.

Illegal logging undermines the legitimacy of forest sector and hinders

the efforts of government to implement sustainable forest
Various Causes of Illegal Logging

– Rural Poverty

– Cheaper products in black market

– Illegal charcoal, furniture and timber trade

– Weakness and laxity in forest governance

Shocking Effects of Illegal Logging

1. Poor living standards for indigenous people

2. Global warming and climate change

3. Loss of Biodiversity

4. Economic Loss
Best Solutions to Illegal Logging

1. Encouragement of forest stewardship

2. Stricter regulations on forest management

3. Legal purchases

4. Volunteer, donate and spread the word

The end

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