Presentation of Paleontology: TOPIC: Classification of Brachiopods

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TOPIC: Classification of Brachiopods
Presented By: Sajid Iqrar
Presented To : Mr: Jehanzeb
Brachiopods belong to phylum brachiopoda.
Brachiopods are composed of two classes,
 Inarticulate
 Articulates

The Inarticulata are so-called because they possess two valves that do not have
an articulating hinge.the inarticulate valves are generally chitinos or chitno-
phosphatic that is softer material than the calcarous shells of the articulates .
The inarticulautes have only an undeveloped hinge or none at all.
Inarticulates are usually less than 2cm in size in often smaller .
Class Inarticulate is further classified to :
A:Order Atremata .
B:Order neotremata

Articulate have a hard ,calcarous,shell.
One species of Articulate brachiopods was The Articulates are generally larger than
the Inarticulates.
The Articulates genera species are much more numerous than the Inarticulates.
about one foot in length but most are much smaller usually no bigger than a golf
ball and often less then that size
Class Articulate is futther classified to:
A:Order Palaeontremata.
B:Order Orthida.
C:Order terebratulida.
D:Order pantamirida.
E:Order Trilesiida.
F:Order Rhynchonellida.
G:Order Strophomenida .
H:Order spiriferida.
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