Answer The Following

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Answer the following.

1. Why do we need to protect our forest ?

Ans- we need to save forests as we are depended on forests for our survival, from the air we breath to the wood we
use. Besides proving habitat for animals and livelihoods for humans, forests also offer watershed protection,
prevent soil erosion and mitigate climate change.
2. What are causes of depleting forests ?
Ans- due to increasing population the requirement of housing and furniture has increased that is why we are
depleting forests.
3. What are the substances that we can get from forests ?
Ans-some of the food items that we get from forests are-
• honey
• Wild meat
• Fruits
• Mushrooms
• Palm wine
• Palm oil
• Cola nuts
• Wood raw materials
4. Why should we grow more and more trees ?
Ans-it is very important to grow trees as it balances the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere. It also
reduces the pollution. Many living organism depend on trees for there shelter, habitat, food etc.
5. A single tree absorbs how much carbon dioxide ?
Ans- a single tee itself absorbs a ton of carbon dioxide.
6. Write some steps to protect forests ?
Ans- a) regulated and planned cutting of trees.
b) control over forest fire.
c) reforestation and afforestation.
7. What is chipko movement ?
Ans- in the 1970s, some tribal people of Mandal village had started a movement called chipko movement, to save trees because
they believed them as the basis of their survival and living. The name chipko means embrace that signifies the role of village
women who embraced trees and stand between the trees and the constructer's axes.
8. What are uses of fuels ?
• Ans- fossil fuels can generate a large of electricity at a single location.
• They can be found very easily.
• They are cost effective.
• Transportation of oil and gas can be done easily.
• They have become safer over time
• Products made from fossil fuels are versatile.
9. Which fuels are ecofriendly ? Petrol or CNG ?
Ans- CNG is ecofriendly fossil fuels.
10. What are minerals ?
Ans- minerals are substances that are formed naturally in the earth rocks are made of minerals. Minerals can be
formed the intestine heat and pressure found for beneath the earth’s crust in the mantle, where molten rock flows
as liquid magma.
11. Why minerals are called non-renewable resources.
Ans- A resources if used once then it can not be available again is called non-renewable resources. They are finite.
Most fossil fuels minerals, and metal are non-renewable resources.
12. Why it is suggested that we should use the resources in less amount ?
Ans- some of resources like coal, petroleum, oil, minerals are in limited amount so it we will not use these resources wisely it will
hardly left for future generation.
13. What is need to take a pledge to take care of our environment.
Ans- As we are destroying our environment by polluting it so we need to take a pledge to save and take care of our environment.
14. What is the full form of CNG ?
Ans- the full form of CNG is compressed natural gas.
15. What are differences between degradable and non-degradable substances.
Ans- the substances which break-down in natural components of soil is called degradable substances and the substances which
do not mix up in the soil and pollute it is called non-degradable substances.

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