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Corona – A Silver


•Anjali -K08037

•Rupesh -K08056

•Binit -K06031
Amidst all the negative outcomes and effects of Corona on
a National and Global level....

Let's look at few of the silver linings ( positive events) that

had happened during these times
Environmental Outcomes

• A reduction in industrial production and dramatically decreased amounts of motor

vehicle traffic — all of these factors are contributing to better air and water quality.
• Greener planet , Bluer skies  
• Everyone must have heard about the cases of the Himalayas being visible from a far
• Countries are now more prepared to take serious action to save the planet
• India should make fresh attempts to gather funds, implement policies and
technologies to tackle climate change.
• If we can continue to operate in 'war mode' even after Coronavirus is defeated, we
can aspire to achieve these.
• Lockdown-People have got confined to their homes-forced to
turn to digital solutions

A Boost for tech • A more digital economy-from buying groceries to seeking

online consultations with a doctor for minor conditions. 
business niches  • Increased need for reliable and fast remote interactions has the
potential to accelerate the adoption of 5G connectivity.
• The coronavirus pandemic has led to a lot of companies rethinking
office spaces and on-site work
• Facebook, Google and Twitter have already made announcements
A Boost for tech regarding giving staff the option to work from home in the long term.

business niches  • Smart city solutions has also increased-implementation of drones and
purpose-designed apps in police work & also in disinfecting and
delivering medicines
Economic effects
• Liquidity rush in the capital markets-Central
banks all around the world have cut interest rates
and launched borrowing programmes to inject
cash into the capital markets.

• Policy reforms gathering pace-led India to

initiate reforms that have been stuck in red tape
for decades. 

• Global supply chains will be redrawn-China

has been the factory of the world for quite some
time now.

• Announcements by the Niti Ayog show that the

Agricultural output of the country is likely to
show a 3% increase and this is likely to
positively impact the GDP numbers for India
• Make in India-many businesses are being set up in India

• Also would increasingly see more foreign businesses set up base

and generate large scale employment.

• The slump in the Global Oil Prices- State and central

governments will increase the duty on fuels to make up for the
revenue deficits. 

• Also the following businesses have emerged : -

 Ed-Tech

 Health & Wellness

 E-commerce & Delivery based services

 OTT & Online gaming

 Sanitizers , Masks , Surgical gloves , PPE kits 

Socio-Economic effects 
• Visibility of migrant laborers-India’s usually invisible
population of migrant laborers and daily-wage
workers became very visible shortly after the national
lockdown took effect in late March. 

• Many of these workers returned to their native towns

and villages, and are unlikely to return to the cities
where they previously worked, so it has become
important to upgrade employment opportunities in
their native places.

• States will look for creating and providing more

job opportunities as much as possible in their states.
• The COVID-19 crisis is a reminder of the
Exposure of flaws in the importance of a well-functioning public health

healthcare systems  system.

• There were just 0.55 hospital beds per 1,000

people in India.

• Many temporary and permanent hospitals made

in a short span of time

• Improvement in health care and arise of

treatment from home opportunities also increased
with guided assistance

• By allocating investments towards this, the

government can also boost the economy and
generate employment

• India-"Pharmacy to the world"- has shown a

great increase in the pharma sector business -
HCQ global supplier
 Importance of cleanliness and hygiene 

 Focus on, and appreciation, for our essential workers

 Dignity of household work 

 Changes in working habits

 Less spending on needless consumer goods

 People are more in touch with friends and family

 Break in routine, time to restructure life- People are pursuing their


 Fitness is being given more importance

 Decreasing consumption -healthy, homemade food replaced junk food

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