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The climate change protests – what’s

going on and will this bring change?

STARTER: Challenge: What do we
mean when we talk
about climate change?
More challenging:
State three reasons
why young people in
particular are
concerned about
climate change.
Mega challenge:
’World governments
know about climate
change and will act on
it. There’s no need to
protest.’ To what
extent do you agree
with this statement?
The climate change protests – what’s
going on and will this bring change?
Learning Outcomes:
Correctly identify the reasons for protesting against climate
change. Also identify why some people are against the methods
and some for them. Come to your own conclusion about this.

Describe in detail the reasons for protesting against climate

change. Explain in detail why some people are against the
methods and some for them, arriving at an informed conclusion.

Explain whether it’s the moral duty of everyone to protest

against climate change and whether peaceful (non-disruptive)
protest is enough under serious circumstances.
Task One:
We have a lot of new key terms we’ll be looking at today.
You may know some already, but some you will probably
not have heard of before.

Let’s explore these now. You have a copy

each but you can help each other in pairs too.

Don’t forget to
Don’t forget to
complete the
complete the
final column!
final column!

We will go through the

answers together in ten
Task Two:
We will now find out
about the most popular
climate change protest
group – Extinction Rebellion
(XR), what they want to
achieve, how they and others
are taking action and why some
people oppose their actions.

We will take it in turns to read.
When you have finished reading a
paragraph, say the name of the
next person in the class you
would like to read.
Listen carefully, in case your
name is next.
Task Three:
Watch the clip and complete your choice of challenges on your worksheet.

(watch up to 5:33)

Why do the protesters in the video feel like they need to take new and drastic action
to make their voices heard?
What types of people are coming together to protest with Extinction Rebellion?
Why do you think some people find it easier to ignore climate change issues?
More Challenging:
What is meant by the statement that Extinction Rebellion have a ‘new way of doing
things’ when it comes to protesting climate change?
Why do some of the protesters say that once you start thinking about climate
change, you will think differently about the world?
Are the protesters causing a public disruption? Is this a positive or a negative thing?
Mega Challenging:
To what extent can it be said that protesting climate change is our ‘moral duty’?
What do you think is meant by the ‘psychology of denial’ in regards to the climate
change crisis?
How is social media playing a role in the climate change protests?
Task Four:
So, should we be encouraging and supporting the protests, or
are groups like XR going about things the wrong way?
What do you think?

Complete your ‘both sides of the argument’ sheet and be

prepared to feed back in fifteen minutes. Use your information
sheet, clip notes and own ideas to complete the task.
Ensure you complete both sides of the argument, you’ll need
these notes for the plenary.
Plenary: Literacy Focus:

Complete your literacy

focus task at your
challenge level.
Be prepared to feedback
and justify your ideas to
the class.

Learning Outcomes:
Correctly identify the reasons for protesting against climate change. Also
identify why some people are against the methods and some for them.
Come to your own conclusion about this.
Describe in detail the reasons for protesting against climate change.
Explain in detail why some people are against the methods and some for
them, arriving at an informed conclusion.
Explain whether it’s the moral duty of everyone to protest against climate
change and whether peaceful (non-disruptive) protest is enough under
serious circumstances.
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©Lead Practitioner English 2019
Citizenship RE Whole School

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