Case Study: Lupin LTD

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JYOTI (23)
ROHIT (35)
Spirit Of Lupin
Between 2010 and 2015, while the talent management
initiatives were proposed for performence
enhancement,they also introduced the “Spirit of Lupin”
initiative to help align the values of the organisation and its
The purpose of “Spirit of Lupin” is to help employees
understand our values, help them understand their own
values and help align both value sets.
Genesis of the “Spirit of Lupin” explained by Sar:
In 2011, our top HR Management team visited several
companies to observe how those organisations were
cascading their value down to each employee.
Be continue..
We developed a ‘Charter of Values’ which was
communicated to employees, and sub-sequently signed by
each one of them.
Spirit of Lupin guided the employees in critical aspects of
their work. For ex:- in manufacturing, it encuraged living
up to the values of integrity, entrepreneurial spirit and
value for excellence while performing daily tasks.
Alok Ghosh,(president- Manufacturing and
Technical Services)said:-
We faced huge challenges in getting the right people into
the workforce, motivating them, and training them while
making them realise the importance of data integrity.
o The Spirit of Lupin was communicated during Udbhav and
Charter of Values.This was further supported by installing the
‘Values in Practice (VIP)’ box.
oThe VIP box was an ‘experience sharing box’ wherein employees
could drop in hand-written or printed sheets in acknowledgement
or appreciation of fellow employees.
oAccording to Sar
VIP serves two purposes – (1) To encourage peer group culture
(2) To ask people to acknowledgement
each other`s efforts and appreciate each other.
Building Capabilities Across The
Lupin`s talent management programme focussed on
‘Building Capabilities’.
The aim was to bring out best in employees.
Accordin g to Nilesh Gupta
When we look at capability in any function, we are
looking at global capability.
o A series of initiatives were aimed at building
I. Expanding Horizons
II. Udbhav
To be continue..
III. Management Devlopment Programmes conducted
IV. Buddy Development Programme
V. Idea Factory were introduced
Each of the initiatives was introduced by the organisational needs identified
by HR & L&D.
Sar said
Such a programme is mandatory in a growing organisation like Lupin.
VI. Learning centre was launched in 2010
VII. It provide infrastructure & facilities for some of the talent management
According to Rajendra Chunodkar (executive vice president,Global Supply
Chain & Operations)
 If you compare Lupin before 2010 & post 2010 we will see that there have
been huge improvements with respect to global supply chain & scale of
 The types of machinery & processes are entirely different now.
To be continue..
•In 2011, an initiative named idea factory was launched.
•The aim of this initiative was to make employees feel proud &
bring a sense of purpose to their jobs.
•A formal mechanism had been evolved through which
employees suggestions & ideas were invited, implemented.
Udbhav-Centralised Induction Programme
I. Udbhav, the centralised induction programme was
customised for different level of employees including
managers & shop floor executives.
II. Udbhav was designed by the L&D team as a 10-days
programme for shop floor executives & 5-days programme
for managers.
III. Employees received coaching from in house trainers & got
an opportunity to interact with senior management from
across divisions.
According to Sar
Udbhav is now a centralised programme & more than
7000 employees had gone through the formal
induction process till January 2016

Buddy Programme
I. The Buddy Programme was launched in 2010 to
accelerate a new employee`s ability to understand
a). The organisation`s culture
b). Gain confidence & get in tune with basic
organisational values.
II. In 2015,Lupin had around 600 buddies in its buddy
III.Under the Buddy Development Process, select buddies
participated in a two day certification programme
conducted by the learning centre at Lonavala.
IV. A Bi-monthly Buddy newsletter called Umang was
V. Which became the longest running in house newsletter at
the organisation.

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