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Recap of the
Lesson Proper
Book Review
Reading and Writing Skills
2nd Semester | SY 2016-2017

Miss Hazel Angelyn E. Tesoro

Teacher III
Steps in Writing
a Review/
Steps in Writing a Book Review
1. Analyze
2. Compare
3. Be consistent
4. See the big picture
5. Your recommendations?
Steps in Writing a Book Review
1. Analyze = Evaluate the book with a critical mind.
2. Compare = Where appropriate compare to similar texts and
3. Be consistent = Take a stance and stick with it throughout
your review.
4. See the big picture = Look at how thorough the book is.
The whole is greater than the sum of all its parts. Review the
book as a whole.
5. Your recommendations? = You are going to have to
inevitably recommend or reject this book to potential
Steps in Writing a Book Review
1. Past Tense
2. Emotive Language
3. Voice
Steps in Writing a Book Review
1. Past Tense = You are writing about a
book you have already read.
2. Emotive Language = Whatever your
stance or opinion be passionate on it.
Your audience will thank you for it.
3. Voice = Both active and passive voice
are used in recounts.
ELEMENTS of a Book Review
1. Title
2. Author
3. Genre
4. Book Jacket / Cover
5. Structure / Format
6. Publisher and Price
Elements of a Book Review
Often, the title of the book review will
correspond to the title of the text itself, but
there may also be some examination of the
title’s relevance.
• How does it fit into the purpose of the work
as a whole?
• Does it convey a message, or reveal larger
themes explored within the work?
Elements of a Book Review
• Discussing who the author is and
what they have written before,
especially if it relates to the
current work being reviewed
• Mentioning the author’s style and
what they are best known for
• Looking into if the author has
received any awards or prizes
Elements of a Book Review
• Who is the Identify the genre that
intended audience the book belongs to
for the book? • fiction
• nonfiction
• What the overall
• poetry
purpose of the
• romance
work is.
• science-fiction
• history
Elements of a Book Review
• Comment on the artwork contained by
the book’s cover
• May contain interesting details related
to the text that contribute to, or detract
from, the work as a whole
Elements of a Book Review
• Examine how the book is organized.
• Is it written in sections or chapters?
• Does it contain a table of contents, index,
glossary, etc.?
• Does it contain graphics and other figures?
• Find other interesting aspects of the book
Elements of a Book Review
• Who publishes the book?
• How much does that book cost?
• Where is the book available?
Sample Book Review
My Thoughts About
Lullabies by Lang Leav
(Book Review #85)
Sample Book Review:
My Thoughts About Lullabies by Lang Leav
(Book Review #85)
Imagine reading a book that will literally lull you to sleep. This book is one of those.
I am saying it in a god way though. Since it’s love month, I decided to delve into
another Lang Leav book.
Lullabies is Lang Leav’s second poetry book, with Love and Misadventure being the
first one. I read, enjoyed and reviewed that book and made it to my list of the best
books I enjoyed last year. I am not a fan of poems but Lang Leav’s works connected
to me in a way that I find distinct. I didn’t find it hard to immerse and connect myself
to her works which is my primary concern with other poem collections.
Lullabies is a comforting read that provokes emotions. Using a familiar tone and
style that he used in her first book, her new one offers a more in-depth discussion of
the universal language that is spoken by the world, that is love. One of the reasons
why I believe, I didn’t find it hard to connect to her books is because of its use of
language and writing style that even those who isn’t into poetry can enjoy. She writes
poems concisely using simple but elaborate language that flows in it’s own rhythm.
Sample Book Review:
My Thoughts About Lullabies by Lang Leav
(Book Review #85)
The book is thicker than the first one and features illustrations by Leav herself. The book
has three parts: “Duet,” “Interlude” and “Finale” with illustrations accompanying each. The
book has a wide array of romantic tales that a variety of people can definitely connect to.
The poems are open to interpretations depending on what the readers are currently feeling.
It has poems about desires, yearnings, losses of people about love. From love’s beginning, to
blossoming, the climax, the denouement and the aftermath, the book provokes emotion.
The author works wonder with words and she knows how to put her feelings into it. It is
very imminent how she writes from the heart and captures different emotions very well. It
wont’s be a surprise if you find yourself reading a poem that you feel was written for you.
“Lullabies” is good, but I still consider “Love & Misadventures” as better. They follow the
same style and structure and both are uniquely appealing but I find the latter as more
cohesive in structure that the former but nonetheless that opinion does not diminish the
fact the this book is a gem. It offers a unique story if read in order but can also be explored
by reading randoms bits of it. Nostalgic at times, it is relatable to those who have fallen in
love and brokenhearted.
Sample Book Review:
My Thoughts About Lullabies by Lang Leav
(Book Review #85)
There are some poems in each collection that veers away
from the traditional rules to tell her tales showing how the
author is taking the risk which I love from the author. It is
also noticeable how this book has more prose weaved into
it which could mean that the author is giving the readers
a peak to her next works, a novel probably. I’ll definitely
look forward for the author’s next book.

4 stars out of 5.
Sample Book Review:
My Thoughts About Lullabies by Lang Leav
(Book Review #85)

Author: Lang Leav

Format: Kindle
Source: Bought
Part of a Series: Standalone
Release Year: September 2014
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC
No. of Pages: 250 pages
Group Work

Analyze the book review given by your teacher

Examine how the book review is written using the

standards and guidelines you learned from the lesson.

Comment on the good points and bad points of the

sample book review.
Any questions,
so far? 
Analysis and
• How are book reviews made?
• What is the value of learning how to
write a book review? How is it important
to you as a student?
• Can you see yourself doing book reviews
as a career? Explain why.
5-item Quiz

 True
 False
The artwork found on the cover of the
book is called frontispiece
It is no longer important to delve into the
life of the author who wrote the book
Comparing the book being reviewed to
other works of literature and seeing the
similar patterns in them is called
The purpose of writing a book review is
to help readers decide if they should read
the book or not
It is of no significance to look into the
structure of the book and how it is
• Deadline on Monday
• Read and review the books assigned to your team
• 7 & 4 (The Black God’s Drums)
• 8 & 6 (Skyward)
• 3 & 1 (Crowded)
• 10 & 9 (Invisible Kingdom)
• 2 & 5 (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
• Deadline on Monday
• Read and review the books assigned to your team
• 7 & 4 (The Black God’s Drums)
• 8 & 6 (Skyward)
• 3 & 1 (Crowded)
• 10 & 9 (Invisible Kingdom)
• 2 & 5 (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
Article Critique
Components of a Research Article
• Title of research article
• Author/s
• Primary author
• Secondary/contributing author
• Year of publication
• Title of research journal
• Volume
• Issue
• Number of pages
• Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Referencing Style Guides
American Psychological in psychology and education
Association (APA)

Modern Language in the humanities

Association (MLA)

Chicago in history and sciences

APA 7 th
October 2019
APA 7 th
ed. – Journal Articles
APA 7 th
ed. - Books
APA 7th ed. –
Chapter in an Edited Book
How to Write an Article Critique
1. Identify the components of a research article.
2. Make inferences about the title.
3. Identify the parts of the article. IMRD
1. Identify the method and the research design used in the study.
2. Look for the findings.
3. Find the conclusion/s.
4. Identify the major issues in the article, including the
essential/critical points of discussion.
5. Critique the article based on style, format, content
(accuracy), etc.
6. Cite your insights.

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