Using Technology To Enhance Classroom Learning

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Using Technology to Enhance

Classroom Learning
Facilitated by Dr. Sophia Scott
• Understanding our students
• Technology & Learning
• Tips & Techniques for using PowerPoint
technology to enhance learning in the
• Tips & Techniques for using Website
technology to enhance learning in the
Understanding Our Students
Pop Quiz
What does this mean? ROTFL

a) Pneumonic for remembering the 5

plant cell types
b) Reserve Officers Training Florida
c) Record of True Foreign Languages
d) Rolling On The Floor Laughing
Pop Quiz
What do these chat acronyms stand for?

Pop Quiz
What do these emoticons mean?
Pop Quiz
• Web site comparisons

– Which of each pair of Web sites is designed

for younger learners, which is designed for
Website comparisons
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
Who are our Students?

Baby Boomers Gen X Net Gen

• TV generation • Video games • The Web

• Typewriters • Computers • Mobile devices
• Memos • E-mail • Instant messenger
• Online communities
By age 21,
The average person will have spent….
• 10,000 hours video games
• 20,000 emails
• 20,000 hours TV
• 10,000 hours on a cell phone
• Under 5,000 hours reading

Prensky, 2003
Children are exposed to technology for
play and learning at a very young age
• The brain reorganizes itself through life
– Stimulation
– Developmental experiences
• Their brains are really “wired” differently
The Net Generation…
• Born in or after 1982
• Gravitate toward group activity
• 8 out of 10 say “it’s cool to be smart”
• Focused on grades and performance
• Busy with extracurricular activities
• Identify with parents’ values; feel close to
• Respectful of social conventions and
• Fascination for new technologies
• Racially and ethnically diverse
Howe & Strauss, 2003
Teen use of Web
• 100% use it to search for information on
colleges, careers & jobs
• 74% use instant messaging as a major
communication vehicle
• 54% of students (7-12 grade) know more
IM screen names than home phone
Teen use of Web for Communication
• 81% e-mail friends & relatives
• 70% instant message
• 56% prefer the Internet over the
Why do teens go the Web?
• Find new & exciting information
• Learn more/better
• For community
• Show others what they can do
• Be heard
The Net Gen is Self-teaching – What does
that mean for the classroom?
Teens & Multi-tasking Online
Technology & Learning
Today’s Learners…
• Digitally literate
• Mobile
• Always on
• Experiential
• Social (stay connected)

Oblinger, 2004
Hypertext minds: Qualities
• Crave interactivity
• Read visual images
• Visual-spatial skills
• Parallel processing
• Inductive discovery
• Fast response time

Prensky, 2001
• Short attention span
• Choose NOT to pay attention
• Lack reflection
• Lack text literacy
• Lack identification of source quality
NetGen learning preferences
• Teams, peer-to-peer
• Structure
• Engagement & experience
• Visual & kinesthetic
• Things that matter

Oblinger, 2004
Students vs. Faculty
Students Faculty

Multitasking Single or limited tasks

Pictures, sound, video Text

Random access Linear, logical, sequential

Interactive & networked Independent & individual

Engaging Disciplined

Spontaneous Deliberate
Generational Comparisons
• Ctrl+Alt+Del is as basic as ABC
• They don’t understand the “return” key
• Computers fit into backpacks
• They have always had a personal
identification number
• Photos are processed in under an hour
• Gas has always been unleaded
• Rogaine is available for the follicularly
Multiple Media Literacy
• 2 million children have a personal
website (ages 6-17)
• 6 million will have one by the end of the
It is not about AGE…

We live in a technologically enriched

Compare yourself
• Are you comfortable composing
documents longhand?
• Have you turned “remembering” over to
a technology?
• Are you connected? (Internet, cell
• Do you engage in more than one activity
at a time?
• Do you play computer or video games?
What does the learning
environment look like?
Environments for learning
• Every students learns all the time
– Learning is in & out of classroom
– Every setting can be a learning environment
• Direct experience shapes individual
• Individuals learn by establishing &
reworking patterns, relationships &
• Change is stimulating
The Big Question…

How can teachers enable students to

be successful in education?
What students want in a learning
• Teacher to have an in-depth knowledge
in their field
• Faculty ability to use technology
• Don’t overuse the technology

Students learn from thinking…

thinking is engaged by activity

Junassen, 2003
Action Reflection

Visual Text

Social Individual

Process Content

Speed Deliberation

Peer-to-peer Peer Review

Engaging Learning Experiences
Emotional Engaging


Case Study
Q&A Discussion

Passive Active
Tips & Techniques for using PowerPoint
technology to enhance learning in the
Preparing Presentations
• Use a design template so you can focus
on content
• Use PowerPoint interactively
• Outline the lecture using PowerPoint
• Use text sparingly
• The “Joy of Six” – max of six points & six
words per point
How to Design Effective PowerPoint
Know Your Audience
Organize the Content


PowerPoint in PowerPoint on PowerPoint

The Classroom the Web Nuggets
Font Styles
Comic Sans
Bookman Old Style
Courier New
CG Times

Times New Roman

Present in a Variety of Ways
• Tables
• Charts
• Shapes
• Graphics
• Stair steps
• Don’t overuse Bullets
Say it With Graphics
Which slide communicates the
clearest visual message?
Your Visual Image

 Non-Verbals  Attire
 7 Seconds  Organization
 Eye Contact  Movement
 Entry  Demeanor
Your Visual Image
7 Seconds

Eye Contact


Use Animation When Appropriate
Editing PowerPoint Presentations
• Use the tools provided
• FOCUS on content & not presentation
• Read & Edit before showing
The Purpose of a PowerPoint is …
to give Power to a Point
What do you think of the
Following Slides?
Great Graphics
Keep it Real
• First Year Success
• At Southeast, you’ll learn two kinds of skills and knowledge:  those particularly targeted for a
specific career or profession (your major), and those that will serve you regardless of your
chosen profession (University Studies).  In your major, you’ll learn leading-edge information
that will allow you to be successful in your first job.  In University Studies, you’ll learn skills
and knowledge that will go beyond job-specific abilities.  These are the skills that will make
you a valuable employee and a valued colleague.
•  Advising: At Southeast, you are encouraged to consider many academic and career
interests. Our academic advisors can help by providing guidance related to course selection
and registration. If you haven’t selected a major, the University Studies advisor can provide
you with assistance.
• First STEP Orientation: Sign up for our specially designed Southeast orientation program.
This critical program connects students and parents with faculty, staff and other Southeast
students and parents. During the day you not only will meet with an adviser and get that all-
important class schedule but also you will get your official I.D. card, get advice about
academic majors and possible careers, learn about social activities and find out where those
critical offices and services you will need are located.
• First Year Seminar: Check out our nationally recognized and required First Year Seminar,
where you’ll be introduced to the University Studies program and the value of a liberal
education while addressing one of a variety of themes.
• Kent Library: Southeast's Kent Library is your partner in finding information for completing
research papers and class assignments. Library professionals can work with you in person,
by phone or e-mail. Online resources bring the library to wherever you are, 24 hours a day,
seven days a week.
I like Color
• Do you like this color?
• Do you like this color?
• Do you like this color?
• Do you like this color?
• Do you like this color?
• Do you like this color?
• Do you like this color?
Animation and sound too far…
• This is point one
• This is point two
• This is point three
• This is point four
Preparing Materials
• Use notes
• Prepare handouts
• Can use PowerPoint for transparency
PowerPoint in the Classroom
• Make it interactive
• Use text sparingly
• Print slides in advance
• Put on website
• Use as an outline
• Leave out information – to be filled in
PowerPoint in the Classroom
• Remember the “Joy of Six”
• Minimize animated text, sound and
• Black out the screen (use B on
• Use three slides per minute
• Use 24 font or bigger
• Don’t turn your back on your students
Avoid PowerPoint Overload
Focus on
Mix Lecture with Technology
PowerPoint on the Web
• Can enhance learning online
• Do not overuse
• Use creative ways to present the
• Specify what you want your students to
look for (terms, concepts, examples)
• Narrative the clips for added interactivity
• View as both PowerPoint & HTML
Issues with PowerPoint on the Web
• Some animations & slide transitions are
not supported
• Some images do not show in certain
• Frames could be a problem
• Sounds do not play
PowerPoint Nuggets
• Use PowerPoint tools
• Focus on Content not presentation
• Do not overuse PowerPoint
• Vary your Presentations
• Edit
• Make PowerPoint Interactive
What are some tips you can offer
using PowerPoint in the classroom &
Tips & Techniques for using Website
technology to enhance learning in the
Assembling web-based materials
First Things First!
• What's the purpose of your web site? If you
can narrow down what you want your
viewers to do when they're at your site, you
can save yourself a lot of time by focusing
your web site content.
• Who is your audience?
• What kind of technology is your audience
Tips for Basics of Web Design
1. Identify Purpose
2. Recognize Bandwidth (design to 28.8
3. Graphics (GIF or JPEG? – GIF better for
4. Monitor resolution (design to 640X480)
5. Recognize multiple platforms and browsers
(MAC or PC and Netscape or Explorer)
6. Navigation should be consistent & easy to
7. Use common Fonts
Notes and hints...
• To get "headings," use the style drop-
down menu. This is the first dropdown
menu in your toolbar.
• Use "bold" and "italics," but stay away
from underlining text. This makes the
text look like it's a link, which is
confusing to users.
• To get sub-bullets, click the "indent"
toolbar button twice.
Maintaining a web site
• Have a back up copy
• Update the site
• Use the navigation and interface tools
• Check the content
• Check links
• Get feedback from students & others
Student Comments
• Keep the site organized
• Keep the site updated
• Have a place for questions
• Have clear instructions & directions
• Respond in a timely manner
• Add additional resources
• Have a purpose for the content (don’t
like busy work)
In summary….
• Recognize your students
• Balance technology & lecture
• Be active in teaching
• Use PowerPoint & Websites effectively
• Engage students in different learning
• It is NOT about technology – it IS about
Thank you for your Time!

Any Questions or Comments

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