PCE-3207 Introduction To Power System

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PCE-3207 Introduction to Power System

Lecture 4

Representation Of Power System Components

• Outlines
 Single-phase solution of balanced three - phase networks

 One-line diagram and impedance or reactance diagram

 Per unit (p.u.) system

2.1: Single-phase solution of balanced three-phase

We can determine voltages, currents,

and powers at various points in a
balanced circuit.
Consider a Y-connected generator and
load via three-phase transmission line.
For a balanced Y-connected system,
insertion of a neutral does not change
the system.
All three phases are identical except of
120˚shift. Therefore, we can analyze a
single phase (per-phase circuit).

Limitation: not valid for -connections…

2.2 One-line (single-line) diagrams
Almost all modern power systems are three-phase systems with the
phases of equal amplitude and shifted by 120˚. Since phases are
similar, it is customary to sketch power systems in a simple form with
a single line representing all three phases of the real system.

One-line (single-line) diagrams Cont’d

Example : a power system containing two synchronous machines,

two loads, two busses, two transformers, and a transmission line to
connect busses together.

All devices are protected by oil circuit breakers (OCBs). We notice

that the diagram indicates the type of connection for each machine
and transformer, and also the points in the system connected to the

2.3 Per unit (p.u.) system
• Power system quantities such as power, voltage, current and
impedance are often expressed in per unit or percent of
specified base values.
• Example: Given a base voltage of 50 kV, then the voltage 40
kV in per unit is
Pu=40/50=0.8 or 80%
• The major advantage of the pu is to simplify the equivalent
circuit of a transformer by properly specifying base quantities.
• The impedance of a transformer whether referred to primary
or secondary side is the same when expressed in pu.
• When all quantities are converted in pu values, the different
voltage levels disappear and power network involving
synchronous generators, transformers and lines reduce to a
system of simple impedances.
• Hence, the pu system allows us to avoid the possibility of making
serious calculation errors when referring quantities from one side of a
transformer to the other.
• Per unit quantities are calculated as follows:

• Where: actual quantity is the value of the quantity in the actual units,
and the base value has the same units as the actual quantity, thus
making the per unit quantity dimensionless.
• Two independent base values can be arbitrarily selected at one point
in a power system. For either a single phase circuit or for one phase of
a three phase circuit usually the base voltage V baseLN and base complex
power Sbase1ø are selected.

Two rules for the base quantities adapted by convention are
– The value of Sbase1ø is the same for the entire power system
of concern.
– The ratio of the voltage bases on either side of a
transformer is selected to be the same as the ratio of the
transformer voltage ratings.
S1 ,base
I base 
VLN ,base

 
VLN ,base V LN ,base
Z base  
I base S1 ,base

Per-phase, per-unit equivalent circuits
The base current and impedance in a per-unit system can also be
expressed in terms of the three-phase apparent power (which is 3
times the apparent power of a single phase) and line-to-line voltages
(which is 3 times the line-to-neutral voltage):
S3 ,base
I base 
3VLL ,base

 
VLL ,base V LL ,base
Z base  
3I base S3 ,base

In the per-unit system, all quantities are represented as a fraction of

the base value: actualvalue
Quantityin per  unit
basevalueof quantity
Per-phase, per-unit equivalent circuits
 If any two of the four base quantities are specified, the other base
values can be calculated. Usually, base apparent power and base
voltage are specified at a point in the circuit, and the other values are
calculated from them.
 The base voltage varies by the voltage ratio of each transformer in
the circuit but the base apparent power stays the same through the
 The per-unit impedance may be transformed from one base to
another as:
 Vold   S new 
Per  unitZ new  per  unitZ old    
 new   old 

Procedure for Per Unit Analysis

1. Pick S Base
for the system.
2. Pick VBase
according to line-to-line voltage.
3. Calculate Z Basefor different zones.
4. Express all quantities in p.u.
5. Draw impedance diagram and solve for p.u.
6. Convert back to actual quantities if needed.

EEng 3210: Chapter Two 11

How to Choose Base Values ?
• Divide circuit into zones by transformers.
• Specify two base values out of I B ,VB , Z B , S B ; for
example, S Base
and VBase
• Specify voltage base in the ratio of zone line to
line voltage.
V1 :V2 V2 :V3 V3 :V4

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4

VBase1 VBase 2 VBase3 VBase4
S Base VBase1
I Base1  Z Base1 
VBase1 I Base1
EEng 3210: Chapter Two 12

• Given a one line diagram,

Vg  13.2kV
Ig Z line  10  j100
~ 5 MVA 10 MVA
Z load  300

13.2 Δ – 132 Y kV 138 Y - 69 Δ kV

X l1  0.1p.u. X l 2  0.08p.u.

Find I g, I t -line, I load, Vload, and P.load

Step 1, 2, and 3: Base Values
Vg  13.2kV
Ig Z line  10  j100
~ 5 MVA 10 MVA
Z load  300

13.2 Δ – 132 Y kV 138 Y - 69 Δ kV

X l1  0.1p.u. X l 2  0.08p.u.

S B  10MVA
Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
VB1  13.8kV VB2  138kV VB3  69kV
2 2 2

Z B1 

13.8k  2
 19.04 Z B2 
VBl2 l

138k  2
 1904 Z B3 
VBl3 l

 69k 
 476
SB 10M SB 10 M SB 10M
S B31 10 M S B32 10M S B33 10M
I B1    418.4 I B2    41.84 I B3    83.67
3 VBl1-l 3 13.8k 3 VBl-2l 3 138k 3 VBl-3l 3  69k

EEng 3210: Chapter Two 14

Step 4: All in Per Unit Quantities

X l 2  0.08p.u.

+ old old
Z p.u. ZB
Z p.u.  Z load 300
Z new Z load,p.u.    0.63
B Z B3 476
X l1,p.u . 

0.1 13.2k  5M

 0.183
Vg 13.2kV
Vg,p.u.    0.960
VB1 13.8kV

Z line 10  j100
Z line,p.u.    5.25 10 3 1  j10 
Z B2 1904

EEng 3210: Chapter Two 15

Step 5: One Phase Diagram & Solve

X l1,p.u .  0.183 Z line,p.u.  5.25  10 3 1  j10  X l 2  0.08

+ Vg,p.u.  0.960
- Z load,p.u.  0.63

Vg,p.u. 0.960
I load,p.u.    1.35  26.4
Z total,p.u. 0.70926.4
Vload,p.u.  I load,p.u.Z load,p.u.  0.8505  26.4
S load,p.u.  Vload,p.u. I load,
p.u.  1.148

I g,p.u.  I t -line,p.u.  I load,p.u.  1.35  26.4

EEng 3210: Chapter Two 16

Step 6: Convert back to actual quantities

Vg  13.2kV
Ig Z line  10  j100
~ 5 MVA 10 MVA
Z load  300

Vload,p.u.  0.8505  26.4

13.2 Δ – 132 Y kV 138 Y - 69 Δ kV
X l1  0.1p.u. X l 2  0.08p.u. S load,p.u.  1.148

I g,p.u.  I t -line,p.u.  I load,p.u.  1.35  26.4

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3

I g  I g,p.u. I B1 I t -line  I t -line,p.u. I B2 I load  I load,p.u. I B3

Vload  Vload,p.u.VB3
S load  S load,p.u.S B

EEng 3210: Chapter Two 17

• Example 2: a power system consists of one synchronous
generator and one synchronous motor connected by two
transformers and a transmission line. Create a per-phase, per-
unit equivalent circuit of this power system using a base
apparent power of 100 MVA and a base line voltage of the
generator G1 of 13.8 kV.
• Given that:
– G1 ratings: 100 MVA, 13.8 kV, R = 0.1 pu, X = 0.9 pu;
– T1 ratings: 100 MVA, 13.8/110 kV, R = 0.01 pu, X = 0.05 pu;
– T2 ratings: 50 MVA, 120/14.4 kV, R = 0.01 pu, X = 0.05 pu;
– M ratings: 50 MVA, 13.8 kV, R = 0.1 pu, X = 1.1 pu;
– L1 impedance: R = 15 , X = 75 .

EEng 3210: Chapter Two 18

Per-Unit Example

To create a per-phase, per-unit equivalent circuit, we need first to calculate the

impedances of each component in the power system in per-unit to the system base. The
system base apparent power is Sbase = 100 MVA everywhere in the

base ,1  13.8kV Region 1

power system. The base voltage in the V
three regions will vary as the voltage
ratios of the transformers that 110
Vbase,2  Vbase ,1  110kV Region 2
delineate the regions. These base 13.8
voltages are: 14.4
Vbase,3  Vbase,2  13.2kV Region 2
Per-Unit Example
The corresponding base impedances in each region are:
 13.8kV 
VLL ,base 2
Z base ,1    1.904Region1
S3 ,base 100MVA
 110kV 
VLL ,base 2
Z base ,2    121Region1
S3 ,base 100MVA

 13.2kV 
VLL ,base 2
Z base ,3    1.743Region1
S3 ,base 100MVA

The impedances of G1 and T1 are specified in per-unit on a base of

13.8 kV and 100 MVA, which is the same as the system base in
Region 1. Therefore, the per-unit resistances and reactances of these
components on the system base are unchanged:
RG1,pu = 0.1 per unit
XG1,pu = 0.9 per unit
RT1,pu = 0.01 per unit
XT1,pu = 0.05 per unit
Per-Unit Example
There is a transmission line in Region 2 of the power system. The
impedance of the line is specified in ohms, and the base impedance
in that region is 121 . Therefore, the per-unit resistance and
reactance of the transmission line are:
Rline , system   0.124 perunit
X line , system   0.620 perunit
The impedance of T2 is specified in per-unit on a base of 14.4 kV and
50 MVA in Region 3. Therefore, the per-unit resistances and
reactances of this component on the system base are:
per  unitZ new  per  unitZ given  Vgiven Vnew  S S given 

RT 2, pu  0.0114.4 / 13.2  100 / 50  0.0238 pu


X T 2, pu  0.0514.4 / 13.2 100 / 50  0.119 pu


Per-Unit Example
The impedance of M2 is specified in per-unit on a base of 13.8 kV and
50 MVA in Region 3. Therefore, the per-unit resistances and
reactances of this component on the system base are:
per  unitZ new  per  unitZ given  Vgiven Vnew  S S given 

RM 2, pu  0.113.8 / 13.2 100 / 50  0.219 pu


X M 2, pu  1.113.8 / 13.2 100 / 50  2.405 pu


Therefore, the per-

phase, per-unit
equivalent circuit of
this power system is

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