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Vaccine :

Inception to Culmination
What is a Vaccine?
Agent containing disease-causing microorganism
Made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its
toxins, or its surface proteins.

It stimulates the body’s immune system to recognize the

agent as a threat & destroy it.

The body then remembers how to fight it by memory cells of

our body.
When the actual pathogen attacks, our body recognize and
fight against it.
When will we need a Vaccine?
Vaccines are required for lethal and/or
rapidly-progressing diseases
Mainly needed for viral or bacterial
To protect from the disease and prevent
its recurrence
Thus, provides life-long immunity
against the disease
But why is a vaccine
required? Won’t
But Why is a Vaccine
medicines work?
Antimicrobial Medicines Vaccines
 Help to treat a  Help to prevent a disease
 Indiscriminately kill microbes  Invoke human immune
 Non-targeted  system
 Might even kill good  Activates our body cells to
microbes create antibodies & kill the
B ET TER pathogen
PR E V H A N C U R E  May/may not work for some  Usually work
Eradication of a disease

Thus, Vaccine is the first step (inception) for the eradication of a disease (culmination)
How long did it take to develop the first
vaccine – smallpox(variola virus)?
Origin : Unknown, Dated back to 3rd Century BC Egyptian Empire
Devastating disease, 3 out of every 10 people who got it died
Traces of smallpox pustules found on the
Variolation – material from smallpox sores (pustules) given to non- head of a 3000 year-old mummy

infected people showed symptoms but fewer died

1796 – Edward Jenner observed a milkmaid who had had cowpox but
did not show any symptoms after variolation, started experiments
Word ‘Vaccine’ – coined by Edward Jenner, → ‘vacca’ meaning ‘cow’
1967 – WHO’s
Intensified smallpox
eradication program
(but had been already
eliminated in Europe &
North America)

May 8, 1980 – World

declared free of
Some diseases for which vaccines have
been made
1. Measles 6. Tetanus
2. Whooping Cough (Pertussis) 7. Meningococcal Disease
3. Flu 8. Hepatitis B
4. Polio 9. Mumps
5. Pneumococcal Disease 10. Hib (Haemophilus
Influenzae type B)
How to develop the vaccine?
How long does it usually take to create
a Vaccine?
Stages of Vaccine Development
Latest disease (pandemic)
No specific (wide range) symptoms
Most (with mild symptoms) recover
without special treatment
‘Stay Home, Stay Safe’
Vaccine for COVID-19…
Ongoing COVID-19 projects in India and the world:
Bharat Biotech (India)
Serum Institute (India)
Zydus Cadila (India)
Pfizer (US/Germany)
Moderna (US)
AstraZeneca PNC (UK)
Vaccine for COVID-19…
Till now, Mumps was considered the fastest vaccine to be
made (in 4 years).
However, now seems like COVID-19 will be the fastest
vaccine made (in 1 year)
Vaccine for COVID-19…
Vaccination Programs:
India’s Health Ministry has announced that some COVID-19
vaccines are likely to receive licences in the next few weeks
and outlined an initial plan to immunise 300 million people.
(*as of Dec 9th, 2020)
Three companies - Serum Institute, Bharat Biotech and Pfizer
have applied for approval in India 
Thank You
Let’s see when the vaccine is out
Till then - Stay Home, Stay Safe!

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