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Chapter 4

Exponential and Logarithmic

In this chapter, we consider two types of
functions that are closely related: exponential
functions and logarithmic functions. We will
learn to find derivatives of such functions.
are rich in applications such as
population growth, decay, interest
compounded continuously, spread of rumors,
and carbon dating.
Chapter 4 Sections

4.1Exponential Functions
4.2Logarithmic Functions
4.3Applications: The Unhibited Growth Model
4.4 Applications: Decay
4.5The Derivatives of ax and logax
4.6An Economics Application: Elasticity of Demand
4.1 Exponential Functions
 Graph exponential functions.

 Differentiate exponential functions.

HW 4.1
 p. 298 (8-36 evens), 53-56
Exponential Functions
 Properties
a x a y  a x  y a x  a y  a x y
a 
y x
a xy
a  x
 Definition
 An exponential function f is given by f (x) = ax
where x is any real number, a > 0, and a ≠ 1. The
number a is called the base.
 Graph f (x) = 2x
 Look at the x-axis, the curve comes very close
but does not cross it. Therefore, the x-axis is
our horizontal asymptote.
Properties of the Exponential Function
1. The function f (x) = ax, where a > 1, is a positive,
increasing, continuous function. The graph is
concave up.
2. The function f (x) = ax, where 0< a < 1, is a
positive, decreasing, continuous function. The
graph is concave up.
3. When a = 1, f (x) = ax = 1x = 1, and is a constant
function. This is why we do not allow 1 to be the
base of an exponential function.
The Derivative of ax; the Number e

f ( x)  a x

f ( x  h)  f ( x )
f '( x)  lim
h 0 h
a a x
f '( x)  lim
h 0 h
a a  a 1
x h x
f '( x)  lim
h 0 h
a 1 h
f '( x)  a  lim
h 0 h

Consider letting a = 2 or a = 3
2 1
3 1
f '( x)  2  lim
 0.7 f '( x)  3  lim
 1.1
h 0 h h 0 h
e  2.718281828459
 There exists a number between 2 and 3 such
that : ah  1
lim 1 and
h 0 h
a h
f '( x)  a  lim
 a x  1  f ( x)
h 0 h

Derivative of e:
f ( x)  e x

f '( x)  e dx x
Finding Derivatives of Functions Involving e

d x
e e x


d d 2 x d  ex 
 3e 
 xe  3.  3
dx  x 
eu...............remember the Chain Rule??

d f ( x)
e  f '( x)  e f ( x)

d u du u
e   e  e duu

dx dx
d 5x
1.  e 

d  x 2  4 x 7

e x 2 3

4.2 Logarithmic Functions
 Convert between exponential and logarithmic
 Solve exponential equations.

 Solve problems involving exponential and

logarithmic functions.
 Differentiate functions involving natural logarithms.
 Homework 4.2 #1
 p.314-315 2-28 evens

 Homework 4.2 #2
 p.315 30 – 62 evens

 Homework 4.2 #3
 p. 316-317 75-92, 94, 95

 Review 4.1 & 4.2

 Quiz 4.1 & 4.2

Logarithmic Functions
 A logarithm is defined as follows:
y  log a x means x  a y , a  0, a  1.

 The number logax is the power y to which we

raise a to get x. The number a is called the
logarithmic base.
 Common logarithm

log x  log10 x
Basic Properties of Logarithms
P1 log a MN  log a M  log a N
P2 log a  log a M  log a N
P3 log a M  k log a M

P4 log a a  1
P5 log a 1  0
 Given loga2 = 0.301 and loga3 = 0.477, find
each of the following:
1. log a 6 2. log a
3. log a 81 4. log a
5. log a a 6. log a 2a
log a 3
7. log a 5 8.
log a 2
Natural Logs
 Definition
 For any positive number x, ln x = logex

 Basic Properties of Natural Logs

P1 ln MN  ln M  ln N P2 ln  ln M  ln N

P3 ln M k  k ln M P4 ln e  1

P5 ln e k  k P6 ln1  0
 Given ln 2 = 0.6931 and ln 3 = 1.0986, find
each of the following:
a. ln 6 b. ln81
2 1
c. ln d . ln
3 3
e. ln 2e f . ln e
4.2 - Day 2
 Convert between exponential and logarithmic
 Solve exponential equations.
 Solve problems involving exponential and
logarithmic functions.
 Differentiate functions involving natural
Using your Calculator to find ln

 Round the following to 6 digits

 ln 5.24
 1.656321

 ln (0.00001277)
 -11.26841
Exponential Equations
 Solve for t

1. e  40

0.04 t
2. e  0.05
Solving using Graphs
 Method 1
 Graph both sides of
the equation and
1. e  1000

use the intersect. x

2. e  60
.04 t
 Method 2
 Solve the equation
3. e  0.05
for 0 and use the x-
Graphing Natural Logs y = ln x

Theorem 6
 ln x exists only for positive numbers x. The
domain is (0,∞).
 ln x < 0 for 0 < x < 1
 ln x = 0 when x = 1
 ln x > 0 for x > 1
 The range is the entire line, (-∞,∞).
Derivatives of Natural Log Functions
 Theorem 7

d 1 d 1 du
ln x  ln u  
dx x dx u dx
 But Why??
d d 2
a. 3ln x b.  x ln x  5 x 
dx dx

d  ln x  d
c.  3  d . ln  x  8 x 

dx  x  dx
Examples Cont…
d d
e. ln 3x f . ln  x 2  5 
dx dx

d d  x 4
g . ln  ln x  h. ln  
dx dx  x 
4.3 Applications: The Unhibited
Growth Model
 Find functions that satisfy dP/dt = kP.

 Convert between growth rate and doubling time.

 Solve application problems involving exponential


Homework 4.3
 p. 328 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 21, 24, 26, 34
Exponential Growth
 Consider the function f ( x )  2e 3 x

 Differentiating, we get f '( x)  32e3 x

f '( x)  3 f ( x)
 Graphically this says
that the derivative, or
slope of the tangent line
is simply 3 times the
function value.
The exponential function is the only function whose
derivative is a constant times the function itself.
Theorem 9
 A function y = f(x) satisfies the equation
 ky  f '( x)  k  f ( x)
if and only if
y  ce kx
 f ( x)  ce kx 
for some constant c.

 No matter what the variables, you should be able to

write the function that satisfies what is called a
differential equation.

1. Find the function that satisfies the equation

 kA
2. Find the function that satisfies the equation
 kP
Example 3
Find the function that satisfies the equation
f '(Q)  k  f (Q)
Uninhibited Growth Model

P (t )  P0 e kt

 The constant k is called the rate of

exponential growth, or simply growth rate.
This is not the rate of change of the
population size which is: dP  kP

but the constant by which P must be

multiplied in order to get its rate of change.
Example 4
Suppose that an amount P0 is invested in a savings
account where interest is compounded continuously
at 7% per year. That is, the balance P grows at the
rate given by: dP  0.07 P
a) Find the function that satisfies the equation. List it
in terms of P0 and 0.07.
b) Suppose that $100 is invested. What is the balance
after 1 year?
c) After what period of time will an investment of
$100 double itself?
Theorem 10
 The growth rate k and the doubling time T are
related by
kT  ln 2  0.693147
ln 2 0.693147
or k 
ln 2 0.693147
and T 
k k
 Note that the relationship between k and T does not
depend on P0.
Example 5 Business: Internet Use

Worldwide use of the Internet is increasing at

an exponential rate. Internet traffic is doubling
every 100 days. What is the exponential
growth rate?
The Rule of 70
The relationship between doubling time T and interest
rate k is the basis of a rule often used in the investment
world, called the Rule of 70. To estimate how long it will
take to double your money at varying rates of return,
divide 70 by the rate of return. To see how this works, let
the interest rate k = r%. Then,
ln 2 0.693147
T 
k r%
0.693147 100
 
r  0.01 100
69.3147 70
 
r r
Example 6 Life Science:
World Population Growth

The population of the world was 1. Find the function that

6.0 billion in 1998 and it is satisfies the equation.
projected to be 6.0400 billion in Assume P0=6.0400 and
2000. It has been estimated that k=0.016.
the population is growing
exponentially at a rate of 0.016, or
2. Estimate the world
1.6% per year.
population in 2020 (t = 20).

Thus dP/dt = 0.016 P , where t is

time, in years after 2000. To 3. After what period of time
simplify computations, we assume will the population double?
the population was 6.0400 billion
at the beginning of 2000.
Models of Limited Growth
The growth model has many applications to unlimited
growth as we have seen thus far in this section.
However, it seems reasonable that there can be factors
that prevent a population from exceeding some limiting
value L – perhaps a limitation on food, living space, or
other natural resources. One model of such growth is
the following which is called the logistic equation.

P(t )   kt
1  be
Example 8 Business:
Box-Office Revenue
Titanic is one of the greatest 1. Findthe total revenue
box-office attractions of all after 1 week, 2
time. Having opened in Dec weeks, 4 weeks, 5
1997, it was still running in weeks, 8 weeks, 26
theaters in Aug 1998 when it weeks.
went into videotape sales. The
total US box-office revenue, R, 2. Find
the rate of
in millions of dollars, after time
change R’(t).
t, in weeks, can be
approximated by the logistic
function 3. Sketch
a graph of the
R (t ) 
1  4.974e 0.1814t
Answers to Example 8
538.14e 0.1814t
t R(t) 2. R '(t ) 
1 115.8
 1  4.97e 
0.1814 t 2

2 133.7
4 175.0
5 198.3
8 275.4
26 571.0
4.4 Applications: Decay
 Find a function that satisfies dP/dt = -kP.
 Convert between decay rate and half-life.
 Solve applied problems involving exponential decay.

Homework 4.4
 p.340 – 344 2, 4, 8, 16, 18, 24, 28, 34, 38, 42
Applications: Decay
 In the equation for population growth dP/dt = kP,
the constant k is actually given by:

k = (Birth rate) – (Death rate)

 So, a population grows only when the birth rate is

larger than the death rate.
 A population decays when the death rate is larger
than the birth rate.
Exponential Decay
For convenience, express k > 0 and decay as –k
The equation   kP
shows P to be decreasing as a function of time,
and the solution P(t )  P0 e  kt
shows it to be decreasing exponentially.

One example of decay is radioactive decay.

Example 1 Life Sciences: Decay
Strontium-90 has a decay rate of 2.8% per year.
The rate of change is given by dN  0.028 N
a. Find the function that satisfies the equation in terms
of N0 (the present amount at t = 0)
b. Suppose that 1000 grams (g) of strontium-90 is
present at t = 0. How much will remain after 100
c. After how long will half of the 1000g remain?
General Formula for Half-Life /
Theorem 11
1  kt
P0  P0 e
Example 2 Life Sciences: Half-Life

 Plutonium, a common product and ingredient of

nuclear reactors, is of great concern to those who are
against the building of nuclear reactors. Its decay rate
is 0.003% per year. What is its half-life?
Example 3 Life Science: Carbon

The radioactive element

carbon-14 has a half-life of
5750 years. The percentage of
carbon-14 present in the
remains of plants and animals
can be used to determine age.
Archaeologists found that the
linen wrapping from one of the
Dead Sea Scrolls had lost
22.3% of its carbon-14. How
old was the linen wrapping?
Example 4 Business: Present Value

Following the birth of a

child, a parent wants to
make an initial
investment of P0 that
will grow to $10,000
by the child’s 20th
birthday. Interest is
continuously at 8%.
What should the initial
investment be?
Newton’s Law of Cooling
The temperature T of a cooling object drops at a
rate that is proportional to the difference T-C,
where C is the constant temp of the surrounding
medium. Thus, dT
 k  T  C 
The function that satisfies the equations is
 kt
T  T (t )  ae C

Check by differentiating…
Example 5 Life Science: Scalding

McDivett’s Pie Shoppes, a natural restaurant firm,

funds that the temperature of its freshly brewed coffee
is 130º. They are naturally concerned that if a customer
spills hot coffee on himself, a lawsuit might result.
Room temperature in the restaurant is generally 72º.
The temperature of the coffee cools to 120º after 4.3
min. The company determines that it is safer to serve
coffee at a temperature of 105º. How long does it take
a cup of coffee to cool to 105º?
Example 6 Life Science: When was
the Murder Committed?

The police discover the body of a calculus

professor. Critical to solving the crime is
determining when the murder was committed.
The police call the coroner, who arrives at 12
noon. She immediately takes the temperature
of the body and finds it to be 94.6º. She waits
one hour and the temperature is 93.4º. She also
notes that the temperature of the room is 70º.
When was the murder committed?
4.5 The Derivatives of ax and logax

 Convert exponential expressions to powers of e.

 Differentiate functions involving ax and logax.

Homework 4.5
 P.348 2-28 evens
xln a
The Derivative of a x a e

 To find the derivative of ax, we first express

ax as a power of e. To do this, we must first
prove the following: b
logb x
Example 1

Express as a power of e.
a. 32

b. 10x
Example 2
d x d x ln 2
2  e
dx dx
Theorem 14 (Generalized)

d x
a   ln a  a x

Example 3 :
d x

Example 4 :
 1.4 

Comparing Formulas
d x d x
a   ln a  a x and e  ex
dx dx
The Derivative of logax

 First express logax in terms of ln a

a log a x

d 1 1
Theorem 16 : log a x  
dx ln a x
d d
Example 5 : log 3 x Example 6 : log x
dx dx

d 2
Example 7 : x log x
4.6 An Economics Application:
Elasticity of Demand
 Find the elasticity of a demand function.
 Find the maximum of a total-revenue function.
 Characterize demand in terms of elasticity.

Homework 4.6
 P. 354 – 355 2 – 16 evens
Elasticity of Demand
 The elasticity of demand E is given as a function of
price p by:

p  D '( p)
E ( p)  
D( p)

 The numbers x, or D(p), and p are always

nonnegative. The slope of the demand curve is
always negative, since the demand curve is
decreasing, and D(p) is always nonnegative and must
be positive in order for elasticity to exist.
Example 1: Economics: Demand for
Videotape Rentals
 A videotape store works out a demand function for its
videotape rentals and finds it to be
x = D(p)=120 – 20p, where x is the number of
videotapes rented per day when p is the price per

Find the following:

a. The quantity demanded when the price is $2 per
b. The elasticity as a function of p.
c. The elasticity at p=$2 and at p=$5. The value of p for
which E(p) = 1. Interpret the meaning of this price.
d. The total-revenue function R(p)=pD(p)
e. The price p at which total revenue is a maximum.
Example 1 work…

 For a particular value of the price p:

 The demand is inelastic if E(p) < 1. An increase in price
will bring an increase in revenue. If demand is inelastic,
then revenue is increasing.
 The demand has unit elasticity if E(p) = 1. The demand has
unit elasticity when revenue is at a maximum.
 The demand is elastic if E(p) > 1. An increase in price will
bring a decrease in revenue. If demand is elastic, then
revenue is decreasing.
Chapter 4 Review Schedule
 Day 1
 Review of Homework 4.6 Exercises
 Homework Chapter 4 Test – p.358-359 1- 25

 Day 2
 Review Chapter 4

 Chapter Test
 Period 2: Friday/Monday
 Period 7: Thursday/Friday

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