How To Make An Appoinment

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How to make an appoinment??

Anggia astuti.,S.Kp.,M.Kep
Telling Time and schedulling
Student will able to tell about time and
date related to patient care
Student will able to explain about
Cardinal Numbers
1 = one
2 = two
3 = three
4 = four 14 = fourteen
5 = five 15 = fifteen
6 = six 16 = sixteen
7 = seven 17 = seventeen
8 = eight 18 = eighteen
9 = nine 19 = nineteen
10 = ten 20 = twenty
11 = eleven 21 = twenty one
12 = twelve 22 = twenty two
13 = thirteen 30 = thirty
31 = thirty one
40 = fourty
50 = fifty
60 = sixty
and so on
Ordinal Numbers
1st = first
2nd = second
3rd = third 11th = eleventh
4th = fourth 12th = twelfth
5th = fifth 13th = thirteenth
6th = sixth 14th = fourteenth
7th = seventh 15th = fifteenth
8th = eight 16th = sixteenth
9th = ninth 17th = seventeenth
10th = tenth 18th = eighteenth
19th = nineteenth
20th = twentieth
21st = twenty-first
22nd = twenty second
30th = thirtieth
40th = fortieth
43rd = forty-third
and so on
Nurse : Good morning.
Patient : I’d like to make an appointment for a check-up.
Nurse : Have you been here before?
Patient : Yes, I have.
Nurse : Okay, the doctor will be available on Monday, May 1st at 2 pm.
Patient : I’m sorry, I work on Monday. Do you have any appointments available on
Friday or Saturday?
Nurse : Friday appointment would be May 5th at 8 in the morning. Could you make
Patient : Yes, that’s fine.
Nurse : What is your name?
Patient : Luvita Mango.
Nurse : What is your phone number?
Patient : 9842-6790.
Nurse : What is your date of birth?
Patient : 09/20/71.
Nurse : How will you be paying for this appointment?
Patient : I will pay it cash. Can you tell me what the charge would be?
Nurse : It is 40$
Patient : OK. I will do that.
Nurse : OK. I’ve noted that on the schedule. We will meet you on Friday, May 5th at 8
in the morning for a physical check-up.
Patient : Thank you.
Nurse : You are welcome.
Telling time is a part of our everyday lives, from opening
and closing hours of stores to office schedules and
doctor appointments. This activity will help you learn to
tell time and understand it in different situations.
• What are your office hours?
>> We're open from nine to five. (9:00-5:00)
• Do you know what time the bank closes?
>> I think it closes around six. (6:00)
• When does your bus arrive?>> It comes about
a quarter to four. (3:45)
1. 14.45
2. 10.15
3. 11.45
4. 20.50
5. 05.20
Do you remember what date you were admitted to this hospital?
When can I see the obstetrician today?
What time is the cardiologist available?
What time is the pediatriciant visit?

How I make reschedule or cancel an appoinment

Thank You

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