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Specialized Subject

Schedule: Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 10:00 am-11:00 am

1st Semester
A.Y. 2021-2022
Write 5 words under each column that come
into your mind whenever you hear the words
“politics”, “governance” and “government”.


1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.
What is Politics?
Politics is said to be the art of government, the
application of control within the society through the
making and enforcement of collective decisions.

Politics is the exercise of power, making of political

decisions, practice of deception and manipulation,
exercise of authority, allocation of limited resources.

Politics is the heart of Political Science.

Politics (Plato) is the study of the affairs of the
“polis” (city-state), which he defined as the most
sovereign and inclusive association.

Politics (Robert Dahl) is the existence of rules or

authority within the state.

It is therefore the study of power relationship among

the people in a given society as well those
relationships among states in the international
community. (Lazo, 2009)

Politics came from the Greek word “politika”

meaning “the affairs of cities” .“Polis” which
means “city-state.”

Aristotle is the Father of Political Science

As a concept it is associated to the culture of
cooperation one side and differing conflict on
the other side.



According to Plato and Aristotle, there are central
concepts in politics:

(1)Concept of justice – what and who is morally and

politically right,
(2)Concept of power – source of authority,
(3)Concept on the right types of constitutions and
governments – different types of governments and
(4)Concepts on political structures – different
ideologies in a state, and
(5)Concept on the right and virtuous leadership – who
should lead in a certain political system
Political Science is a social science discipline that studies the state and
the government.
 It is a systematized body of knowledge based on facts which deals
with experimentation and observation.

Based on the given definition, there are four elements to become a

science –

a.) body of knowledge;

b.) based on facts;
c.) deals with experiments; and
d.) observation.
Importance of Politics
1. Politics helps you to know your rights.
2. Politics clarifies what you yourself believe.
3. Politics is a living, breathing subject.
4. Politics helps you to understand our nation’s
5. Politics prepares you for adult life.
Why do we need to study Political Science?

It enables us…

 To understand how a political system works

 To understand the functions and role of the
 To develop political awareness
 To understand socio-political issues and their
 To cultivate responsive citizenship and effective
participation in government
Fields of Political Science
1. Political Theory – political views, thoughts or doctrines (ideology). It helps us
better understand the concepts that have shaped our politics, including
freedom, equality, individuality, democracy and justice. Thus, it frequently
involves critiques of our present political reality, and may even take explicitly
political positions.
2. Public Law – government powers, duties and organization, and limits of power.
It  is that area of constitutional, administrative, criminal, and International
Law that focuses on the organization of the government, the relations between 
the state and its citizens, the responsibilities of government officials, and the rel
ations between sister states. It is concerned with political matters, including the
 powers, rights, capacities, and duties of various levels of government and gover
nment officials.
3. Public Administration – methods and techniques of state affairs.  It is the
implementation of government policy and also an academic discipline that
studies this implementation and prepares civil employees for working in the 
public service.
Important Personalities in Pol Sci

Jean Bodin – French philosopher, who first called the

study of state as political science

Niccolo Machiavelli – Father of Modern Political


Jean Jacques Rousseau – Father of Modern

The State
 It is “a community of persons more or less
numerous, permanently occupying a portion
of territory, independent from external control
and possessing a government which the great
body of inhabitants render habitual
obedience” (Prof. Garner)
Five Elements of the State
(According to Modern Political Science)

1. People – is one of the basic elements of the state. A state can have
millions and even billions of people regardless of gender. The Vatican City
is the smallest city in the world and has the least number of people while
China is considered as the biggest city an has the biggest number of
population in the world.
2. Territory – is the scope of land, sea and air areas or boundaries where the
population of the state resides. A territory is divided into 3 domains –
terrestrial (land), maritime and fluvial (water) and aerial domains.
3. Government – is the machinery of the people where their hopes and
aspirations are expressed, formulated, and realized. The government is
the basic agency of the State to carry its obligation.
4. Sovereignty – is the supreme power to command and enforce obedience
(Aruego, Principles of Political Science).
5. Recognition – is the process where the State is granted international
status. It can be implied or expressed.
Government is defined as the group of people
with the authority to govern a country or state,
a particular ministry in office (Oxford
It is the instrument of the state through which
the will of the people is expressed, carried out,
and formulated. Thus, the government serves as
the bridge that connects the people to the state.
• Came from the Latin word “Gubernare” and Greek
word “Kubernaein” which means “to steer”
• Manner of steering or governing, directing or
controlling a group of people or a state.
• The process of decision-making and the process by
which decisions are implemented (or not
• It is the exercise of power or authority in an
organization, institution or state by political leaders for
the well-being of the country’s citizens or inhabitants.
Government vs Governance
• Government • Governance

 Instrument for the  Exercise of political,

purpose of governance economic and
 Groups of people with administrative authority
to manage nation’s affairs
authority to govern a
 Process of decision-
country or state
making and the process
by which decisions are
Three Legs of Governance

Economic governance – country’s economic

activities and its relationships with other
Political governance – to formulate policy
Administrative governance – system of policy
According to UNESCO for Asia and the Pacific, the following are
the characteristics of good governance:

 Participation - participation by both men and women

 Rule of law – legal frameworks should be fair and enforced
 Transparency – free flow of information
 Responsiveness – serve all stakeholders
 Consensus Oriented – mediates differing interests
 Equity and inclusiveness – all have opportunities to improve
or maintain their well-being
 Effectiveness and efficiency – produce results that meet
needs while making the best use of resources; and
 Accountability – accountable to the public.

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