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Foundations of Education (831)

Unit 4: Socio-Economic Foundations of Education

Dr. Zaheer Ahmad
Course Coordinator
Objectives of the Course
• explain the important features of foundations of
• specify the role of educational thinker in education;
• appreciate the philosophical, psychological, foundations
of education;
• discuss the modes of education;
• discuss historical development of education in Pakistan;
• evaluate the issues and problems of education.
Objectives of the Unit
• Explain the concept of society and culture;
• Identify the social conditions and their impact
on education;
• Discuss the economic conditions and education;
• Describe the relationship of politics with
• A collection of individuals who have organized
themselves into a distinct group.
• A kind of social cement that consists of the
characteristic habits, ideals, attitudes, beliefs
and ways of thinking of a particular group of
• Certain aspects of our way of life, certain kinds
of knowledge, certain attitudes and values are
regarded as so important that their transmission
to the next generation is not left to chance in our
Social Conditions and Education
• Social conditions of the society and education
interact and influence each other. Education
plays an important role to produce pro-social
behavior in use and eliminate or minimize anti-
social behavior.
• Various agencies of education contribute to
social change at various stages of life. If a society
wants to be modernized it needs to seek the help
of education.
• Education is expected to change the values and
attitudes of the people and to create in them an
urge or the necessary motivation for social
• It is generally believed that education will
provide necessary training in skills and
occupations and thus produce the needed
competent personnel for manning the different
specialized jobs in modern industrial, business,
educational and research establishments.
• Education is considered to be an important
instrument of assisting people in knowing their
weaknesses and enabling them to gain necessary
knowledge in order to achieve progress in
various spheres of their life in a systematic or
consistent manner.
Economic Conditions and Education
• There is a strong positive relationship between the
economic conditions and education. We use per capita
income and enrolment ratio to study this relationship
which reveals that higher the enrolment and
qualification, higher the per head income of the people
in a country.
• Technologically advancement in the education system
results in the development of a country. Upgradation
and reforms in education paves the way to the higher
productivity, efficiency, skills and performance of the
personnel working in the different fields.
Economic Conditions and Education
• Right type of education equipped with 21st century skills
leads to high rates of employability.
• 21st century employability skills are (a) leadership, (b)
communication, (c) collaboration, (d) ICT, (e)
• So we should provide right type of education to improve
the employability skills of the students.
• Present government is right in bringing reforms
in the curricula and system of Deeni madaris
Politics and Education
• Politics and education also influence each other.
Education has the power to change all together the
political system of a country who revolutionalized
through either evolution or revolution.
• Politicians when come into government take major
decisions in and about the system of education. They
decide what type of education should be given, to whom
it should be given, how it should be given. How much to
be invested in education, what type of policies and
plans should be developed for improving the system of
Politics and Education
• On the other hand, education produce educated and
civilized citizens in a society. Citizens are aware of their
rights and responsibilities, well groomed citizens prefer
national interest over their individual interest.
• They critically analyze the social and political system of
the country and take active part in reforming and
restructuring the society.
• They change or bring new government in a country with
a power of vote and
• They have also the power and courage to make
accountable their leaders for their deeds and actions.
Food for Thought
• Education is the only vehicle to improve the
social and economic status of an individual,
family and society.
Diagnostic Questions
• Which among the following streams has the weakest
Islamic foundation of education?
▫ Govt. schools
▫ Private schools
▫ Deeni Madaris
• Which among the following streams has the strongest
Islamic foundation of education?
▫ Govt. schools
▫ Private schools
▫ Deeni Madaris
• Why societies/ countries provide education to
young ones?
▫ To transmit the essential knowledge, skills,
dispositions and values of the society to the next
▫ To enable them critically analyze the culture and
eliminate its negative aspects and strengthen its
positive components

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