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The British
love tea,

Each Brit consumes 1.89

KG of tea per year. Many
of them do love a cup of FACT
tea (or 20) a day.
• British people do
enjoy queuing. In
The British fact, when it comes
love to queue to Wimbledon,
people will camp in
a queue line to
make sure that they
get tickets.

The British have “stiff upper lips”

• While this was true

in the past, it’s no
longer true that the
British don’t show
their emotions. They
don’t show them too
much. They show
them only when it is
The British love talking about the

• If there is a pause in conversation with a

British person, no doubt, he will ask you
about the weather. It can be raining,
snowing, or just cloudy and the British
will talk about it.
• The British are obsessed
with the class system, most
Brits do tend to identify
with one of the 3 main FICTION
classes, that’s why
sometimes they aren’t polite
to each other.
They’re all
posh and
live in large
The British wear top hats and tails (or
• Scottish people
don't wear kilts
every time they
leave the house, and
English people
don’t walk around
in a top hat and tails
every day – only on
special occasions.
• This depends on where in
All British Britain you mean: in England,
people play cricket is a big deal and there
are many people that play it.
cricket But when you remember
what the weather’s like in
Britain, can they really have a
summer sport when they
don’t even have a summer?

British people have bad teeth
• There seems to be no
factual basis for this
stereotype, dental
hygiene in the UK
compares well to that of
any other developed
nation. However, some
British cultural icons do
have very ‘unusual’
teeth, such as Ken Dodd.
• While Prince George has
at least one wonderful
nanny, this isn’t the All British
typical British people have
experience. You might
think that all British nannies
people grew up with
their own Mary
Poppins, but I’m afraid
this is one that’s best left
in Disney films.

• For them, pale is the
new tan; the British The British
have no option have pale skin
other than to make
it fashionable.

 It rains
every day

• It really doesn’t rain every day in the U.K., though it
is possible to experience four seasons in one day. The
real difference is that their “summer” lasts for about
five days, and when it’s hot (about 23 C°). If it’s
hotter than 23 C°, then the British just can’t deal with
it - they start wondering where the breeze is.

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