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I. Anthropology
 Definition of anthropology, its historical development and recent trends
I. Social Anthropology
 Definition of culture, its characteristics and functions
 Relationship of anthropology with other social sciences
 Sub fields of anthropology that is Biological, archeological, linguistics
 Institution of Family and Marriage
• (Definition, types, structure, functions, family organization)
 Kinship and Social Organization
• (Definition, types, functions, kinship terminology etc)

 Economic Organization: (Definition, evolution, substantivism versus formalism, reciprocity, production, consumption, redistribution, barter and
primitive economic systems)
 Political organization: (Definition, evolution of political system, characteristics of Band societies, tribal societies, Chiefdom, and State societies.
Internal conflict theories, external conflict theories, origin of civilization, the politic of identity, ethnicity, nationalism modernism, post modernism etc
 Religion: (Definition, evolution of primitive religions, functions of religion, comparison of divine religions and other world religions such as Hinduism,
Buddhism, Jainism etc
 Contemporary human problems; such as poverty, social inequality, political instability, population problems and ethnic violence and terrorism etc
I. Urban Anthropology
• Rural-urban migration, expansion of cities, major environmental issues, and sanitation problems. Urbanization
and development, establishment of slums and squatter settlements, refugees, Yankees, betties, gypsies, wars and
conflict. Conversion of power from feudal to industrialists, institutionalization, education system, and change in
the mode of production: agriculture to Capitalists’ poverty: theories and remedies, psychological, cultural,
economical, political, religious, physical, environmental, ecological, demographical, lingual, and city
management. Conflict theory: Carl Marx, problems created by the mechanization and automation.
I. Socio-Cultural Changes
• Definitions of socio-cultural Changes, various Dimensions of Social Change, barriers in socio-cultural and psychological change. Motivational factors for change,
Population, pressure, diffusion of innovation, socio-religious barriers in accepting the innovation and new ideas. Media and Cultural Change, Dynamics of change in
Pakistan: Trends and Prospects
I. Ethnicity and race
• Ethnic Groups and Ethnicity: Origin of race and theories; Ethnic Groups, Nations and Nationality; Ethnic Conflict; Degree of Social Variation; Rank Societies; caste
and Class Societies; Racism and Inequality, Ethnicity and Inequality, and Social Stratification etc.
I. Anthropological Theories
 Contributors: (Edward Burnett Taylor, Lewis Henry Morgan, James Frazer, Karl Marx, Edmund Leach, Franz Boas, Margaret
Mead, Ruth Benedict, Alfred Krobber, AR Radcliff-Brown, Malinowski, Clifford Geertz, Talal Asad, Akbar S Ahamd, ibne-
Khaldoon, Shah Waliulah)
 Classical Theories (Degenerations, Evolutionism, Diffusions,
 Modern Theories Functionalism, Structural-functionalism, Classstruggle, Structuralism,
Historical Particularism, Feminism, Culture and personality)
 Current Trends in Anthropological Thoughts: (Post Modernism, Romanticism, Poetics and Political of Ethnography)
II. Anthropological Research Methods
 Meaning, definition, types and aims of social research
 Qualitative and Quantitative research
 Purpose of research, Research Question, Variables, Hypothesis, Research Objective, Research design, Sampling, field Data
Collection, Tools of Data Collection (Questionnaire, Interview, Participant Observation), Data Classification, Data Analysis,
and Report Writing.
Lecture 1
• Introdcution
• Anthropology is an holistic , comprehensive and scientific study in which we study the
biological, archeological, societal and linguistic aspects of human beings without reference to
space and time.
• Anthroplogits study smaller units of human society, like tribes, chifdomes, while sociologist
study the larger aspects and scalces of social level (dense societies).
• Anthropology is more focused on culture while sociology is more focused on society as a whole,
eurpean scholl of thought says that societyis bigger thenc ulture however American school of
the thought have the opposite opinion in regards to the soitey being the smaller unit than that
of culture.
• (opposite opinion)
• Society  number of people living together and sharing sscoial action
• Culture  is a lerning behaviour of human beings.

sociology linguistics
• Structure of • History of
human • Social humans • Study of
studies languages

Biology archeology
• Background and development of anthropology  hardly any question
• Socio-cultural anthropology  3-4 questions
• Theories  very important for all questions
• Research  1 question is must
Background and development of
• Aristotle (4000 BC)
• Ibn-e khaldoon (15th Century)
• Travel age (16th century)
• Colonial era (17th century)
• Imperial era- dark ages (17-18th century)
• Scientific and logical era (Renaissance period)

Wrote about human beings of Persia and Greece culuture and gave
comparison among the culture is studied.
His postulates reads that “ Greece culture is the dominant culture of
Europe and persian culture is the domkinant cuklture of Asia”
Wrote about war bwtween pesia and Greece ,the strategies adopted
during the war =, and how Persia made regiments in the army based
pon ethinic and racial groups.
• Father of sociology
• Excellent work in sociology and anthropology
• A philosopher, travellor, chemist, mathematician, Quran translator,
and remaining chief justice and a delagtor of Egypt govt as well.
• Emmense number of travelling
His work
• Famous book  Al-Mukaddama.
• Famos theory  Al Asabia (the theory is related with the rise and fall
of civilizations, tribal, political strength and blood relations
• Al Asabia  power and strength on the bases of blood and territorial
affiliations. Thus tribes are more powerful than govronments
• E.g. masoods of Waziristan
• Taliban of Afghanistan
• Fall of civilization : if the tribes increase their strength and area, they
can ultimately defeat the whole govornments and become a new
• Ibne-khaldoon saw his civilization fallin and uprising of eurpean
• Credibility of Aristotle and ibn-e-khaldoon
• Compartively better than travlors stories
• More objective then travelor log
• Still it was 2nd hand data , because it was gathered by asking people
Travel age (16th century)
• Various travelors like
• Ibn-e-batoota, vascodegama ibness khalddon, columbus travelled throughout the world
• Travelling was officially recognized
• New lands, new people, new cultures
• Story teeling started
• After 16th century revolution occurred, printing press, gazettes, journals and publication started.

• Credibility of travel age

• Non-scientific
• Baised
• Biblical data
• Ethnocentric data
• 2nd hand
• Exagerated
• handwritten
Colonial era (16th-17th century) and Imperial period ( 17 century)
• The administration of different colonies started giving gezzettes to their govt in order to develop
laws for the society.
• A new generation of anthroipology rose from here:
• Arm chair anthropology  all data gathered by people through 2nd hand sources, gezettes and
printing press channels.

• Imperial period or dark ages is the peiod when forign powers started controlling locals resources
to grasp maximum benefit.
• Utilized anthtropological knowlge via anthropoligists’ association to grasp the colozined land

This allowed eurpean civilization to grow faster then Asian civilization , which is why its said that
western society is 300 years advanced then us.
Rennaisance Period (age of reasoning logic)
or scientific era
• Revival of rationalization
• Rational law established
• Knowledge of reason and scientific development
• Scientific era (18th century)
• Various scientist come under this category who worked for the anthropological advancements.
• Geologist and archeologist like Charles Leyoll, Thomson have given various theories such as
• The land (earth) has passed though three stages of technology
• Stone age
• Bronze age
• And iron age
• And that the world is complex than we can imagine
Orginators of 19th century
• Darwin and Lamarck
• Maltus
• Harbert Spencer
• Franz Boas
Henry Morgan
• Gave stages though which human beings have passed
• Savegry : Further divided into
• Lower: Initially men learned to survive on natural priodcuts such as fruits and seeds (vegetarian)
• Middle : then they learned to catch fishes and discovered fire to cook their food (Omnivorous)
• Upper: hunting and gathering society, hunting of animals and gathering of plants, (wooden arrow discovered )
• Barbarism: further divided into
• Lower : domestication, poultry making, house making
• Middle: smelting of iron (weapons of bronze and iron ) (Bronze or Iron age)
• Upper : learned writing techniques, caveart (alphabets and numerics)
• And this all together lead to the historical era of Civilization .
• Civilization

• POSTULATE : Western societies developed and pass three stages very fastly but other societies were comparetivly slow.
• But other scientists don’t agree with hispostulate bcz of his biasness towards western culture.
Lessile White
• A total opposite yet similar in nature postulate
• “ societies are evoloving from simple to complex” -- Morgans
• The rate of change in culture is directly propotional to the energy
consumed and technology used in a particular culture” – Lessile
• Cultural change is directly propotional to energy and techbology
• E.g. village vs urban areas.
• Morgan on the other hand said that technology is making us complex,
and intake of energy is also making us complex.
• So both almost complimented eachpther’s postulate.
Sha WalliUllah ]
philanthropist and a social reformist
• Gave theory avout “social evolution” – early 1800
• 4 stages of evolution:
• 1. Fulfilling basic needs (substantial) e.g. water, shelter, food, production (mate)
and nutrition .
• 2. emergence of market / currency/urbanization (socities moving from village to
urba life)
• 3. emergence of political system /chiefdom/ govronement/ laws/ consititution.
• 4. marginzalization of boundaries/ concept of intl. territiries, intangible, tangible,
intellectual, int orgs, intl. institutes, intl, law, intl relation, oncept of nation, state,
• Ultimate destination
• He is endorsing the theory of diffusion, or dynamic, or we could say
unilinear diffusion.
• According to him even non living things, are even changing over the
time. (e.g. mounatins  dust)
Financial aspect of theory.
• 1. according to shah walli Ullah all the financial & material system, should
revolve around the central, notion of mutual assistance, any tool or
technique which will collect the money and handover it to the specific
group. Is profane.
• 2. Any job, any system which is not design to provide benefit to common
mass, should be sanctioned by the govorment e.g. gambling
• 3. govt should give maximum money on intellectual and common lebourers
as these 2 sect eserves max, in this way govt can establishe a better society,
(e.g teachers, scientist, wxperts)
• 3/ money circulation is important for balance & economic strength of a
Talal Hassan
• Famous bcz of his work on seculism, key proponent of the secular anthropology.
• Acording to him “religion” & secululirm are not different things, actually seculirsm is rational,
scientific, and mjultilayer approach of religion.
• Rational side of religion/ scientific understading of religion is called secularism
• E.g. miswake use to clean teeth is not just according to hadith but actually it helps in healthy
cleaning of teeth.
• Studied in Al-Azhar university shariya and law for many eyars ind etail and came to know that
both religion and science are refelection of each other,.
• He used 1) Geneological methods for the analyses of Islam (law and shariya) and for studying
religion and secularism .
• He said that secularism is a layered phenomena of understading religion, (he talked about religion
in general not spefically islam)
• Both religion and science cannot be separted and marganlized.
Complicated Comparison (2nd technique)
• His famous book “christanity, Islam and Moderanity”
• He did work on transformation of religion from (1900-2000)
tounderstand progressive reforms.
• Stil alivem, raised in paksitan, nationality America.
• Scinece  secularism
• Religion  tradition
Modern theories of functionalism
• Malonowski
• He was tracing the relations and bonds of culture ad basic needs andhow culture is
providng assistance to provide the basic needs
• According to him there are 7 basic needs (psychological needs) of humans
• Growth
• Reproduction
• Movement
• Safety
• Bodily comfort (relaxtion)
• Shelter
• nutrition
• He is also functiolist, focused on the structure of culture e.g. norms,
values and mores
• These structures are helpful to produce social solidarity in particular
cultural solidarity,
• Culture being the core of society.
• Thus this socnept is altogether also knwsn structural functionalism
• The work of Malinoski and Boris law is under the influsnece of Emile
Durkhaim and Herbert spencer.
Theories by Emile Durkhaim
• Social order and disorder of society
• Anomy (what is anomy)
• Social solidarity (social consciousness)
• Anaomy 2 types
• Indivual (theory of sucide)
• Collective
• Sucide types
• Altrusic (due to deep connection with society)
• Egoistic(lovers)
• Anomic (rape women), bankruptancy
• Fatalistic (due to strickt rules of panality)
Social solidarity (2 types)
• Mechanical solidarity  village life
• The concept of uniformity in patterns of what we do, e.g. in village we
do small walks, small jobs repeatidly
• organic solidarity
• In urban life , lot of work to do (many choices) very less repition
people are less concerned about ach other.
Social consciousness components
1. Morals
2. Religion
3. Collective
• Spcial consciousness is inversely propotional to social pathology
• The more the consciousness, the lesser the pain
• Lesile whie  defended “cultural relativism” (similarities between
cultures that exist on general level
• Julian stawrds  defended “historical particularism” , differences that
exist within different cultures that differentiate them from one another.
Symbolic/ interpretive approach to
understand culture
• Cifford greetz
• Culture is actually interpretation of our own social action
How we interpret things is called culture (enculturation)
e.g. Quran and hadith are there to understand Islam, but then why so
many books, just for better interpretation
Acculturation : how one culture differs from another, ot unknown
interpretation about another culture
E.g. winking, different culture different meaning
Or may be different in intensity, vulnerability, sensabilty
Culture and personality
• Ruth benedict
• Margarent meat
• Both were unique and had romantic relationship with literature but they were letter
reomoved from anthropology
• Mary was a political figure as well, political parties used to critize them heavily
• Ruth benedict wrote about the patterns of culture, did literal analyses during 2nd world war.
• She was appointed to counter “Nazism” by producing intellectual work.
• She did good work, but only based on 2nd hand data nio filed work, that’s why heavily critized.
• She started movement of feminism
• Wrote “ pattern of culture”
• Faranz Boas was her student, who letter became her collgue,
Akbar and ahmad
• Famous anthropologist of world and paksitan
• Considered as expert on pak and Islamic culture
• Work on common issues of islam (terrorism)
• Most work (post colonial era)
• Presently holding Ibn-e-Khaldoon chair in Oxford Uni, he has a very unique and deep experience of pak
• Remained part of civilian establishment (bureocracy), as a commissioner of Queta.
• Famous not for his research but for his papers. Esssays and lectures on anthropological perspectives.
• An important part of govt/ public policies.
According to him terrorism is not a problem of religion, but culture, which western societies have developed
and the defunction that western societyies have faced.
Communication as a business is being utilized, that’s why he presented rejection against clash of civilization,
cultural lag persists in modern and developing countries. (e.g. madarassa system)
• He suggested to apply Alasabya  treat cultural by breaking there
traditional affiliations wuth lands and blood relations.
• Change and bringing chiefs from other tribes that exist on different
• E.g. fight against TTP e.g. Massods
Ayesha Siddique and Hamza Ali
• Gave theory of over developed structure  when there is not
propeor work of society, institutiin there comes a different in their
development, a few institutions may be over developed while other
may lack, e.g. military is overdeveloped in Pakistan .
• This is both advantageous  revolution is created which allow
revolution in whole system
• Disadvantageous as one institute may not allow other institute to

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