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Human Heart

Blood Vessels
soal matematika ...
1. 4 -3 = 5 x ( - 20 ) =
2. -5 - ( - 9 ) 400 : ( - 20 ) =
3. - 2 + 6 = 60 - 4 x 5 =
4. - 70 + 60 = yang mana yang besar ?
5. 51 + ( - 10) = - 100 / 10
6. -7 x 8 =
7. 11 x - 12 =
8. 400 : ( - 20 ) =
9. - 72: ( - 6 ) =
10 . -13 dibaca =
11. -9 ___ 2
Pulmonary Circulation
Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation

•Blood from lung enters the left atrium

•Once left atrium is filled, blood flows to the left ventricle
•When left ventricle is filled with blood, mithral valve closes and opens aortic
valve pumping blood to the whole body carried by arteries and capillaries.
•Veins carried the blood to return to the heart after circulating through the
whole body
•Blood enters the heart and fills the right atrium
•When right atrium is filled with blood, its wall contracts, opening the
trycuspid valve and allowing blood to flows into the right ventricle
•Once right ventricle is filled, the trycuspid valve closes and triggers the
opening of the pulmonic valve
•Blood flows through the pulmonic valve to lung, allowing the lungs to
remove Carbon Dioxyde from the blood and replenished the blood with
Oxygen, ready for another cycle
Systemic Circulation
Now I will explain about blood circulation through the body. Blood circulation
consisted of pulmonary and systemic circulation. Here is the process:
• Blood from lung enters the left atrium
• Once the left atrium is filled, blood flows to the left ventricle
• When the left ventricle is filled with blood, the mithral valve closes and opens
aortic valve pumping blood to the whole body
• Blood returns to the heart after circulating through the whole body
• Blood enters the heart and fills the right atrium
• Ater the right atrium is filled with blood, its wall contracts, opening the
tricuspid valve and allowing blood to flows into the right ventricle
• Once the right ventricle is filled, the tricuspid valve closes and trigger the
opening of the pulmonic valve
• Blood flows through the pulmonic valve to the lung, allowing the lungs to
remove Carbon Dioxyde from the blood and replenished the blood with
Now I will explain about blood circulation through the body. Blood circulation
consisted of pulmonary and systemic circulation. Here is the process:
1. The blood first enters the right atrium.
2. The blood then flows through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle.
3. When the heart beats, the ventricle pushes blood through the pulmonic valve
into the pulmonary artery.
4. The pulmonary artery carries blood to the lungs where it “picks up” oxygen and
then leaves the lungs to return to the heart through the pulmonary vein.
5. The blood enters the left atrium, then descends through the mitral valve into
the left ventricle.
6. The left ventricle then pumps blood through the aortic valve and into the aorta,
the artery that feeds the rest of the body through a system of blood vessels.
7. Blood returns to the heart from the body via two large blood vessels called the
superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava. This blood carries little oxygen, as it
is returning from the body where oxygen was used.
8. The vena cavas pump blood into the right atrium and the cycle of oxygenation
and transport begins all over again.
Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation
Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation

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