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Grade 3
What is ecosystem?
 An ecosystem is a community of living and
nonliving things that work together.

 The living and nonliving things in an ecosystem

provide the food, water, air, shelter, and space
that the organisms there need to survive.
Components of Ecosystem
Biotic Components:
 The living components of an ecosystem are called the biotic
components. Three broad categories of biotic components are :

 Producers are the plants in the ecosystem, which can generate their

own energy requirement through photosynthesis, in the presence of 
sunlight and chlorophyll.

 Consumers include herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores.

 Decomposers are the fungi and bacteria.

 Abiotic components are the physical and/or the chemical factors that act on
the living organisms at any part of their life.  

 The abiotic factors vary from ecosystem to ecosystem. In an aquatic

 ecosystem, the abiotic factors may include water pH, sunlight, turbidity,
water depth, salinity, available nutrients and dissolved oxygen. Similarly,
abiotic factors in terrestrial ecosystems can include soil, soil types, 
temperature, rain, altitude, wind, nutrients, sunlight etc.
Factors affecting ecosystem
Deforestation - Deforestation is the permanent removal of
trees to make room for something besides forest.
 Afforestation is the process of
planting trees, or sowing seeds, in
a barren land devoid of any trees
to create a forest. 

 Reforestation – It is the process of

replanting an area with trees.
Video Links to refer:





Ecosystem song:

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