CHAPTER 3. Non Renewable

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Non renewable

Non renewable Resources
These are the natural resources that cannot be replenished in a
short period of time and contributes pollution to our environment.
Fossil Fuels
Fossil fuels were formed from the dead plants and animals million years
ago, they were deeply buried and soon lithified into sedimentary rocks.

High Pressure, High Temperature and Low oxygen

Coal is a solid material.

High grade coal Low grade coal

Anthracite Bituminous Lignite

Burning coal causes the most pollution and releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
which is responsible for global warming.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollution that is collecting in the atmosphere traps the
sun's heat and causing the planet to warm up.
Oil or Petroleum
liquid mixture of hydrocarbons with impurities such as organic compounds.
Sulphur Nitrogen Vanadium

Petroleum wells are dug 6,000 – 20,000 ft. below the surface and mined using drilled
Natural Gas
Natural gas is primarily methane this was formed from the dead animals
buried millions years ago, subjected to extreme heat and pressure this
converted into gas over millions of years ago.

Copper Nickel Chromite

These minerals were mined from our mountains to produce metals.

Nuclear Power Plant

Nuclear power plant uses uranium to create electricity.

Nuclear Power Plant
Nuclear Power Plant
Nuclear Power Plant
Nuclear Power Plant
Nuclear Power Plant
Nuclear Power Plant
Nuclear Power Plant


Uses fission (splitting Produces radioactive

atoms) to produce large wastes that stay radioactive
NUCLEAR amounts of energy for thousands of year
Does not release Nuclear power plants are
greenhouse gases into the very expensive to build
First man splitted the atom, now the atom splits man.

-Gerhard Uhlenbruck, 1929

German Aphorist

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