Primer On Business Research Trends

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Primer on Business Research

Extension Activity in San Rafael National High School,
Tigaon, Camarines Sur

Rolan Jon G. Bulao

Assistant Professor II
Partido State University

12 October 2018
Research and Research Process
Selecting Research Topic
Statement of the Problem
Literature Review
Suggested Topics in Business Research
a systematic and refined
technique of thinking, employing
specialized tools, instruments and
procedures in order to obtain a
more adequate solution to a
problem than would be possible
Research Process
How to select the best research paper topic?
field of your interest
topic should be definite
be precise and specific
be innovative
literature review
The classic, definitive, or most influential pieces of
research in this area are…
The journals that specialize in the kind of research in
which I propose to engage are…
The body(ies) of research to which I wish to add is
The experts in the field of my research are…
statement of the problem
used in research work as a claim that outlines the
problem addressed by a study
The statement of the problem briefly addresses the
question: What is the problem that the research
will address?
The intellectual problem(s) I may help solve
through this research is (are)…
The moral, political, social, or practical
problem(s) I may help alleviate through this
research are…
statement of the problem
Parts of SOP
Part A (The ideal): Describes a desired goal or ideal
situation; explains how things should be.
Part B (The reality): Describes a condition that
prevents the goal, state, or value in Part A from being
achieved or realized at this time; explains how the
current situation falls short of the goal or ideal.
Part C (The consequences): Identifies the way you
propose to improve the current situation and move it
closer to the goal or ideal.
statement of the problem
Sample SOP template
There is a problem in ______________________(e.g.
organization or situation where problem is occurring). Despite
___________________________(efforts to prevent or deter),
_____________________(something undesirable or
unexpected) is occurring (provide evidence). This problem has
negatively affected_____________(victims of the problem)
because_____________________________. A possible cause of
this problem is ___________________________. Perhaps a
study which investigates_________________ by a
___________(paradigm/method) could help resolve the
statement of the problem
An established trend in the small business start-up financing in Kenya is
to establish funds. Some of these funds include the youth fund and
women fund. These funds have helped improve the rate of start-ups in the
country. However, after the start-up stage, the ventures start developing
problems. First, they face problems in management which lead to a
marketing problem and eventually to stagnation and early exit.
A study by the Institute of Development Studies (RoK, 2004) revealed that
only 38% of the businesses are expanding while 58% have not added
workers. According to the survey, more enterprises are likely to close in
their first three years of operation. Four years later the same institute
conducted another study in Central Kenya. This study revealed that 57%
of small businesses are in stagnation with only 33% of them showing some
level of growth.
statement of the problem
Example (continued)
In our current project, we propose to examine factors
that have an impact on small business sustainability. We
will employ both qualitative and quantitative approaches
to gather both primary and secondary data and
information with the objective of determining success
factors for the growth of small business in Kenya.
Specifically, we shall employ the product life cycle (PLC)
model to identify the needs of a small business at the
various stages of the PLC.
The method I propose to use to answer my question,
prove my point, or gain more detailed and substantive
knowledge is…
An alternative way to do it would be…
Three important research studies that have been
carried out using the method I propose are…
The reason(s) this method is a good one for my
question, proposition, or subject is (are)…
Possible weaknesses of this method are…
Suggested Topics in Business Research
Pera sa Basura: Innovative businesses with waste
materials as primary inputs
Innovative agribusiness ventures in Partido/CamSur
Financing practices of MSMEs
Effective time management for big and small teams
Is multitasking a productive method of work?
Social enterprises, worker productivity, and
community living standard
Sexual harassment in the working environment
Suggested Topics in Business Research
How benefits can make employees happy
Law compliance among local businesses
Minimum wage versus actual wage in Bicol business
Farmers cooperative and farm productivity
Online versus traditional selling
Saving and investment practices of SMEs
Financial literacy among SME workers
Why cooperatives fail
The basics of writing a statement of the problem
for your research proposal by Prof. Henry M. Bwisa
 | May 15, 2018 
Dr. Larry Miller, The Ohio State University
Primer on Business Research
Extension Activity in San Rafael National High School,
Tigaon, Camarines Sur

Rolan Jon G. Bulao

Assistant Professor II
Partido State University

12 October 2018

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