Attitude, Values, Job Satisfaction - PPSX

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Attitude, Values, Job Satisfaction

of Organizational Behaviour

Created By:

Sneha Macwan Foram Vadodariya

Naim Sana Devyani Munjpara
Leena Modhvadia Vishwa Soni
2 Values:

� Values defined in Organizational Behavior

as the collective conceptions
of what is considered good,
desirable, and proper or bad
undesirable, and improper in
a culture.
3 Types of Values:

� Rokeach divided values into two types.

1. Terminal Values.
2. Instrumental Values.
4 1. Terminal Values:

❑ These are values that we think are most important or most desirable.

❑ These refer to desirable end-states of existence, the goals a person would like to achieve
during his or her lifetime.

❑ They include happiness, self-respect, recognition, inner harmony, leading a prosperous life,
and professional excellence.
5 2. Instrumental values:

❑ Instrumental values deal with views on acceptable modes of conductor means of achieving
the terminal values.

❑ These include being honest, sincere, ethical, and being ambitious. These values are more
focused on personality traits and character.
7 Importance of value:

� Development of Employees
� Motivation
� Underlie Managerial behaviour
� Determine behaviour
� Helps in bringing Change
� Determine attitudes
� Promoters leadership
� Bring creativity
� Managing in Borderless
� Involve in managerial goals
� Guide to life, professional and character
� Personality development
� Work ethics
8 Cultural Differences in values:

� Cultural diversity can be analyzed in many ways.

For instance, we can compare cultural diversity
within one country or company,
or we can compare cultures across units.

� Clearly, these individuals have different

cultural backgrounds, frames of reference,
traditions, and so forth.

� We can look more globally

and compare a typical American firm
with a typical Mexican, Italian, or Chinese firm and again see significant differences in culture.
9 Attitude:

� An attitude is a positive, negative,

or mixed evaluation of an object
expressed at some level of intensity.

� It is an expression of a favorable or
unfavorable evaluation of a person,
place, thing, or event. 

� Attitude is the manner, disposition,

feeling, and position about a person
or thing, tendency, or orientation,
especially in mind.
10 Components of Attitude:

� Attitudes represent our evaluations,

preferences or rejections based on the
information we receive.
� It is a generalized tendency to think or act
in a certain way in respect of some object
or situation, often accompanied by feelings.
� It is a learned predisposition to respond in
a consistent manner with respect to a given
11 Types of Attitude:

� Job Satisfaction
� Job Involvement
� Organizational commitment
12 Cognitive Dissonance:

� Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or

� This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the
attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance.
� Example:
13 Influences on Attitude formation:

� Experience
� Social Factors
� Learning
� Conditioning
� Observation
14 Organizational Commitment:

� In Organizational commitment, an employee identifies with a particular organization and

its goals and wishes to remain a member.
� There are three separate dimensions:
I. Affective Commitment
II. Continuance Commitment
III. Normative Commitment
15 Job Satisfaction:

� job satisfaction as “a set of favorable or unfavorable feelings for the employees to perceive
their work and that determine the possibility of a major disposition to achieve higher
16 Importance of Job Satisfaction:

� Lower Turnover
� Higher Productivity
� Increased Customer satisfaction
� Employee Absenteeism
� Helps to Earn Higher Revenues
� Satisfied Employees Tend to Handle Pressure.
17 Benefits to the company:

� Higher Productivity
� Less employee turnover
� Reduce absenteeism
� Reduce the number of accidents
� It helps to create a better working environment
� Improving Customer satisfaction
� Faster and sustainable Growth
18 Impact of Dissatisfied Employees at
19 Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance:

� Satisfaction and Productivity

� Satisfaction and Absenteeism

� Satisfaction and Turnover

� Satisfaction and OCB

� Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction


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