English VII Academic Consulting Session 02 August 2021

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English VII

Academic Consulting Session #2:

Zero Conditional Sentences,
First Conditional Sentences,
& Future Time Clauses
Conditional Sentences

Conditional clause Main clause

Sentence Structure…

MORE COMMON Conditional Clause , Main Clause COMMA between clauses

LESS COMMON Main Clause Conditional Clause NO COMMA between clauses

Types of Conditional Sentences
Zero conditional sentences
This conditional is used when the result will always happen. So, if water reaches 100 degrees, it always boils. It's a
fact. I'm talking in general, not about one particular situation. The result of the 'if clause' is always the main clause.

If + (simple present) 🡪, 🡪 (simple present)…

If you don’t water your plants, they become dry. (not water, become)

If you get too much sun, your skin turns red. (get, turn)

If you walk, you save money on transportation. (walk, save)

If you recycle, you help the environment. (recycle, help)

Practice Exercise 1
Write a zero conditional sentence.
Send your answers via the zoom chat.

Use one of the following structures:

1. If + (simple present)🡪 , 🡪 (simple present)...

2. (simple present) 🡪 if + (simple present)…

If the temperature drops below 0 degrees Celsius, water freezes. (drop, freeze)
If you mix red with green, you get blue. (mix, get)
First conditional sentences
It's used to talk about things which might happen in the future. Of course, we can't know what
will happen in the future, but this describes possible things, which could easily come true.

If + (simple present) 🡪 , 🡪 will / won’t + (base form of main verb)…

If you exercise, you will be stronger. (exercise, be)

If you drink too much beer, you will go to the bathroom. (drink, go)

The boss won’t be happy if his assistant misses the meeting. (not be, miss)
Practice Exercise 2
Complete these first conditional sentences…

1. If I buy a new laptop, _________________________.

2. If I eat a lot of sugar, ___________________________.

3. If I don’t study, __________________________________.

4. If I don’t sleep, ___________________________.

5. If I don’t have a good internet connection, _______________________.

Sentences with Future Time Clauses

Future time clause Main Clause

Future time clauses BEGIN with…

When Until After Before

As soon as

Sentence Structure…

MORE COMMON Future time clause , Main clause COMMA between clauses

LESS COMMON Main clause Future Time Clause NO COMMA between clauses
Future time clauses
I. Usage To express the moment when an action or state will occur

II. Structure Future time clause = SIMPLE PRESENT verb

Note: The verb in the future time clause is NOT in the future.

Words that introduce / begin a future time clause:

1. When
2. Until
3. As soon as
4. Before
5. After

III. Examples When I have more time, I will sleep more. (have, sleep)

I will have to answer all of my emails until I get an assistant. (have, get)
Break-out Room
Complete these future time clause sentences…

1. As soon as things go back to normal, _________________________.

2. When I have more time, ___________________________.

3. When I graduate, __________________________________.

4. Until things go back to normal, ___________________________.

5. After I finish studying English, _______________________.

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