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American Heart Association
What is Jump Rope for Heart?
◦ A Community Service Program that:
◦ Teaches kids the importance of heart Healthy
◦ Teaches Kids that being physically active can
be fun
◦ Teaches kids that raising money for the
American Heart Association can save lives in
their community and across the world.
Jump Rope Day
September 29th,
• Learn the importance of
taking care of your heart
and how it works.
• Learn the importance of
helping others through this
service learning project.
• Feel good about making a
difference in people’s lives.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

The Importance of Heart Health
◦ Heart Disease is the Nation’s #1 Killer
◦ Stroke is the 5th leading cause of death in the United States
◦ Our Children are developing significant health issues that can shorten their
life expectancies
- Almost a third of U.S. children are obese.
- Children who are obese are more than twice as likely to die
before age 55.
- Sixty-one percent of children ages 9-13 aren’t physically active outside of
- On average American children spend four hours watching tv per
What does the American Heart Association
do for kids health?
◦ Last year the American Heart Association funded $17.7 million dollars in new research
for children’s heart disease.
◦ They advocate for for Federal and State governments to improve physical education and
nutrition wellness in schools.
◦ They provide life-saving CPR classes for middle school and high school students across
the country.
◦ They have created the American Heart Association Teaching Gardens planted in
elementary schools across the country which are living laboratories for students to plant
seeds, nurture growing plants, harvest produce and ultimately understand the value of
good eating habits.
◦ They have partnered up with the National football league to create the NFL PLAY 60
Challenge to inspire kids to get the recommended 60 minutes of physical exercise per
Healthy HEART Habits

◦ Healthy Hearts need regular

◦ Healthy Hearts need a healthy
balanced diet.
◦ Healthy Hearts Start with YOU.

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