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Mohammad Kawser Alam Bibekananda Nath

ID no.: 1502009 ID no.: 1502013

Prof. Dr. Mahmud Abdul Matin Bhuiyan
Department of EEE, CUET

1. To investigate 3rd generation solar cell.

2. To design and model of Intermediate Band Quantum Dot Solar
3. To simulate the designed cell using MATLAB software.
4. Numerical analysis for higher efficiency of designed cell.

Department of EEE, CUET 1

• Power crisis has been increasing day by day in the World as well as
in Bangladesh. So, it is crying need to produce energy from
renewable sources like solar, wind, tidal power, geothermal, biogas,

• Photovoltaics is the technological symbol for a future sustainable

energy supply system in many countries.

Department of EEE, CUET 3

Conventional Solar Cell Working
One of the intrinsic loss mechanisms that limits the efficiency of
photovoltaic conversion is - single gap solar cell can not absorb sub-
band gap photons ,their energy being wasted.

Conduction Band

Valence Band

Figure No 1: Band Diagram of Conventional Solar Cell

Department of EEE, CUET 4
Solar cell efficiency table

Source: Solar cell efficiency tables (Version 55)

Martin A. Green| Ewan D. Dunlop | Jochen Hohl‐Ebinger | Masahiro Yoshita |
Nikos Kopidakis | Anita W.Y. Ho‐Baillie
Quantum Dot Intermediate Band
Solar Cell

Quantum Dot Solar Cell:

Figure No 2: Simple QDIBSC and Conventional Solar Cell

Department of EEE, CUET 2
What is Quantum Dot

A quantum dot is a nanometer sized

particle of a low band gap material
surrounded by a material with larger band

If many quantum dots are placed closed to

each other in a lattice one or more
intermediate bands can be formed.

Figure No 3: Quantum Dot

Department of EEE, CUET 7

Why Quantum Dot Intermediate Band solar
• In single junction solar cell efficiency is very low in case of first and second
generation solar cells.
• If we use QD to grow i-region in p-i-n solar cell then efficiency increases
• That's why we have chosen quantum dot intermediate band solar cell.

Ekins-Daukes2, C. Honsberg3, Stephen Goodnick3
Department of EEE, CUET 8
How IB is produced within Barrier
• The intermediate band (IB) is an electronic band located within the
semiconductor band gap, separated from the conduction and the
valance band by a null density of states.
• There are three ways by which intermediate bands can be formed
within the barrier material band gap. These are:
1. Use of Quantum Dots periodic arrays.
2. Use of Highly Mismatched Alloys.
3. Use of Hyper doped Silicon.

Department of EEE, CUET 9

How Intermediate Band is produced Using QD

• If the number of QDs is increased and arranged in a periodic lattice, the

energy levels will split and spread out into intermediate bands.
• Used to exploit the energy of below band gap energy photons.

Department of EEE, CUET 10
How IB works for Higher Efficiency…
Intermediate band solar cell:

Conduction Band

3rd IB

2nd IB

1st IB

Valence Band

Fig. 4: Working of QDIBSC

Department of EEE, CUET 3
Followed Methodology
Investigation solar cell

Theoretical Investigation of 3rd generation solar cell

Selection of appropriate material

Identify the design constraints

Design a MATLAB app

Simulate the mathematical model in MATLAB

Analysis the performance

Material Used for Barrier/QD

Source : Quantum Dot Intermediate Band Solar Cells: Design Criteria and Optimal Materials. A Thesis by
Steven Evans Jenks, Drexel University, USA,2012(April).
Department of EEE, CUET 13
Which material we used and Why

• For the QD-IBSC containing intermediate band under unconcentrated

light, the effective band gap must be in the range of 2.06 eV ≤ Eg ≤
2.71 eV and under fully concentrated light band gap must be lower for
better efficiency which is 1.63 eV ≤ Eg ≤ 2.31eV for an efficiency ≥
62%. For dot material the band gap should be small [3].
• We have used AlPSb as the barrier as it’s band gap ranges from
1.456eV-2.38eV for different phosphorus content.
• We have used InAs0.98N.02 as the dot material.The reason behind taking
Nitrogen content as 2% is that in this value the dot band gap has a
value 0f 0.25eV [3] .
• The AlPSb/InAsN combination is most flexible in the sense
that its design is suitable for different dot structures [3].

Department of EEE, CUET 14

Proposed Structure of Intermediate Band
Solar cell..

TCO(Aluminium Doped Zinc Oxide)

n-type layer AlPxSb(1-x)(0.2µm)

InAs0.98N.02/AlPxSb(1-x) QDs i-region

 (0.239 µm)

p-type layer AlPxSb(1-x)(0.3 µm)

Metal Contact(Cu)
Figure No 4: Proposed Model
Department of EEE, CUET 15
Mathematical Model Representation

Figure No 5: Minibands formation in superlattice structure of Kronig-Penney Potential[1]

Eigen energies of the bound stationary states within the confining potential
are the location of mini bands formed by periodic array of QDs. In case
where more than one bound energy levels exists within single QD it is
possible to form more than one bands provided they are separated by at
least 0.5eV[6].
Calculations Of Band Properties Of A Quantum Dot Intermediate Band Solar Cell

With Centrally Located Hydrogenic Impurities.

A Thesis by Michael Yehuda Levy, Georgia University Of Technology ,
Georgia ,2004(July).

Department of EEE, CUET 16

Mathematical Model Representation (Continue)



Abou El-Maaty Aly, and Ashraf Nasr .

Theoretical Study of One-Intermediate Band Quantum Dot Solar Cell
Department of EEE, CUET 17
Mathematical Model Representation (Continue)

This model assumes that the wave travelling of charge carrier is in the
positive 𝑥 direction for one-dimensional only . Therefore, the
mathematical form of the repeating unit of the potential is


The Schrodinger equation for this model is



Abou El-Maaty Aly, and Ashraf Nasr .

Theoretical Study of One-Intermediate Band Quantum Dot Solar Cell
Department of EEE, CUET 18
Mathematical Model Representation (Continue)
• According to Kronig-penny model solution of schrodinger equation
has already been accomplished using Lazarenkova and Balandin
approximation in the following form [1].


mB = Effectivemass of electron of AlPSb(barrier). Its value changes with

Phosphorus content and typically lies within 0. l46m0 to 0.21053m0 for

phosphorus content ranges from (0.1-0.9),

mQ = Effective mass of electron of InAs 0.98N 0.02 . Its value is 0.0279 m0 ,

LQD = QD size . It changes from (2-6)nm.

Department of EEE, CUET 19
LB = It is inter dot distance fixed to 2.6nm.
Mathematical Model Representation (Continue)

• The left-hand side of the equation (4) can be represented by F(ε) for all
values of the ratio of total energy of electrons over conduction band
offset: (ε = E/VO ) [1]. Consider ,


Abou El-Maaty Aly, and Ashraf Nasr .


Theoretical Study of One-Intermediate Band Quantum Dot Solar Cell

Department of EEE, CUET 20

MATLAB Code For Determining Bands Position
And Width Of Bands

Department of EEE, CUET 21

MATLAB Code For Determining Bands Position And
Width Of Bands (Continue)

Department of EEE, CUET 22

MATLAB Code For Determining Bands Position And
Width Of Bands (Continue)

Figure No 6: Plot of LHS Equation 5 to determine intermediate bands


Department of EEE, CUET 23

MATLAB Code For Determining Bands Position And
Width Of Bands (Continue)

Figure No 7: Allowed E-k states in one dimensional crystal for phosphorous

content 0.92
Department of EEE, CUET 24
MATLAB Code For Determining Bands Position And
Width Of Bands (Continue)

Figure No 8: Allowed E-k states for free electrons energy for

phosphorus content 0.92
Department of EEE, CUET 25
Mathematical Model Representation (Continue)
Short Circuit Current Density Calculation:
There are two conditions to obtain the balance analysis when the IBQDSC
operates [5].
• The current density coming to the IBs should be equal to the current
density leaving them, i.e.,
• The chemical potential (μCV) should be equal to the sum of the quasi-
Fermi levels, i.e.,
µCV = µVI1 + µI1I2 + µI2I3 + µCI3
From this discussion, the total induced current density (JT) in IBQDSC can
be expressed as-
JT = JCV + JCI1 + JCI2 + JCI3

Aly, A. E. M., & Nasr, A. (n.d.). The effect of multi-intermediate bands on


the behavior of an InAs 1 — quantum dot solar cell. 042001.
Department of EEE, CUET 26
Mathematical Model Representation (Continue)

The induced current density (Jcv) in the traditional SC generates when the
electrons transition from the VB to the CB as follows[3]:

where , q = Electron charge;

ɛ = Geometric factor (2.16 x 10—5);
SC = Solar concentration, in which it is equal to 1 at the earth and 1/ɛ at the

surface of the sun;

ECV = Bandgap energy for barrier semiconductor material;

Ts = 6,000 K is the temperature at the surface of the sun;

Ta = 300 K is the temperature at the earth; and

μCV = Chemical potential.

Department of EEE, CUET 27
Mathematical Model Representation (Continue)

For the 3IBs QDSC, JCI1 and JCI2 are the density of currents generated when the

electrons transition from IBs to CB [3], and they are

Quantum Dot Intermediate Band Solar Cells: Design Criteria and Optimal Materials. A Thesis

by Steven Evans Jenks, Drexel University, USA,2012(April).

Department of EEE, CUET 28

Mathematical Model Representation (Continue)

Open circuit voltage is calculated by using the value of Jsc and Jo in the
following equation:

The value of bandgap with phosphorus content is obtained from the following

Bandgap of AlP, Eg,AlP 2.45 eV

Bandgap of AlSb, Eg,AlSb 1.161 eV

Bowing parameter of AlPSb, b 2.7

Reverse Saturation Current, Jo 6.59e-14 mA

Department of EEE, CUET 29

Mathematical Model Representation (Continue)

Figure No 09 : Effect Of Phosphorus Content On Barrier

Department of EEE, CUET 30
Mathematical Model Representation (Continue)


Department of EEE, CUET 31

Data Table
Phosphorous Band gap (Barrier Dot Position Position Position width width width Jsc Voc FF Efficiency
content material size of first of of third of First of of
electron band second band band second third
effective band band band

0.96 2.313 0.20911*mo 2 0.3225 1.128 1.498 0.0014 0.052 0.179 139.3658 .9887 .8737 75.85
      2.5 0.2615 1.162 1.57 0.0035 0.105 0.424 133.7293 .9877 .8725 72.61
      3 0.2171 1.144 1.435 0.0064 0.271 0.451 123.5809 .9856 .8298 63.68
      3.5 0.1833 1.046 1.453 0.0098 0.178 0.364 118.5637 .9845 .8199 60.30
      4 0.1567 0.9102 1.53 0.0134 0.1268 0.322 115.6754 .9839 .8190 58.73
      4.5 0.1353 0.7812 1.572 0.0168 0.104 0.352 111.72 .9830 .8093 56
      5 0.1179 0.6718 1.551 0.0196 0.0953 0.468 105.49 .9815 .8044 52.47
      5.5 0.1036 0.5815 1.463 0.0222 0.0917 0.391 96.45 .9792 .8016 47.70
      6 0.1 0.5073 1.338 0.0158 0.0887 0.289 86.355 .9763 .8014 42.57
0.94 2.248 0.20768*mo 2 0.3233 1.129 1.5 0.0015 0.052 0.182 136.0898 .9500 .9131 74.37
      2.5 0.2622 1.162 1.572 0.0035 0.107 0.429 140.2876 .9508 .9160 76.98
      3 0.2176 1.144 1.436 0.0066 0.219 0.454 130.0237 .9488 .8993 69.9
      3.5 0.1837 1.046 1.456 0.01 0.179 0.366 124.8971 .9478 .8592 64.08
      4 0.157 0.9102 1.533 0.0136 0.1278 0.325 121.6857 .9471 .8448 61.34
      4.5 0.1356 0.7812 1.574 0.017 0.1061 0.363 117.347 .9462 .8419 57.89
      5 0.1184 0.6721 1.552 0.0196 0.0959 0.472 110.827 .9447 .8395 55.38
      5.5 0..1036 0.5817 1.464 0.0226 0.0913 0.391 101.602 .9424 .8344 50.34
      6 0.1 0.5073 1.338 0.0161 0.0913 0.29 91.239 .9396 .8334 45.02

Department of EEE, CUET 32

Data Table (Continue)
Phosphorous Band gap (Barrier Dot Position Position Position width width width Jsc Voc FF Efficiency
content material size of first of of third of First of of
electron band second band band second third
effective band band band

0.92 2.184 0.20626*mo 2 0.3241 1.129 1.503 0.0015 0.053 0.184 142.6956 .9137 .9571 78.62
      2.5 0.2628 1.163 1.574 0.0037 0.108 0.433 146.7275 .9144 .9575 80.94
      3 0.2182 1.144 1.437 0.0066 0.222 0.457 136.3634 .9125 .9505 74.52
      3.5 0.1841 1.046 1.459 0.0102 0.18 0.368 131.1403 .9115 .9380 70.64
      4 0.1574 0.9102 1.536 0.0138 0.1288 0.328 127.5864 .9108 .8979 65.74
      4.5 0.1359 0.7815 1.578 0.0172 0.106 0.365 122.97 .9098 .8954 63.12
      5 0.1186 0.6723 1.554 0.02 0.0975 0.475 116.113 .9083 .8848 58.79
      5.5 0.1039 0.5817 1.464 0.0226 0.0939 0.392 106.63 .9061 .8728 53.12
      6 0.1 0.5077 1.338 0.0165 0.0916 0.291 96.1232 .9035 .8688 47.4
0.9 2.124 0.20483*mo 2 0.325 1.13 1.506 0.0015 0.054 0.186 148.8893 .8796 .9861 81.36
      2.5 0.2635 1.164 1.576 0.0037 0.109 0.438 152.6585 .8802 .9866 83.52
      3 0.2187 1.145 1.438 0.0068 0.223 0.461 142.3203 .8784 .9854 77.61
      3.5 0.1845 1.046 1.461 0.0104 0.181 0.371 136.9052 .8774 .9845 74.53
      4 0.1577 0.9102 1.539 0.014 0.1298 0.330 133.0591 .8767 .9813 72.12
      4.5 0.1362 0.7816 1.578 0.0173 0.1069 0.371 127.95 .8756 .9340 65.93
      5 0.1185 0.6721 1.555 0.0204 0.0983 0.481 120.93 .8742 .9226 61.45
      5.5 0.104 0.5819 1.468 0.0231 0.0942 0.389 111.574 .8721 .9041 55.42
      6 0.1 0.5077 1.338 0.017 0.0928 0.292 100.741 .8695 .9019 49.77

Department of EEE, CUET 33

Data Table (Continue)
Phosphorous Band gap (Barrier Dot Position Position Position width width width Jsc Voc FF Efficiency
content material size of first of of third of First of of
electron band second band band second third
effective band band band

0.89 2.094 0.20406*mo 4 0.158 0.9109 1.541 0.0141 0.1301 0.333 134.1012 .8593 .9941 72.17
      4.5 0.1363 0.7823 1.58 0.0171 0.1088 0.374 127.5571 .8580 .9532 65.72
      5 0.1187 0.6727 1.556 0.0207 0.0996 0.484 124.3952 .8573 .9497 63.82
      5.5 0.1041 0.5825 1.466 0.0234 0.0954 0.374 114.9557 .8553 .9355 57.95
      6 0.1 0.6018 1.339 0.0174 0.0937 0.294        
0.88 2.065 0.2033*mo 4 0.1581 0.9109 1.543 0.0141 0.1301 0.333 135.9375 .8426 .9873 71.25
      4.5 0.1365 0.7821 1.581 0.0177 0.1095 0.376 129.586 .8414 .9866 67.78
      5 0.1188 0.7729 1.557 0.0209 0.1001 0.486 126.3082 .8407 .9685 64.08
      5.5 0.1042 0.5827 1.467 0.0235 0.0958 0.394 115.83 .8385 .9403 57.54
      6 0.1 0.6023 1.339 0.0176 0.0941 0.295        
0.87 2.036 0.2027*mo 4.5 0.1366 0.8921 1.583 0.0177 0.1097 0.377 130.1828      
      5 0.1189 0.673 1.558 0.021 0.1004 0.488        
      5.5 0.1042 0.5827 1.467 0.0237 0.0964 0.395 118.3461 .8220 .9690 59.90
0.86 2.008 0.20187*mo 4 0.1585 0.9109 1.545 0.0145 0.1321 0.337        
      4.5 0.1367 0.7823 1.584 0.0181 0.1105 0.379        
      5 0.119 0.673 1.559 0.0212 0.101 0.49        
      5.5 0.1043 0.5827 1.467 0.0238 0.0969 0.396 120.4745 .8061 .9880 60.45

Department of EEE, CUET 34

Data Table (Continue)
Phosphorous Band gap (Barrier Dot Position Position Position width width width Jsc Voc FF Efficiency
content material size of first of of third of First of of
electron band second band band second third
effective band band band

0.85 1.98 0.2012*mo 4 0.1586 0.9108 1.547 0.0147 0.1383 0.338        

      4.5 0.1369 0.7824 1.585 0.0182 0.1109 0.381        
      5 0.1104 0.673 1.559 0.0213 0.1016 0.493        
      5.5 0.1044 0.5828 1.467 0.0239 0.0973 0.396 122.5764 .8061 0.9887 61.59
0.84 1.954 0.2004*mo 4 0.1588 0.9109 1.548 0.0148 0.1311 0.34        
      4.5 0.137 0.7825 1.586 0.0183 0.1115 0.382        
      5 0.1192 0.6731 1.56 0.0215 0.1021 0.496        
      5.5 0.1045 0.5828 1.468 0.0241 0.0979 0.396        
0.83 1.927 0.1990*mo 4 0.159 0.9108 1.55 0.0149 0.1342 0.341        
      4.5 0.1372 0.7825 1.587 0.0184 0.112 0.385        
      5 0.1193 0.6732 1.56 0.0216 0.1024 0.498        
      5.5 0.1046 0.5829 1.468 0.0242 0.0983 0.397        
0.82 1.901 0.1990*mo 4 0.1592 0.9109 1.551 0.015 0.1341` 0.343        

      4.5 0.1373 0.7824 1.589 0.0185 0.1126 0.386        

      5 0.1194 0.6732 1.561 0.0218 0.1031 0.501        
      5.5 0.1047 0.583 1.468 0.0243 0.0988 0.398        
0.81 1.876 0.1982*mo 4 0.1594 0.9109 1.553 0.0151 0.1351` 0.344        

      4.5 0.1374 0.7827 1.59 0.0188 0.113 0.389        

Department of EEE, CUET 35

Data Table (Continue)
Phosphorous Band gap (Barrier Dot Position Position Position width width width Jsc Voc FF Efficiency
content material size of first of of third of First of of
electron band second band band second third
effective band band band

0.8 1.851 0.1976*mo 4.5 0.1375 0.782 1.59 0.0187 0.1132 0.389        
      5 0.1205 0.6729 1.562 0.0209 0.1037 0.504        
      5.5 0.1049 0.5829 1.469 0.0243 0.0981 0.396        
      6 0.1 0.5084 1.339 0.0191 0.0967 0.298        
0.7 1.632 0.19034*mo 4.5 0.1392 0.7824 1.602 0.0198 0.119 0.41 83.38 .8368 .8189 47.12
      5 0.1209 0.6736 1.569 0.023 0.108 0.53        
      5.5 0.1057 0.5835 1.471 0.026 0.104 0.402        
      6 0.1 0.5091 1.34 0.0213 0.1021 0.304        
0.6 1.468 0.18375*mo 4.5 0.1403 0.7829 1.614 0.0215 0.1238 0.43 93.85 .8398 .8212 48.36
      5 0.122 0.6741 1.576 0.0246 0.1143 0.643        
      5.5 0.1066 0.584 1.475 0.0274 0.1096 0.405        
      6 0.1 0.5099 1.34 0.0235 0.1066 0.312        
0.5 1.358 0.176*mo 4.5 0.1419 0.7838 1.629 0.0232 0.1309 0.454 100.64 .8416 .8272 49.39
      5 0.1231 0.6755 1.583 0.0266 0.1203 0.584        
      5.5 0.1076 0.5849 1.477 0.0294 0.1159 0.413        
      6 0.1 0.5106 1.342 0.0262 0.1129 0.319        

Department of EEE, CUET 36

Data Table (Continue)
Phosphorous Band gap (Barrier Dot Position Position Position width width width Jsc Voc FF Efficiency
content material size of first of of third of First of of
electron band second band band second third
effective band band band

0.4 1.301 0.168605*mo 4.5 0.1435 0.7841 1.642 0.0251 0.1381 0.571 104.09 .8685 .8371 51.86

      5 0.1245 0.6764 1.59 0.0284 0.1267 0.618        

      5.5 0.1085 0.5858 1.48 0.0314 0.1221 0.418        
      6 0.1 0.5116 1.342 0.288 0.1173 0.328        
0.3 1.298 0.1622*mo 4.5 0.145 0.7848 1.653 0.0267 0.1441 0.507 104.36 .8692 .8376 51.91
      5 0.1254 0.6776 1.598 0.0305 0.1327 0.584        
      5.5 0.1095 0.5865 1.482 0.0332 0.1281 0.426        
      6 0.1 0.5121 1.344 0.0313 0.125 0.335        
0.2 1.35 0.1537*mo 4.5 0.1468 0.7859 1.669 0.0294 0.1543 0.542 101.6289 0.9419 0.8649 52.16

      5 0.1269 0.6797 1.606 0.0329 0.1411 0.59        

      5.5 0.1106 0.5873 1.485 0.0359 0.1369 0.437        
      6 0.1 0.5129 1.344 0.0349 0.1335 0.348        
0.1 1.456 0.146*mo 4.5 0.1487 0.7856 1.687 0.0322 0.1634 0.575 95.2646 0.9402 0.8665 48.90

      5 0.1284 0.6796 1.613 0.0359 0.1512 0.596        

      5.5 0.118 0.5882 1.489 0.0384 0.1461 0.445        
      6 0.1 0.5143 1.345 0.0379 0.1415 0.359        

Department of EEE, CUET 37

Observation from Table

1. From above table it is seen that it is impossible to place 3 intermediate

bands between conduction and valance band for phosphorus content
below 0.89. Moreover, for phosphorus content above 0.9 to 0.94 , 3 IB is
not possible for dot size 5nm and 6nm. For, content 0.96 , 3IB is not
possible for dot size 6nm and for content 0.89, 3IB is only possible for
dot size 5.5nm.

2. Band gap value increases with the increase of Phosphorus content.

3. For the same dot size , Jsc decreases and Voc increases with an increase
in phosphorous content or the increase in barrier band gap.

Department of EEE, CUET 38

Observation from Table (Continue)
4. Band position will get lower value with the increase of dot size.

5. Band width will get larger value with the increase of dot size.

6. Due to the change of band gap, the change in band position and band
width is negligible for same dot size.

7. Most important point is that though the value Jsc is high for dot size
below 4nm for any value of band gap . but it is seen from the obtained data
that below 4 nm ) the positon of 2nd and 3rd band is very close (less than
0.5eV) which may cause an interaction between bands. This will lead to
thermalization loss. Thus , it is better to use dot size over 4 nm .

Department of EEE, CUET 39

Graph Obtained From Table

Figure No 09 : Effect of QD size on IBs position

Department of EEE, CUET 40

Graph Obtained From Table (Continue)

Figure No 10 : Effect of QD size on proposed cell’s Efficiency.

Department of EEE, CUET 41

Graph Obtained From Table (Continue)

Figure No 11 : Effect of Phosphorus Content On cell’s Efficiency

Department of EEE, CUET

MATLAB APP Simulation

Department of EEE, CUET 43


Department of EEE, CUET 44
Results & comparison between conventional and
QDIBSC efficiency
Cell Structure Cell Efficiency Ref.
Single Junction 22.7% 2017, [7]
1Band QDSC(PbSe/GaAs) 37.52% 2017, [7]
2 IB QDSC (AlAs/GaAs) 52.1% 2012, [3]
2 IB QDSC 51.6% 2014, [1]
(For Lq = 4nm, Lb = 2nm)
2 IB QDSC 49.27% 2018, [4]
(For Lq = 1.4nm)
1 IB QDSC 38.88% Our Work
(InAs0.98N.02/AlP0.3Sb0.7 )
(For Lq = 4.5nm, Lb = 2.6 nm)
2 IB QDSC 51.91% Our Work
(InAs0.98N.02/AlP0.3Sb0.7 )
(For Lq = 4.5nm, Lb = 2.6 nm)
3 IB QDSC 63.12% Our Work
(InAs0.98N.02/AlP0.92Sb0.08 )
(For Lq = 4.5nm, Lb = 2.6 nm)

Department of EEE, CUET 45

Future Work

• Here , we consider only the physical parameters effect on cell’s

performance. Optical parameters effect on performance can be

• Basically here we try to determine the InAs.98N.02/AlPxSb(x-1) QDIBSC’s

performance from physical parameter’s perspective . Similar analysis
can be performed on other materials.

Department of EEE, CUET 46

The efficiency of single junction solar cell is very low because it can
not utilize the

From our work we found that due to introduce QDIB value of short
circuit current density increases. As current density is directly
proportional to the efficiency thus with an increase in current density
efficiency also increases. As the implementation of QDIBSC is quite
difficult and expensive, though the energy density increases we can
neglect the cost for special application like space and research.

From our work we have found theoretical efficiency is about 65% for
3IB. But its practical implementation may provide less efficiency than
theoretical value. But we are hopeful that our work will pave the way
for future research.
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Department of EEE, CUET 48

Thank You

Department of EEE, CUET 59

& Answer

Department of EEE, CUET 60

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