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Dear partners, my name is johann

rojas, I am twenty-six years old.
Currently I live in the city of
Bogotá, I am a native of
Villavicencio, I like jazz and
blues, I like wind instruments and
mixed martial arts. My mother is
llanera and my father too. They
live in a small town called La
Cuncia. At this moment I work as
a Logistics Operator and I am
The Rosario Islands (or Corales del Rosario) is a small archipelago made up of some 28 islands, 1 that is part of the
insular zone of Cartagena de Indias, 2 3 4 with a land area of ​20 hectares (0, 20 km²) located off the coast of the
Bolívar Department. at the same latitude as the Barú peninsula. In them is located one of the natural national parks
of Colombia, created to protect one of the most important coral reefs on the Colombian Caribbean coast.

It is a territory belonging to the Colombian Atlantic region, and depends on the department of Bolívar. The islands
consist of a small platform composed of successive coral formations at different depths.
The park has an area of ​120,000 ha, from the highest tide line to the 50-meter deep beryl, includes the underwater
platform and the coral reefs to the west of the Barú peninsula, the reefs of the archipelagos of Nuestra Señora del
Rosario and San Bernardo and the underwater platform between these two archipelagos, as well as the islands of
Tesoro, Rosario, Múcura and Maravilla.
I would like to go to see Tayrona
Park for it’s culture, it’s history and
for it’s beautiful natural landscapes,
which allow us to connect with
Mother nature.
Tayrona National Natural Park is located in the foothills of the Sierra
Nevada de Santa Marta in the Caribbean of Colombia. Its surface is part of
the city of Santa Marta.
21 miles from the urban center of Santa Marta is one of the most important
natural parks in Colombia. It is the habitat of a large number of species that
are distributed in regions with different thermal levels ranging from sea level
to heights of 900 m.
In the park area there are archaeological ruins that denote the existence of
human settlements of the Tayrona tribe that occupied the region from pre-
Columbian times until well into the colonization (perhaps 15th and 16th
centuries) 2
It is considered one of the most important ecological reserves in South
America, it has great natural beauty and an abundance of flora and fauna, it
Although it is a beaches,
contains virgin natural reserve, the park
archaeological provides
remains, services for
waterfalls andthe
practice of eco-tourism. Numerous natural spectacles and walks can
be found in different areas of the park. They stand out among them:
Archaeological Museum of Chairama, located in the area known as
Cañaveral, near the mouth of the Piedras River. It has a permanent
archaeological exhibition.
Los Naranjos Trail
Playa del Muerto, since 2010 has been called "Playa Cristal".
Arrecifes sector, area with accommodation services, bathrooms and
restaurant. The beach is not considered suitable for swimming due
to the force of the waves.
La Piscina, a beach adjacent to the Arrecifes sector, enabled for
swimming. It is worth making a stop at this place to swim to the
reefs and enjoy the different fish.
The word Nemocón means "warrior's lament."
It is the first salt mine exploited in Colombia.
Its journey takes 1 hour to 80 meters underground, through 1,600 meters of
tunnels from which 8 million tons of salt were extracted for their construction.
The salt extracted from the mine was used for cooking and making textile
products, soaps, medicines and more.

Why choose the Nemocón Mines as a destination for your next


Inside you will find "El Corazón de Nemocón", which is a large,

high-purity crystal made up of salt; it is something surprising
and very romantic if you go with your partner. Many go
underground to find it and even propose to their partners in this
wonderful place.
How to get to the Nemocón Mines?
If you go by bus from the city of Bogotá, you only have to take it
at the Salitre transport terminal to Nemocón, the ticket costs 3
dollars per person and takes approximately 1 hour 20 minutes.
This train goes to Zipaquirá and right there they offer you the
transportation service with entry to the Mine. The value of the
It is located in the extreme northeast of the country, in the Caribbean region, bordering
the Caribbean Sea (Atlantic Ocean) to the north and east, Venezuela to the southeast,
the Cesar department to the south and the Magdalena department to the west.
Its territory is made up of the La Guajira peninsula, in its center by a lowland; and to
the south with parts of the Sierra Nevada, the Serranía del Perijá and the alluvial plain
of the Ranchería and Cesar rivers. It is made up of 15 municipalities. Since the 1970s,
it has been a point of arrival for population movements and immigrants from Middle
Eastern countries, a fact that has caused accelerated population growth that in turn
generates demographic wealth.

The territory of the department was inhabited by the Wiwa, Kogui, Arhuaco and
Kankuamo peoples located in the Sierra Nevada. The guajiro in the La Guajira
peninsula and the lowlands, together with the cocina, guanebucán, caquetíos, makuiras,
anates, coanaos and eneales —all extinct—; and finally the Cariachiles who inhabited
the alluvial plain and slopes of the Perijá mountain range before its extinction.

Los Flamencos Fauna and Flora Sanctuary:

La Guajira, interrupted by intense pink reds that dissolve in spirals over the lagoons of the Sanctuary. These
are flocks of flamingos, slender birds with pink plumage that give this protected area its name. The graceful
flamingos and the majestic colors of their plumage are the main attraction of the Sanctuary, which despite its
small size, is considered one of the richest protected areas in a variety of resident and migratory aquatic

Special Recommendations
Always travel on the roads and trails already established on land and waterways.
We recommend the company of a local guide or interpreter.
Heed the recommendations of Park officials and local guides.
In order not to disturb the tranquility of the animal species, the use of flash is forbidden .
Bird watching requires minimal disturbance, which is why the use of binoculars is required to admire their
behavior and beauty in their natural habitat. For no reason should birds be frightened by making noises in
The lung of the world in Colombia
The Colombian Amazon is part of one of the most
biodiverse areas on the planet. Dare to live a great
Surely you have heard that the Amazon rainforest
is a majestic place where there are huge trees,
mighty rivers and animals of all kinds ... And so it
is! This region of Colombia is characterized by
being one of the most biodiverse on the planet and
is ready to receive you with all its rhythm.
Getting to Leticia, the capital city of the Amazonas
department , is only possible by air and from the
moment the plane begins to fly over the jungle, its
visitors are amazed by the great wealth of flora
and fauna of the Amazon, the immensity and
majesty that extends through the territory as far as
The eye can see.
Amazon is the ideal place to be amazed with the
charm of our land; You can visit an island where
monkeys are lords and masters, see the rare and
beautiful pink dolphins, sleep in ancient trees, observe
the largest lotus flower in the world (its leaves can be
up to one meter in diameter) and even share a day with

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