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Adolescence ( 12 to 18

years )
What is Adolescence
Adolescence is a period of transitional period between childhood and
adulthood which this individual prepare for their adult lives.
Adolescence usually begins upon entry into high school and last until
graduation, ages 14 through 18
During this time, an adolescence is exposed to a variety stimuli which
play a significant role in the perception of ones self image and also
shapes an individual into the person they wish to become
Teens encounter a lot of different situation in their adolescence,
situation involving;
 Parents
 School
 Friends
 Alcohol
 Sex
 Peer pressure
 Culture
And among other things that have positive and negative effects in
adolescence transitioning to adulthood.
What makes an adult?

What makes someone an adult is it because of their age , their maturity, how
much responsibility they have or is it because their married.
 Age
 Maturity
 Responsibility
 Marriage
Developmental tasks of adolescence
Biological Psychological Social
Early adolescence Early puberty (girls: breast bud and Concrete thinking but early moral Emotional separation from parents;
pubic hair development, start of concepts; progression of sexual start of strong peer identification; early
growth spurt; boys: testicular identity development (sexual exploratory behaviours (smoking,
enlargement, start of genital growth) orientation); possible homosexual peer violence)
interest; reassessment of body image

Mid-adolescence Girls: mid-late puberty and end of Abstract thinking, but self still seen as Emotional separation from parents;
growth spurt; menarche; development “bullet proof”; growing verbal strong peer identification; increased
of female body shape with fat abilities; identification of law with health risk (smoking, alcohol, etc);
deposition Boys: mid-puberty, morality; start of fervent ideology heterosexual peer interest; early
spermarche and nocturnal emissions; (religious, political) vocational plans
voice breaks; start of growth spurt
Late adolescence Boys: end of puberty; continued Complex abstract thinking; Development of social autonomy;
increase in muscle bulk and body hair identification of difference between intimate relationships; development of
law and morality; increased impulse vocational capability and financial
control; further development of independence
personal identify; further development
or rejection of religious and political
What is the different between typical and
atypical development?
When we say typical development, we're referring to a child's
general improvement in comparison to peers of the same age.
Atypical development happens when a child tends to be behind or
well ahead of peers of the same age in all of the skills.

Example link below:

It’s important to note that each teen can experience these changes in
their own unique way. These signs of maturity may appear sooner or
later in some teens than in others. Each child develops at his or her
own rate during puberty.
What changes will happen during puberty?
Sexual and other physical maturation that happens during puberty is
due to hormonal changes. Here’s a look at the changes for boys and
 It’s difficult to predict when a boy would reach puberty. There are changes that take place, but
they are gradual and take place over time. It isn’t just a single occurrence. Each male
adolescent is special, and he may experience these changes in a different way.
These are average ages when puberty changes may happen:
 Start of puberty. Between 9 ½ and 14 years old.
 First puberty change. Enlargement of the testicles.
 Penis enlargement. Begins about 1 year after the testicles start enlarging.
 Pubic hair appears. About 13 ½ years old.
 Wet dreams (nocturnal emissions). About 14 years old.
Hair under the arms and on the face, voice change, and acne. About 15 years old. Puberty is also a
series of events for girls. However, their puberty also begins before that of boys of the same generation.
Each girl is special, and she may experience these changes in a different way. These are average ages
when puberty changes may happen:
 Start of puberty. Between 8 and 13 years old.
 First puberty change. Breast development.

 Pubic hair appears. Shortly after breast development.

 Hair under the arms. About 12 years old.

 Menstrual periods. Between 10 and 16 ½ years old.


When it comes to secondary sex characteristics, both boys and girls

go through phases of growth. There are male and female physical
traits that have little to do with reproduction. Changes in voice, body
form, pubic hair distribution, and facial hair are among them.

Many changes occur during the adolescent years. Not only are there
physical improvements, but also emotional and social ones.
Teenagers develop their ability to think abstractly during these years.
They will make plans and set long-term goals over time. Each child
develops at his or her own pace and has a unique perspective on the

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