Dimensions of International Communication

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Dimensions of International Communication

• International Communication has played a
part in the movement towards more
democratic government and a free market
economy that has swept the whole world.

 It has created a sort of structural

imperialism where one has become a
central power & the rest have become
Political Dimension
1) International communication has
increased pressure of democratization
2) Politics is dominating part of media
content across the world
3) Helpful in disseminating and propagating
political ideas & ideologies
4) Increased public diplomacy
5) Decreased political homogeneity
Economic Dimension
1) Borderless world helpful to economies
across the globe
2) Change in market rates depend on the
International economy
3) Media companies are converging at high
4) Increase in trade and exchange among
various warring countries
5) Turned non-market things into products
(e.g. culture)
Cultural Dimension
1) Free flow of culture
2) Growth of linguistic groups
3) Change in the use of language
4) More market oriented communication
Social Dimension
1) Rich nations getting richer
2) Dominance by economically &
technologically advanced nations on others
3) Vanishing local culture
4) Dividing people on the basis of knowledge
and technology
5) Limited access to IT & CT
Political Dimension
• Politics has always been the major part of news in all kinds
of media. Politics rule the country.
• Every political leader makes headlines and every political
event get exclusive coverage in media.
• Every news organization has most experienced and
knowledgeable journalist employed for the coverage of
• It is very clear that politics is the most dominating area in
mass communication. Political ambition of Adolf Hitler
created propagandistic communication.
• No nation is free from political compulsions and political
motives compel most countries to establish and maintain
international communication.
Examples of Influenced Communication

1. During the presidential election in USA, Barak

Obama pressurized the Indian government
through diplomatic communication to allow an
increase in the percentage of foreign direct
investment permissible in India, only to fulfill one
of his electoral promises that he would increase
US business prospects in India and more
employment opportunities for US citizens.
This reflects how international communication
can be influential in changing policies of foreign
2. Everybody knows that for any democratic government
to function effectively in Pakistan, the authorities
must follow the hidden agenda of the Pakistan army
and its foreign intelligence agency ISI.
In other words any government in Pakistan must
express a strong anti-Indian attitude and
communicate internationally in a language that
portrays India as a bad nation.
Any international communication originating from
Pakistan has always this political compulsion in its
3. The outburst of public anger and demonstrations
throughout the country after the 26/11 Mumbai
terrorist attack created a political compulsion
that forced the Indian government to talk tough
in International forums in denouncing Pakistan
and its role in such type of attacks.
After Pathankot and Uri attacks, the tone and
style of Indian communication to Pakistan also
became very pungent resulting in quick release
of Indian Pilot wing-commander Abhinandan
Varthman followed by action communication
like surgical strike and Balakot air strike by India.
4. The content and language of international
communication of any country changes
whenever there is a change of government or
more specifically a government (read political
party) with different ideology comes to power.
The tone and language used in Indian
government’s international communication
practiced by the Modi government has been
strikingly different from the communication
that was followed by the earlier UPA
5. The oppression and genocide of Tamil people in Sri Lanka and
the resultant political uproar arising from Tamil Nadu has
forced the Indian government to vote against Sri Lanka in
response to an US proposal in UN.
This shows the influence of politics which can change the
international communication policy of any government!
6. The way India handled the case of Kulbhusan Jadav in the
International Court of Justice (ICJ), the sustained Indian
communication pressure in various world forums to
denounce the attitude of Pakistan, forced Pakistan to
communicate its changing stand to allow Kulbhusan Jadav to
meet his wife and mother.
Indian communication, after the judgement of International
Court of justice (ICJ), is creating increasing pressure on
Pakistan to release Kulbhusan.
• Thus politics influence international
communication and vice-versa.
• This becomes clear when we observe that
all Presidents/Heads of States visiting
India officially also meet the leader of
opposition so that the relationship
between the two countries remain cordial
and communication is maintained in a
positive direction in case the opposition
comes to power.
• Handling international communication has now become a
tricky business for any government so far as its political
outcome is concerned.
• Any serious mistake in this direction may force a change in
the political scenario or stop the ongoing development
process due to international aid-crunch or sanctions.
• Irresponsible international communication may isolate a
country internationally and affect seriously its international
business prospects which in turn may increase
unemployment and inflation.
• In diplomatic communication, where restraint has always
been the key, any wrong choice of words or timing of
communication may escalate tension between any two
countries and may even lead to war.
The process of globalization and the technological
advancements in communication technologies has
increased the speed of information flow and therefore
people now know what is happening in which part of the
world. This can create the following developments :
a) International communication has increased the pressure
of democratization. After the disintegration of the USSR,
USA has been trying to install democratic governments in
as many countries as possible using its political, economic
and military power.
b) Based on its impact on world political scene and global
business, politics is increasingly dominating the world
media content.
c) International communication is helping in
disseminating and propagating political ideas
and ideologies.
A glaring example would probably be Nepal
whose government is now based on Maoist
ideology-thanks to the infusion of Maoist ideas
and materials from China.
d) International communication has increased public
diplomacy. As a result people are no longer ready to
tolerate faulty policies/actions or injustices of
Public opinion is quickly formed and propagated
throughout the world and in some recent cases has
resulted in the ouster of unpopular governments
like in Tunisia and other countries.
The fall of Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and Col. Gaddafi
of Libya are examples of contribution of
international communication in changing political
climates of various nations.
e) Due to international communication, new techniques
of governance and development processes are
reaching all parts of the globe.
Many organizations in many countries are now inviting
the concerned ministers or heads of local governments
to teach them about those techniques.
Notable examples in this respect are the invitations
extended to Mr. Lalu Prasad Jadav to deliver a talk in
USA about the management techniques for efficient
handling of Indian Railways as Railways Minister and
also invitation to Mr. Narendra Modi to talk about his
success story in Gujarat as Chief Minister.
f) People are now demanding heads of the
ministers when they feel the government’s
indifferent attitude to protect the interest of
their citizens residing in other countries.
The foreign minister of Italy had to resign
following the nationwide outburst of Italian
anger over Italy’s mishandling of case of
Italian marines in India.
• International Communication which covers the information flow
into and out of a country depends a lot on the political
environment in that particular country.
• An authoritarian government tries to block all information
about democratic movements reaching its public and also does
not allow information about its oppressive rule and public
misery to flow out of that country.
• The effectiveness of international communication also depends
on the relationship between power and communication.
• When the degree of power used is less, communication works
• The degree of freedom of speech or expression permitted in a
country largely influences its communication with other
Economic Dimension
Barnet and Salisbury (1996) argue that economics is a
determinant of international interaction and that economic
relations are the primary organizing principles of international
Today no country is self sufficient in all respect i.e. no nation
produces everything it consumes.
Nations have to depend on one another for their needs.
This economic compulsion forces nations to communicate with
each other for mutual benefits and thanks to the technology
explosion, the whole world of information is available at the
People can contact and meet each other very fast and lot of
things are available at the touch of a button or screen.
International trade has been going on since the beginning of
interaction among civilizations or between kings and emperors
and therefore international communication can be traced back
In the present competitive world, international communication
has to be very effective for the success of any business
agreement between nations.
The rapid advancement of information and communication
technology has created a borderless world helpful in increasing
economic relationship between nations across the globe.
Economic interests or compulsions of a country or a group of
nations bound by similar interest are increasingly shaping their
international communication agenda. International relations
between countries are influenced by their economic interests.
• The rapid advancement of information and
communication technology has created a borderless world
helpful in increasing economic relationship between
nations across the globe.
• Economic interests or compulsions of a country or a group
of nations bound by similar interest are increasingly
shaping their international communication agenda.
International relations between countries are influenced
by their economic interests.
• International environment arising out of war, border
disturbances, deterioration in bilateral relations or
domestic compulsions forces a nation to change the
nature and content of its communication with other
• Fallout of such developments subsequently create
trade embargos, economic sanctions, blockage of
funds from World`s major financial Institutions
like the World Bank or the International Monetary
Fund (IMF).
• This economic disturbance in turn changes the
market rates in the world. Rise and fall of crude oil
price and changes in bullion rates are good
examples of this trend.
• Reduction in oil import from Iran due to American pressure
has affected the oil market in India. Refusal to sign the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) had resulted in
several sanctions imposed against India by USA and its allies
affecting Indian economy.
• Information regarding economic crises in some countries
also results in crashes in major world stock markets which in
turn affects domestic markets of other countries.
• The recent developments like bankruptcy in Greece and
recession in USA has affected Indian market conditions.
• While modern technology including internet provides
instant availability of information regarding global economic
conditions, it also creates panic situation in the world
• Even countries hostile to each other, historically or politically,
are not willing to sacrifice bilateral trade and are forced to
tone down low level border skirmishes or incursions.
• Recent example is the Indian Government`s cautious approach
in communicating its reaction to international community in
response to the Chinese incursion in the Ladakh area, even
against a national outcry to take strict action against China.
• The Indian Prime Minister described the incident as a local
problem which ultimately paved the way for Chinese
• The reason behind this Indian attitude may be the intention to
safeguard and increase trading volume with China despite
• After four war, we were doing business with
Pakistan because of increasing business prospects
for traders of both the countries.
• Hidden behind the Us invasion of Iraq and the
corresponding change in its communication content
in different international forums lies the US interest
to maintain the control over the crude oil flow from
the middle-east countries.
• Due to globalization, media companies are
converging at high rate and companies are
communicating internationally about their products
and services.
• Same advertisements for branded products are
now being used in many countries.
• International communication in economic sector
has helped people to gather commercial
information at a much faster rate and to order
and receive products/services of their choice at
the touch of a button- thanks to e-business and
Cultural Dimension
Cultural Dimension of International
Communication involves the following :

a) Free Flow of Culture

b) Growth of linguistic groups
c) Change in the use of language
d) More market oriented communication
Free Flow of Culture
• The consistent flow of pop culture i.e. American
culture through international media from western
countries to the rest of the countries is considered
as a threat to their culture and tradition.
• The increasing trends of western culture , western
TV programming, western music, western eating
habits and western outfits is a live example of the
influence of western countries on the developing
• From Dhabas to McDonalds and KFC and Sarees to
jeans and skirts, from necessity we are marching
towards luxury.
• International flow of information from all
major media sectors is the main reason for
the existing cultural imperialism.
• This cultural imperialism refers to a kind of
cultural domination by culture of US and
other industrialized nations.
• Residents of many Asian, African and Latin
American countries are concerned that their
national and local heritage will soon be
replaced by one global culture dominated by
US values.
Growth of linguistic groups
• The international media of international communication has
helped in bringing about the free flow of cultural products like
language, costumes, food, movies, values, lifestyle, festivals
• Here, numerous examples can be quoted like Spanish
language, Punjabi music, Chinese food, Bollywood movies and
 With the growth of media at global level, many linguistic
groups have been created. These groups are not confined to a
single area, region even nation and have crossed all
 Punjabi, Spanish, French, German speaking people can be
found anywhere in the world and it’s not necessary that those
all were born in the core language regions.
Change in the use of language
 Because of international communication, a new
set of language have been developed. Generally
these are mix of two languages:
i) internationally spoken and
ii) nationally spoken.
• These languages are spoken and understood by
the mass of people and not to be confused with
code languages. Example would make it clearer:
• Hindi + English = Hinglish
• Spanish + English = Splanglish.
Market oriented communication
• Though critics say that the local cultural values
are vanishing due to the American culture
flooded in the international media, but the
impact is very superficial.
• Local culture will not vanish with globalization:
rather local values too would get global
exposure as in the case of Sufi singers, jazz
music, salsa dance, open drama and so on.
• Moreover, the international media allow us to
exchange processes of cultural creativity,
invention, diffusion and finally growth.
Social Dimension
1. Information through media plays a significant role in
our society today. It is all around us, from the shows
we watch on television, the music we listen on the
radio, to the books and magazines we read everyday.
2. In today’s world, media information has become as
necessary as food and clothing. With the help of this
information, media is playing an outstanding role in
strengthening the society and is treated as the
mirror of the society.
3. International media has huge impact on the society
at global, national, regional and local level.
4. Modernization in our society is a by-product of
international communication.
5. Modernization is a process by which nations adopts
new technologies to improve living conditions. The
concept of modernization is directly related to
liberalism and liberalism implies freedom which is a
western concept.
6. International media has created a dependent class
which depends on technology/media for almost
everything, even the basic things of daily life. This
dependence has further resulted in making common
people tolerant of each other’s culture, values,
traditions and customs.
7. Since they are exposed to different cultures and
values they get used to them and when they
see such values in real life they are not
displeased as such.
8. The dependence on international
communication has made people find solutions
to their daily problems. These problems may or
may not be from their culture which makes
them tolerant of other cultures.
9. With the help of international media, The
political and social leaders of the world have
been and are still continuing to follow the
concept of hegemony.
10.It is a kind of political or social order created by
political leaders (Barak Obama), social leaders
(Baba Ramdev), movie stars (Amir Khan,
Shahrukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor etc.).
The End

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