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M.B.A(4 ‘th SEM)
What is media planning
• Media planning is the processofselecting time
and spacein various media for advertising in
order to accomplish marketing objectives.
• Or to keep it short:it is process of establishing
the exact media vehicles to be used for
Why media planning?
• Without media planning,advertisers would not
know where to sell their products as well as
what is the most effective media for
• Media pllanning helps identify the best
advertising space,targetmarket and media for
your clients product.
Basic words in Media Planning

• Advertising space
Advertising space is the space in between a
telivision show where you see all the
advertisements,it is the pages of
advertisement on see’s in a magazine or
newspaper,it is also the space in between a
radio show.
• Medium
A medium is a carrier and deliverer of
advertisements.It is a broad general category
of carries such as
irect mail,etc.
• Media vehicle
It is a specific carrier within a media a discovery would be the vehicle
in thecategory of t.v.many a time a specific
programs or sections within a medium may be
termed as a vehicle.(eg.NTV7,Star
newspaper,Radio 4)
• Adverting media generally include:
bill boards,public transportation,yellow
pages,direct mail,speciality advertising(on
items such as
matchbooks,pencils,calenders,telephone pads
and other
The Right Media
• Traditional or mass media:tv,radio.idea to
reach largeaudience.
• Niche media:cble tv,direct mail,etc.
• Reach the target audience with specific
demographics,narrowly defiend target
• Non-conventional media:internet
Who are Media Planners?

• Media planner is a job title in an advertising

agency responsible for selecting media for
advertisement placement on behalf of their
• The main aim of media planner is to assist their
client in achieving business objectives through
their advertising budgets by recommending
the best possible use of various media
platforms available to advertisers.
• Their roles may include analyzing target
audiences,keeping abreast of media
developments,reading market trends and
understanding motivations of consumers.
Media Plan
• In order to choose the right media,it is
important to put together a media plan for the
advertising campaign.
• A media plan is a custom tailored-designed
expressly to meet the needs of an advertiser
at a given time for specific marketing
Media plan
These are the questions the clients
(companies,organizations,institutions) will be
asking media planners:
• Who are the competitors in the market?
• Who are the audience you are targeting?
• What media are you going to use and why?
• How many of the target audience will be
exposed?how often?
Media plan
Media planning today is all about:
• Marketing
• Research
• Advertising
• Consumer behavior
• Creativity and sensitivity
Media planning procedure
• Media planning is a component of the
marketing strategy of the
considerations must go before media planning.
• Media planning on the whole answers a lot of
questions like “how many prospects do I need
to reach?”.”in which medium should I place
the ads?”,etc.
Principles for selecting media vehicles

• Select a media vehicle that can reach

• With an optimum amount of
• At the lowest CPM(cost per thousand)
• With a minimum of waste
• With a specified budget.
Problems in media planning
• In sufficient media data.
• Time pressures
• External influences-pressure to produce
“creative” media plans.
• Institutional influences on media decisions.
• Lack of objectivity.
• Measuring advertising effectiveness.

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