One - Way Analysis of Variance 34

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⦿The one factor analysis of variance (One-Way
ANOVA) is used to test the differences of a
certain intervally scaled dependent variable to
another variable with three or more categories.
It is being called as a one factor because one
dependent variable is being tested to a one
independent variable with more than two
categories. For example: The researcher wishes
to determine the significant difference in the
NMAT performance of the BS Biology students
as to their socio economic status (high,
average, low).
⦿A researcher wanted to determine the
significant differences in administrators’
performance among academic administrators
of State Universities and Colleges in the
region when the administrators were
classified into their socio-economic status as
high, average and low.
⦿Step 1: Statement of the problem

Is there a significant difference in the

administrators’ performance of the academic
administrators when they are classified into
their socioeconomic status?
⦿ Step 2: Statement of the research hypothesis:

a. Ho: There is no significant difference in the

administrators’ performance among academic
administrators of State Universities and Colleges
in the region when they are classified into
their socioeconomic status.

b. Ha: There is a significant difference in the

administrators’ performance among academic
administrators of State Universities and Colleges
in the region when they are classified into
their socioeconomic status.
⦿Step 3: Determine the scale or level of
measurements of the variables.
a. Variable 1- Socioeconomic status is categorized
into three levels as 1- High; 2-Average ; 3-Low

b. Variable 2- Administrators’ Performance

Scale Description
1.00-1.80 Poor
1.81-2.60 Needs Improvement
2.61-3.40 Satisfactory
3.41-4.20 Very Satisfactory
4.21-5.00 Outstanding
⦿Step 4: Set the level of significance
Significance level is set at 0.05 alpha under
two-tailed test.
⦿Step 5: Test the null hypothesis
Socioeconomi Administrators’ Performance Total Mean
c Status
1 2 3 4 5

Low 1 2 2 2 3 10 2.0
Average 2 3 4 5 6 20 4.0
High 4 4 4 5 7 24 4.8
Grand Total 54
Grand Mean 3.6
Socioeconomic Administrators’ Performance Total Mean
1 2 3 4 5

Low 1 2 2 2 3 10 2.0

Average 2 3 4 5 6 20 4.0

High 4 4 4 5 7 24 4.8

Grand Total 54

Grand Mean 3.6

1. Determine the sum of squares

of the individual scores.
Socioeconomic Administrators’ Performance Total Mean
1 2 3 4 5

Low 1 2 2 2 3 10 2.0

Average 2 3 4 5 6 20 4.0

High 4 4 4 5 7 24 4.8

Grand Total 54

Grand Mean 3.6

3. Compute the df:

2. Determine sum of the dfBG = k-1 = 3-1 = 2
squares, such as: dfWG = ntotal – k = 15-3 = 12
4. Compute the mean squares. 5. Compute the F-ratio.

Sources of DF Sum of Mean F-ratio Tabular Value

Variation Squares Squares 0.05 0.01
2 20.80 10.40 6.62 3.88 6.93
12 18.80 1.57

Total 14 39.60
p< 0.05 Significant at 0.05 alpha
⦿Differences in the administrators’
performance are reflected in the ANOVA
table. Since the calculated F-ratio of 6.62 is
greater than the tabular value of 3.88 at 5%
level of significance, the null hypothesis is
rejected. This means that there is a
significant difference in the administrators’
performance among academic administrators
of State Universities and Colleges in the
region when they are classified as to their
socioeconomic status.
G.T.= Grand Total
C.F.= Correction Factor
Sstotal= the sum of the squares of x-values minus
the correction factor.
Xi= the x-values
SSBG = Sum of squares between groups
Ti= the total of individual categories
r = the number of observation per category
SSWG= Sum of squares within group
dfBG= degrees of freedom between groups
dfWG= degrees of freedom within groups
dftotal = degrees of freedom total
MSBG = the mean squares between groups
dfBG = degrees of freedom between groups
MSWG= the mean squares within groups
SSWG = the sum of squares within groups
df WG = degrees of freedom within groups

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