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Project Report On

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Submitted By
Bappa Majumdar ( Roll No - S567 )

Submitted To
Kalyani Mahavidyalaya Department of Physics ( 2019-20 )

There is always to desire to know how the universe works although we don’t
know everything about that but something we know. Like how the universe
born and maybe how the universe will die. Now scientist are know some
unknown Force and matter called Dark Matter & Dark Energy. This
mysterious concept came from some mysterious phenomenon of our
galexies and Universes and how they born. At first the concept of the Dark
Energy came from the big bang theory.
Big Bang Theory
In 1929 scientist named Edwin Hubble first observed that all the things are moving away
of each other. After observing and studing many other galexies he state a low called
Hubble’s Low. Now it is became one of the most important low of Cosmology. This low
tells us that everything is moving away of each other only depends on its relative
distance. Here came some confusion if the universe expanding then it have to be small.
From here the concept of big bang arrived. The Big Bang theory tells us that at the very
beginning of the universe there was nothing Accept a Point Cosmological
Supersingularity. And then something happened (Quantum Fluctuations) and everything
was started to begin. This is called Big Bang. But we don’t know How Bang, Why Bang,
What Before Bang.
Dark Energy
As we know Universes is expanding. But the four fundamental forces( Gravitational,
Electromagnetic, Strong and Weak Nuclear) are cannot cause the mysterious
phenomenon but some energy or force required for that. So scientist as of now don’t
have any force to explain the phenomenon that is why it is called Dark Energy. In
Einstein’s General Relativity Equation we found some strange constant call Cosmological
Constant. This constant Help us to understand the the Dark Force/Dark Energy. His
equation tells us the movement of matter in any gravitational field. Because gravitational
force is Attracting Force, So according to the equation everything will attract each other
and once a time collapse into one single point, But our Universes is stable in real. That is
why he added a constant who opposed the gravitational force called Cosmological
Constant. At that time he cannot explain the significance of the constant.
Dark Matter
According to Newton’s Gravitational Low gravitational force is inversely proportional to square of the
distance between two objects. It means if we go farther relative to an object then we feel less gravitational
force due to increasing of our distance. But when we observed our galaxies, we see some strange
phenomenon. Actually if we go more farther from the center of the galaxy ,, the rotational speed should
decrease but strangely it Increases. This increasing in speed only can happen if and only if the mass of the
edge of the universe will increase with respect to distance. But after doing many observations and
Calculations we found that the mass at the edge of the universe is very low for reaching that speed. It
simply mean Newton’s Low is wrong or some strange mass is present that we are not able to detect. But
Newton’s Low are true everywhere except this phenomenon (As of Now). This indicates that some
unknown matter are present in our Universes. For now we don’t know anything about that matter so that it
is known as Dark Matter.

After Studying All Those Cosmological Phenomenon ,, I Came Two Such Possibilities That can Destroy our

1. If All The Known Matter And Dark Matter Will Dominate Then All The Space-Time Will Collapse Into A
Single Point Called Big Crunch.

2. And If The Dark Energy Dominate Then All The Respective Things In The Universe Will Move Away
From Each Other And The Hole Universes Will Face Deep Fridge.

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