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Q: What are the core memories?

Which core memories that shape Core memories are formed during the early periods of life.
and define your identity and It largely emulates truth and experiences to the person.

Drawing a personal take to events later in life, the particular core

memories that shape one's personality & identity are the ones most
intensely felt. For example, I have a hard time processing with an
environment filled with noise because at home, people commonly
raise their voices. It would slip through my adaptive behavior towards
different environments because I was exposed to it, being one of the
most consistent memories lingering discomfort for me. It being too
much for me to handle, it created my personality to be a reserved
person in order to not be a part of the unpleasant noise which
eventually shaped my belief that there is much to understand in quiet
conversations. This also had a toll to my identity as a person that
doesn't require much small talk for me to understand and accept other
Q: How can memories be changed
by later life experiences?

How memories are perceived could be changed

when a current “view” on it is created. There will
come a point of realization where multitudes of the
memory and experiences towards it could be seen.
In aging, I see it as a scary aspect that would be
inevitable of happening. Yet, it may be a fresh
setting to learn as life unfolds.
Q: In psychodynamic perspective, subconscious is
a part of Freud’s level of consciousness. In what
particular scene does subconscious becomes
significant in the Riley’s life? Elaborate.

When she suddenly felt the need to come back

after getting into the bus to run away, she did
not cave in to sadness and instead accepted it.
Although still uncertain on what her parents are
going to react, she chose to process the it to
realize what she truly needs to compromise
because somehow she sensed to find comfort
with being honest about her feelings.
Q: In relation with our Filipino values, which certain
emotions do you think our society values over the
others? Elaborate through situational example.

Like in many cultures, the basis of a good life are the

happiness of the people. It could be apparent in the
Filipino setting where different aspects of happiness
should be fore most supported. Like when comforting
a friend, the first thing to be said is to comfort the
person, rather than inititate an approach of This may
set aside the importance of acknowledging and
processing of other emotions like anger, fear, and
Q: If you are to come up with a psychological theory with
regards to the Pixar’s Inside Out movie, what would it be and
why? Elaborate the concept of your theory.

I see it as a theory of normalization giving importance

to process one's feelings than ignoring it. That
emotions other than happiness is not just a phase.
Throughout the movie, the more Riley suppresses her
feelings, the more confused she gets. The frustration
finally ends when her subconscious tells her to not run
away and face the circumstances around her. There is a
sense of comfort in accompanying sadness, and if one
learns to accept it, the easier it is to see the best ways
on handling adversity.

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