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Salvage charges

Salvage charges are amounts paid to protect the vessel against

additional loss. This could be as simple as adding a barrier to a
broken window or as complicated as a salvage company protecting
the vessel if grounded. Most marine insurance polices
provide salvage charges as part of the normal boat insurance
General charges
• A charge or instruction by the court to the jury
upon the case as a whole, or upon
its general features or characteristics.
Sue and labour
• Clause Definition: A standard clause in a
maritime insurance policy which allows the
insured to recover from the insurer any
reasonable expenses incurred by the insured
in order to minimize or avert a loss to the
insured property, for which loss the insurer
would have been liable under the policy.
Particular charge
•  along with Salvage charge are terms in
marine insurance. Where the marine
insurance policy contains a SUE AND LABOUR
CLAUSE , the assured may recover from the
insurer expenses properly incurred for the
protection of the insured consignment.

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