Product &brand Management: Syllabus Overview

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Product &Brand Management

Syllabus Overview

Sudhindra Apsingekar
Roll NO: A-27
What is a product
Any want-satisfying attribute a customer receives in
Product benefits could be physical or psychological
Earlier products were what factories made
Now it is what consumers want
And it is more than the bundle of benefit
The New Product development Process
Idea generation
Idea screening
Concept development and testing
Marketing strategy development
Business analysis
Product development
Test marketing
1. Product Development (Usually not considered )
2. Introduction (Slow sales no profit)
3. Growth ( Rapid market acceptance profit)
4. Maturity (slow down in sales)
5. Decline sales fall and profits drop)
What is a Brand?
Brand – derived from word ‘brandre’ which means ‘to burn’
AMA definition ‘A
brand is a name, term, symbol,
design or a combination of them, intended to
identify the goods and services of one seller or
group of sellers and to differentiate them
from those of competitors’
Brand name
Brand mark
Brand character
Trade mark
Various brand decisions
Brand decisions

2. Brand label 3.Brand symbol 4.Brand strategy 5.Brand market 6.Brand philosophy
1. Branding decision decision
decision decision decision

Branded Family
Brand branding
product Producer name Local
brand Co
brand Individual
Unbranded branding branding
Retailer Brand
product logo
brand Separate Family
Multi name for every
product line
Licensed Trade branding Global
brand Hybrid
marks brand branding
Certain terminologies
Brand Equity
Perceived quality

Brand Awareness Brand Associations

Brand Loyalty
Brand Other proprietary
Equity assets

Value of Customer Value of Firm

“Brand equity is a set of brand assets and
liabilities linked to a brand, its name and
symbol, that add to or subtract from the value
provided by a product or service to a firm
and/or to that firm’s customer”

Thus brand equity of an organization is based on all

the above discussion
What is Brand leveraging
Linking the brand to some other entity- some source
factors or related person, place or thing- that have
their own knowledge structures in the mind set of
customers which may create a new set of associations
from the brand to the entity as well as affect existing
brand associations
 B/coz of this, consumers may assume that all these claims may be
true for the brand
 This is called as

‘leveraging secondary brand knowledge’

An existing brand can also leverage associations by
linking itself to other existing brands from the same
company or different company
A product may uniquely and convincingly be
positioned by virtue of multiple brands involved
Advantages Disadvantages
Borrow needed expertise Loss of control
Leverage equity you don’t Risk of brand equity
have dilution
Reduce cost of product Negative feedback effects
introduction Lack of brand focus
Expand meaning into Organizational distraction
related categories
Sources of additional
Line Extension
Brand Extension
One of the strategies of brand leveraging
Competitive advantage
Line extension refers to extending the scope of brand
within its product category
Brand extension refers to extending the brand to new
product category
Line extension
Ability of brand to stretch across different product
Catering to new market segment
Easier and cheaper to implement
Brand extension
Utilization of brands core assets
Established brand name can be applied to new
product category
Types of brand extension
Same product in different form Gillette shave gel
---Gillette shave foam
Companion product to go along with parent
product Pepsodent toothpaste ---Pepsodent toothbrush
Transfer of a distinctive taste, ingredient or
component to new product Maggi noodles-Maggi
taste maker
New product catering to same target market Visa
Credit card-Visa Travellers cheque
Reinforcing brand equity
How to make sure that consumers have desired
Is Brand awareness and Brand image good in the
minds of customer?
What products does the brand represent?
What benefits and needs does it satisfy (maggi ad
campaign) ?
What strong, favourable and unique brand
associations exists in the mind of customers?
Ways of reinforcing
Maintaining brand consistency (in spite of market
leadership and failures)
Protecting sources of brand equity
Fortifying vs leveraging
Good supporting marketing programs (various
slogans emphasizing the features/benefits)
Revitalizing brands
Expanding brand awareness
Improving brand image
Changing brand elements
Identifying additional or new usage opportunities
Identifying new and completely different ways to
use the brand
Repositioning the brand
Entering new markets
Line extension
Strategies for brand revitalization
A. Increasing rate of consumption
Reminding customers to buy more (family pack, party
Providing incentives (on producing 5 wrappers one
piece free)
Developing positive associations with product or
usage ( yummy tummy)
Brand Awareness
Customers’ ability to brand recognition and brand
recall performance
Brand recognition: consumers’ ability to confirm the
brand prior to exposure of brand
Brand recall: consumers’ ability to retrieve the brand
from the memory when given the product category or
the needs fulfilled by the category
Advantages of brand awareness
Learning advantage
Consideration set advantage
Choice advantage
Brand Image
Strength of brand associations
Favorability of brand associations
Uniqueness of brand associations
Points of Difference (POD)
Points of Parity (POP)
Four steps of Strong Brand Building
Who you are? (brand identity)
What you are? (brand meaning)
What do I think or feel about you?(brand responses)
What about you and me? (brand relationship)
Brand Building Blocks
4. Relationship
What about you & me?
3. Response
Brand Brand
What about you?
judgements feelings

2. Meaning
Brand Brand
What are you?
performance imagery

1. Identity
Brand salience
Who are you?

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