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Week 8

Exportation channel
1.For any Business Organization which is eyeing a foreign market as a part of
its export strategy getting its marketing and supply chain in place forms a
critical part of the initial process.
2. This process well determines its initial foray into the markets within
international markets.
3. Distribution channel management is a key concern and relationship between
exporting firms.
4. And other members of the international distribution channel, can significantly
impede enhance performance in export markets.
Explanation about exportation channel
a. Direct sales: In direct sales, the US .producers handle every aspect of the
exporting process and details directly with a potential buyer to fulfill the sale.
b. Indirect sales: We can take different forms, you can select an agent, representative
or distributors to0 find buyers or sell your own products abroad in foreign markets or
sell to a wholesaler.
5. The export channel are important because by means of them you can
export your products abroad to foreign markets.
6. And every business people who export their goods are always using this
means of business or exportation channel.

Exportation models
1. Exporting performance models anchored in the industrial organization and
resource-based theories have previously been developed and tested.
2. Thus far, there have been no empirically tested export performance models
that have reflected the core tenets of the rational or behavioral and paradigm.
3. The export land model, refers to work done Dallas and Building on the work
of others and discussed widely on the oil drum.
4. The export model is important to petroleum importing nations because when
the rate of global petroleum production peaks.
5. And then it begins to decline, the petroleum available on the world market will
decline much more steeply than the decline in total production.
Customs tariff

1. All European Union states apply the same Common Customs Tariff (CCT)
under the Common Customs Tariff, different rates of duty apply to different
products, depending on their nature, source of origin and their economic
2. Import duty is the most common taxation on imports and it is calculated
From the basis of:
a. The classification of the goods for the purpose of the European Union
Common Customs Tariff.
b. The source of origen of the goods.
c. The value of the different products.
d. Reduced or zero rates, products from countries with which the European
Union has concluded a free trade agreement are subjected to import duty at
a reduced or zero rates.
e. Special rates for products from developing countries under the generalized
System of Preferences, some goods imported from developing countries are
subjected to import duty at a reduced or zero rate.
f. To claim the reduced or zero rate, it is usually necessary to be able to show
a certificate of origen form or invoice declaration.
g. This can lead to more access to capital flows in foreign countries markets
or border markets.
h. So commerce benefits to under developed or developing countries in their
business and tariff.
i. Currently, Customs Tariff are very important entities for the devepment of
the markets and their countries by means of the tariff.

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