Pesticides Report 2

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available for red listed

Weekly Progress Report
Neghi Ilampirayan
International projects as inspiration to find alternative
An example of detailed 8 session video covering all
In India
Information available
• Has provided information on Integrated Pest Management strategies
for many fruits, vegetables, pulses (export purposes) – Wheat, Snake
guard, Taro, sapota, ridge guard, little guard, lablab beans, Guava,
Fenugreek, Drumstick, Cluster beans, Brinjal, Bottle/Bitter Gourd,
Betelvine, Basil etc.

• SOPs for Integrated Pest Managements – Generic document, not

specific to each crop

• Production protocols for Biopesticides

A book on compilation of evidence from Indian
research on positive impacts of Eco Agriculture
Red listed Pesticides
Red listed Description Type Commerci Used For
Pesticides (HHPs al Name
highly used)
Glyphosate Non-specific OP, Herbicide, Round Cardamom, Tea, Approved for more than 20 crops
(~1300 MT) systemic herbicide, destroy weeds UpTM out of which 16 are food crops, extensively used in
Broad-Spectrum gardening, park maintenance
Profenophos Choline esterase OP, Insecticide, Prahar Cardamom, Tea, Black Pepper, Cotton, Wheat, Paddy,
(~600 MT) Inhibitor Acarcide 50TM Apple, Mango, Potato, Sugarcane
Chlorantraniliprole New class of Ryanoid class, Rynaxpyr Used for Annual and Perennial Crops
(~200 MT) Insecticide Carboxamide
Validamycin Antibiotic derived Fungicide Sheathmar Fight against sheath blight disease of rice crop,
from S. Pollen cucumbers
Copper Hydroxide Treat bacterial and Aocide Tomatoes, Leafy Vegetables, Potato, Walnut, Onion,
fungal diseases Blue Shield Carrot
Red listed Description Type Commerci Used For
Pesticides (HHPs al Name
highly used)
Temephos Non-systemic OP, Larvicide Abate Treat water infested with Mosquitoes, midges,
Choline esterase Bithion black fly larvae (Ponds, Marshes), Treat fleas on
inhibitor, Polar Dogs and Cats
Spinetoram Broad Spectrum Insecticide Delegate Cotton, Soyabeans, Chilly, Citrus fruits, Wine Crops
Affect nervous Largo
Imiprothrin Paralysis in Insects Synthetic Pestanal
Dodine Broad spectrum Acetate salt Indofil To control black spot and foliar diseases on
fungicide and aliphatic Noor/Sup apples, pears, peaches, nectarines and
nitrogen erstar 65 strawberries. 
Alternative for glyphosate

• Crop rotation
• Cover crops – Nitrogen fixing species
• Mixed cropping
• Weeders
• Biological weed control
• Weed management by livestock
• Eobiotic herbicides – Vinegar, Pine
Importance of IPM
Free App Developed by PEAT – Rotterdam

Combination of strategic and tactical control

Best options for reduced use of chemical
• Biological Pesticides
• Change of cultivation Techniques (Crop rotation, Border cropping)
• Biological Controls (Use of Natural Enemies such as predators, parasites,
pathogens or competitors)
• Mechanical or Physical Controls – Pheremone traps, Mulching methods,
steam sterilization of soil
• Neem treated fertilizers – specific to India
• Choice of specific beneficial indigenous seeds
• Manual weeding techniques (labor intensive/expensive)

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