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Introduction of ‘Think Box’

in the draft document

Neghi Ilampirayan
Introduction of “Think Box” in the document
• Is it okay or not

• It will provide information/insights/quote examples of some

important aspects that needs to be highlighted

• If it is in the document at different sections, attention to

those details will be minimum
Glyphosate is India’s highest selling herbicide including global market –
“Falls under the list of EDC and a HHP”

Quote the action of activist Santanu Mitra – His Book “Poisoned Foods of North America” –
Questions the lentils and pulses imported to India – Proven connection between
Glyphosate residues in all types of food and environment and the rising cases of Auto-
Immune Diseases in India
A proven small-scale homestead based integrated farming system in tribal areas of
Nicobar Islands, India

Reported in the annual report of DAC&FW – “State of Indian Agriculture 2015-16”

An integrated farming system model comprising home garden for growing fruits and vegetables, goat, backyard
poultry was evaluated in farmer’s field on participatory approach in two tribal villages of Car Nicobar. The model
aims at improving livelihood security of the tribal household through improving household nutrition, income
and employment generation. The result was tremendous in terms of productivity increase from 50% to 250%
and increased income generation per household, and finally attaining a balanced nutrition.

Can we have a policy statement that facilitate the same IFS model for small-scale farmer land holdings that
account for the major portion of agricultural area in India?
Importance of Honey Bees in the Ecosystem – Non-specifically affected by the use of
toxic pesticides such as Abamectin, Carbofuran, Chlorpyrifos, Diafenthiuron, etc., (Listed
in PAN_2021 List of HHPs)

Honey Bees play a critical role in pollinating nearly one-third of the food we eat.

Broadly 3 types of plants being cultivated.
1. High yielding native varieties (mostly indigenous germplasm, adapted to native conditions)
2. Hybrid (mostly one time usage, cannot produce progeny and farmer's have to buy seeds each time)
3. Genetic Modified
Honey bees are critical only for group1 (to some extent for group2), mentioned above, which plays a vital role in
preserving the indigenous germplasm , and in the big picture provide a self-sustaining way of cultivation. Direct
beneficiary of 'honey bees loss' would be companies promoting 'one time use seeds’. There are reports indicating
pesticides affect them non-specifically by altering their signalling mechanism (colony collapse disorder).

Interesting observation on the far sighted patent by 'Walmart' for robotic bees for better control over its food supply
chain , which stresses their significance, and the need for our nation to save natural honey bees as a tool for achieving
food sovereignty in future.
UPL -Remarkable change in the business outlook of one of the biggest player in Indian
pesticide industry in last 5 years.

UPL with its global expansion and on its way to top 5 players of the world, is offering consultancy projects
in Integrated pest management, named ‘PRONUTIVA’ in European countries. It has also brought in
innovative soil amendments like ‘ZEBA’ that can promote soil microbiome, while ensuring efficient use of
minimal pesticides. Promoting these kind of new materials can play the bridge to reduce the pesticide

This looks like beginning of positive change in approach of pesticide producer companies. Companies are
trying to be sustainable in their business and have better ‘Business Continuity Plans’ in midst of growing
resonance against chemical pesticides.
Its highly possible that these approaches can be adopted by other Indian pesticide companies too. Like,
focusing ‘High Net Worth Farmers’ on profitable IPM consultancy projects, which aids the farmers to
produce food products below permissible pesticide levels that meets global standards for export. A win-
win situation.

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